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    I can't remember if it can block electrical attacks either. I don't think it can block magic though (Twinrova boss).

    All I know is what I gathered from the LoZ Wiki. It says that there was a shield that really was made by the gods (indestructible), but then mortals began creating copies of the shield. It could be that they are enchanted to be more durable. In the end, I was simply going off of the Wiki. I don't like to make uninformed decisions.



    I think Wonder should be here within the hour, but I could be wrong. Sometimes, he doesn't appear.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      @ S121

      The Hylian shield can block magic, just not all. Exhibit A: Phantom Ganon and some others I can't think of right now.

      The Mirror Shield is the perfect shield. Indestructible and capable of certain magical abilities. Let's see how that Master Spark is when it's reflected right back at cha~!
      Throughout the games, the Mirror Shield has proven to be the end-all in any of the one's it is in (that I can recall off the top of my head.)

      In terms of its durability...I would say because it isn't THE Hylian shield from SS, I'll say it could be destroyed. The Mirror Shield, on the other hand, can not.

      EDIT: We should introduce ALL the Links. Everyone gets 1 Link of the 12-13 Total. How about that? (Evil is so screwed...)
      Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-25-2013, 10:20 PM.



        Yea, there's NO doubt that the Mirror Shield is indestructible. It can block virtually any attack and can even reflect most magic (I tried to reflect Ganondorf's magic back at him. It wouldn't work. It only absorbed the attack instead of reflecting it. No easy route there...)).

        What I'm getting at is that it's immune to magic, but it seems that it can only reflect lasers and rays (tell me if I'm wrong. It's been a while.). I remember trying to exploit the shield.
        Last edited by S121; 10-25-2013, 10:21 PM.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          @ S121

          Master Spark
          Any energy based weapon

          Hmm...It'll be interesting indeed.
          Also in canon to LoZ: WW, it can reflect Light Arrows...
          I wonder...

          But ya, in OoT, the only magic anything it had was against Twinrova
          In later games it functioned as a mirror that could also reflect some more energy based attacks. I think it one, you could reflect the laser of a beamos (or else i'm confusing twinrova again...)
          Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-25-2013, 10:25 PM.



            I'm actually a little confused about the LAEVATEINN Atomic Bond Splitter vs the Mirror Shield.

            I have no doubt that it would reflect the beam, but would it eat away at the shield?

            Unlike most beam attacks, this one's powered by science, which means that it might not be able to absorb the damage done to it, seeing as how the beam is not magic.

            In normal physics, you can destroy a mirror if you have a powerful enough laser.

            Would that mean that it follows normal physics, or that it treats the beam like magic? It all depends on whether or not you follow the Mirror Shield's abilities to the letter.

            I think it all comes down to science vs magic...

            In the end, I really don't know. -_-;
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Do note that Youkais don't only possess danmaku.


                @ S121

                Would the LAEVATEINN be considered a Laser, as in concentration of light?
                If so, then the Mirror Shield would still hold true.

                Its less a mirror of magic spells, than it is a magic mirror in of itself. :P

                @ Wriggle

                True true, but for the sake of examples I kept the list short.



                  Well, It's not really a laser in the traditional sense. It produces a beam of energy that strips atoms of their bonds by stripping them of their Electrons and leaving only Protons and Neutrons, causing them to repel each other and scatter. It produces light, but it's not the light itself that destroys things, it's the energy being used to alter the atoms. I guess it would be more like a ray, or a beam, maybe a focused wave.

                  What do you think?

                  In the end, Six is not going to constantly carry that weapon around. It needs the THOR Module to work, due to it's power consumption. The MJOLNIR on it's own wouldn't even be able to power the LAEVATEINN for a second.
                  Last edited by S121; 10-25-2013, 10:45 PM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    @ S121

                    If my brain wasn't so fuzzy I'd go into the physics of how its all similar.
                    If I recall with 1 long summer break of dust plus switching back to chemistry...I'm pretty certain it's one in the same. I gotta look at light waves and what not...but I'm really really really really certain that it is one in the same.
                    So if my memory is not faulty right now, then the Mirror shield would be able to handle it in terms of science plus it's magical properties allowing it to handle that.

