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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Oh good some people are still in America.

    Yeah. I play a mean Bellatrix in KR server. I might pick up Kritika whee it comes out on NA.
    Oh, btw, Male Launcher is already in Neo-Yakuza. It has to be some other class (Hoo Hoo Hoo)


      Also you want to know something funny? Didn't Dante tell John that he would be willing to help them when the group was still in Hawaii? If so then why can't John ask Yukari to go get Dante.

      With all of his abilities Dante would be a great help.
      Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


        You haven't read ze lore. Yukari just lost her bf. Would she have minds to grab Dante?
        {Uwaaaa Yuukaaaaa}


          Anyways, if all else failed, John was going to use his combat knife or his light magic to forcefully remove all the affected tissue.

          Of course, it would be a last ditch effort, considering how extreme it is.

          Would that work?
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Originally posted by WriggleRid3r View Post
            You haven't read ze lore. Yukari just lost her bf. Would she have minds to grab Dante?
            {Uwaaaa Yuukaaaaa}
            Oh... true...
            well damn. Didn't you say though that you were wanting to get Dante into the Devourer arc though? Just thinking of reasonable ways as to how to do that.
            Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...



              That's a VERY risky way. Sure, Youkais take a bloody short time to regenerate and stuff, but she might contact a chronic disease if you perform an operation right there.

              Honestly, I advise you to leave her. I have her DED for reason and plot and stuff.


                Originally posted by WriggleRid3r View Post
                Oh good some people are still in America.

                Yeah. I play a mean Bellatrix in KR server. I might pick up Kritika whee it comes out on NA.
                Oh, btw, Male Launcher is already in Neo-Yakuza. It has to be some other class (Hoo Hoo Hoo)
                Oh so the kr version is still going? Hmm... Wouldn't have my Viper with his gear if i started there...
                Is it in english at least...or patches to make it english?

                Anyway ya have a launcher here already? How crazy would it be maybe to have a viper then?
                - the two MGs look at each other -
                Viper: nice guns.
                Launcher: *pats biceps* thanks.
                /la irony

                ...if all else a summoner would be fun to introduce...



                  Well how would we get Komachi to get Dante there? Seriously I think they completely forgot about the Devourer Arc, or probably realizes that it had come much sooner than expected.

                  Also short time to regenerate for Youkai's? HA! Dante could beat them easily with regeneration!
                  Abilities from the wiki:
                  "He has the strength to punch through and/or shatter stone with little difficulty, and often overpowers demons much larger than himself. Dante's display of superhuman strength indicates that his physical condition is much tougher than that of humans, allowing him to exert his enhanced muscle power to vast proportions without fear of injury or fatigue.

                  Dante is blindingly fast, able to dash a short distance to dodge attacks, dodge bullets fired at close-range, and move so fast that he appears to teleport. He is extremely agile as well; able to jump to great heights or even balance himself on a flying rocket, as well as run up vertical walls. In addition, his agility allows him to perform amazing feats of acrobatics that easily surpass even the finest human acrobat.

                  He is able to channel his power into various physical objects, ranging from his guns to the air itself. Dante can also hold his breath indefinitely, or perhaps even breathe underwater, as he can remain submerged for extended periods of time without taking damage or needing to surface for air. Additionally, Dante possesses great resistance to heat, as shown in Devil May Cry 4 when he casually sat on the flaming tail of Berial and came out with little more than a burnt coat. In the opening cutscene of the original Devil May Cry, he demonstrates telekinetic abilities, catching Trish's motorcycle in mid-flight before shooting it with Ebony and Ivory.

                  Dante can instantly heal from nearly any wound; even the Hell Prides were surprised when he ignored their attacks at the beginning of Devil May Cry 3. Dante's durability has been shown to allow him to simply shrug off wounds that would either disable or outright kill a normal Human, such as being impaled through the chest with his own sword (something that happens to him during almost every game and also happened in the anime), struck by opponents with superhuman strength (such as when he showed no discomfort when Nero repeatedly punched him in the face with Devil Bringer), or being shot point-blank in the head and stomach.

                  Dante rarely shows himself to struggle in battle and wins most of his fights with such ease it's af if he was merely toying with his opponent, however his brother Vergil did defeat him once, then again as Nelo Angelo. Nero apparently defeated him at the beginning of Devil May Cry 4, but Dante admitted the battle only ended the way it did because he underestimated Nero. In their second fight Dante soundly defeated Nero and made the latter realize he was being toyed with from the beginning.

                  In Devil May Cry 4, it is implied that Dante's strength is not just due to his father, but also from his will to protect others. It is suggested that any Demon who possesses the will to protect and love others rather than to simply destroy will gain the full might of their demonic power, though Dante, Vergil, and Nero may simply be exceptions due to possessing both human souls and demonic power."

                  Dante is definitely OP, at least he is with the good guys.
                  Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                    Suika. 'Nuff said.

                    Aya. 'Nuff said.

                    Special Abilities
                    Byakuren. 'Nuff said.

                    Regen Rate
                    Remilia. 'Nuff said.

                    So, the only use for Dante is tanking. Mwahahahahaha.

                    Well, can you have John respond to Yuuka's death at least?

                    It still going. But no, no english patch. You'll have sone idea of what to do, but you know, it ain't the same.

                    Also, I have certain hatred towards Summoners. Partially because they are horrible PVP opponents.
                    Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 09-01-2013, 01:26 AM.



                      No matter, Dante could be used for many kinds of styles ranging from tanking, to support if he has the Artemis from Devil May Cry 3, and Pandora from Devil May Cry 4
                      Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                        Hmm, I wonder how to bring Dante over. Where is he right now?



                          So should I move on with the plot and save the Dhal Revive Unit for John?
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                            No matter, Dante could be used for many kinds of styles ranging from tanking, to support if he has the Artemis from Devil May Cry 3, and Pandora from Devil May Cry 4.

                            Also is Aya as fast as Dante when she is on the ground?

                            Not only does he have those abilities, but he has the Devil Trigger which basically doubles his current abilities. More so it increases his speed and healing factor more than anything else.

                            With Devil Trigger Dante could easily compete as one of the fastest in this RP. (Aside from Zommari who seems to be in a league of his own according to what Wonder said on the previous page.)
                            Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                              Yeah. Save it. Meanwhile, have John respond to Yuuka's demise.

                              Aya's speed on ground is as fast as a normal Tengu.
                              Now let's do math here.
                              In League of Legends, Graves the Outlaw has a skill called Quickshot that is extremely similar to Dante's short dash. Considering that Graves moves about 425 range in 0.5 seconds, with Quickshot speed, Graves moves at 850 range per second.

                              Graves has 325 base movement speed. His Quickshot speed is approximately 2.6 times higher.

                              Now let's look at Dante.

                              From what I can tell from a bit of gameplay I saw, he can quickly burst through approximately 60 to 75 meters in 0.5 seconds, which is 120 to 150 mph in a burst.

                              Divide that by 2.6, and Dante's base movement speed is 57.35 mph at best.

                              Aya is about same speed in flight as Youmu's sword slash. It has been fanonically proven that Youmu's sword slash can reach maximum of 1/4th of Speed of Light. Which means that Aya can fly in approx. Mach 220400.

                              Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 09-01-2013, 01:39 AM.


                                Long post incoming...
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

