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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Lol the Red Striker does have some combat capabilities. The front of the vehicle is actually a shield much like Proto Man's Proto Shield. It can block attacks from other vehicles and such. It can lift up a bit to reveal an energy cannon that can fire Proto Man's signature Proto Strike attack. The shield can also flip over to the back to protect it from behind. It also has the highest top speed, but poor acceleration because of the L-Blow Engine, and the Hi-Speed Tail Wing increases that top speed even further. It's tires give it the best control and is capable of small sharp turns. Though the suspension isn't very strong. He is over all my favorite racer in the game.



      Proto Strike Cannon, a great way to take care of people that cut you off.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Why can I imagine John seeing the Red Striker...

        "Nice car... do you... think you can get me a car like it? Except ya know... bigger?"
        Proto Man: ". . ."


          The car wouldn't last very long.

          Let me remind you of John's driving.

          There's a reason why he doesn't own a car. XD
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Dappa Proto!

            (grumble mumble)

            This is going to take longer than I expected.


              Lol I know, but remember there are special metals from their series that can withstand the weight of John. Hell Guts Man has a vehicle that can handle his weight, as well as the weight of a boulder that would weigh at least half a ton. (Guts Man himself weighs almost the same amount of John.) I'm sure there would be a way to make a car similar to Proto Man's, except larger and able to handle John's weight. Though it would be HIGHLY expensive to produce, much like a certain little something that would be the bane of almost every single one of our characters here...



                No worries. We're not going anywhere.


                You also have to take into account John's insane, suicidal driving.

                I'm sure he would have to flip the car back over more than a few times.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                  Lol yea, also what I was referencing was the insta-kill spikes. According to the Wiki there are 2 types of spikes.
                  The first type are constructed of spikes sharpened at the molecular level, and therefore able to instantly penetrate any material. The second type are spikes charged with massive quantities of energy and that instantly impart the entirety of that energy to anything that touches them. Both trap types are extremely expensive to produce. Mega Man and other robots can protect themselves from spikes if they have a shock barrier, but even then the Shock Barrier only protects a person for 1 use. With the Shock Barrier a person would just take heavy damage, but not die. Though after the shock barrier is used then you would want to get the hell out of a pit made out of those spikes.

                  Those spikes would be the bane of almost everyone. Especially if there were now spikes that were sharpened at the molecular level as well as being charged with massive quantities of energy... hehehe...


                    Well, it would be the bane of everyone that can't fly.

                    There is one way to get through the spikes, but you would need a lot of upper body strength. You could grab the spikes by the sides and make your way across the pit upside-down. You would just need to be very careful. Of course, you would also need a good set of shields too, for the energy spikes.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Why can I imagine a situation where X and John are at a pit of those spikes.

                      X: "Okay John, be very careful here. These spikes are sharpened at the molecular level, and I detect massive amounts of energy in them. One touch and your toast. Trust me you would need to be like a freaking god or something just to get past them without flying"

                      John: "... Challenge Accepted" *Proceeds to prove X wrong and grabs onto the spikes upside down, he then proceeds to make his way to the other side of the pit upside down.*



                        @ wriggle
                        And you have to update on HM and the Deckers reaction to seeing Zommari's white angel form for the first time.



                          I'm pretty sure John would laugh at X's reaction, one of the few times he has ever laughed.

                          *Proceeds to fly back to X*

                          "Need a lift?"

                          It just goes to show that brains can do just as much as brawn, but it really helps to have both.


                          I gotta mow the lawn. I'll be back soon.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Ok thought it through and because everyone else is so freakishly powerful, thought I'd tap into Robin's connection with Grima to balance things out so that Robin can actually stand a chance.
                            Grima's only true weakness is himself and Falchion. Exalted Falchion can deal the final blow to send Grima to slumber again for a few thousand years. Now in order to kill him off permanently is to have him kill other words Robin must deal the final blow. Right now Robin is practically invincible except he can be weakened to the point where he's on death door. So I would say Robin/Grima can be "knocked unconscious" after a lot of hits. Also if this state isn't achieved, he slowly naturally heals.


                              So, anyone still alive.


                                Define Alive...
                                WHAT IS A LIFE???