                    (Despite being mind derped, I would bet money that I'm right in some regard. Probably not 100% but still I'm fairly certain that the LAVAETINN is light, because energy is light and w/e...blahblah insert actual physics here to prove either me wrong or right)

                    oh and I found this:

                    concept for thought
                    Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-25-2013, 10:51 PM.


                      Okay for the sequel I know who I will introduce:

                      Pit from Kid Icarus

                      Sonic OR Shadow (maybe Shadow)

                      and Elsword. He is currently in the real world, because like I said he is one of the first Elsword characters to be brought into the real world. He is just somewhere in the world.

                      The thing is... I don't know which of Elsword's classes I will use though... they are all cool and unique in their own right...



                        I've finally figured out what would happen.

                        I found what the LAEVATERINN's process is called. I'm referring to Ionization, or the adding and removing of electrons to make a positive or negative ion.

                        It can be achieved by lasers, but mirrors don't reflect all of the energy they receive (See Reflectivity). A small fraction is turned into heat energy, which can then superheat the shield. If it can't reflect ALL of the Ionizing laser's energy then it would slowly ionize a hole into the shield (It would probably take a while to destroy the shield though, so Link doesn't really have to worry too much. I would still recommend dodging it to keep the shield in perfect condition.). It might not destroy the mirror shield for a little while, but it will make it glow from the heat and burn the user, due to the amount of power the LAEVATEINN uses.

                        EDIT: We're both right. It is a laser, but the laser would destroy the shield while being reflected. I would also say that the Mirror Shield would use Aluminum as the reflecting material. It's better at reflecting lasers.

                        Reflectivity -----> (

                        (This one leads to Wikipedia, but it seems to be referenced in the Princeton page when you click "full article".) ------> (Wiki)

                        MECHA BONGO!!! XD


                        Which ones are there?
                        Last edited by S121; 10-25-2013, 11:41 PM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          @ S121

                          as much as I love Science ...I would stick with the canon aspects of what the Mirror shield can or can't handle. I would keep the canon of the Mirror shield and keep it indestructible, because there's too many aspects where it can be explained vaguely that it can handle anything you throw at it, even the LAVAETINN Laser, otherwise we're turning it into something less than what it really is...
                          Also I remember reading somewhere where the Mirror Shield is actually made of crystal...can't remember exactly...I might be pulling from really faulty memories now.



                            Uh... Mega?

                            Anyways the classes are Rune Slayer. A class that focuses magic and such. Elsword can attack with Runes in this class.

                            Lord Knight: A class that focuses on more physical attacks, and can also have the highest HP of any character due to the passives he gets:

                            Infinity Sword: A class that focuses on dual wielding with the Conwell, and Elsword's other blade. Has some of the longer combos in the game (and I know how to do some pretty decent combos with him) and has wider range skills than the other Elsword Classes. Kind of like a bridge between the other two classes. He can be an absolute beast in combat with his combos (and the attack Final Strike is pretty freaking awesome. He slashes, creates a black hole to suck in enemies, then finishes them off with a large double cross slash.)



                              And that's the problem.

                              It becomes a science vs magic situation. You have an ionizing laser capable of stripping atoms, vs a magic mirror shield. Their polar opposites, even in function. I suppose you could ignore the Ionization effect, but I think the heat would still affect it, but the shield wouldn't melt or get soft. It would only get really hot.

                              Why are we even talking about this? It's not like Six and Link are going to get into a fight to the death. I think it had to do with the LAEVATEINN's weapon classification and the effect of lasers on mirrors.


                              Sorry, I've been talking to Mega a lot, and my mind is cluttered with all this talk about lasers and mirrors. Mainly magic and science stuff.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Yea, internet probs, MGSPW, the usual. bout to go out as a matter of fact.

                                @ Wriggs
                                HM did ask her to join him.

