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Isaac and Koishi are going metal gear solid in the flagship
Samus is walking towards the ship´s core
John, Nera, Iku, Yuuka, Yukari are looking at the devourer himself, the jackal is facing him with a hand to hand combat, no magic, no special technology, only punches and kicks
Renamon is still on the deal with Domino to bargain Ran for Domino´s brother (which I don´t know what happened to him)
(At school at the moment)
Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..
I meant til -.- I won't be back TIL later tonight. Sorry kind of just woke up not to long ago and am a bit busy right now :/ Please don't do anything important while I'm gone today. I'm already kind of angered that I missed important things in the Devourer arc.