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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Eh it probably won't work.

    It basically involves the group somehow encountering Chung's possessed father and getting into a fight with him with the following possible results...

    1: Chung's father is freed from his possession, and is returned back to normal. Chung is overjoyed.

    2: Chung's father ends up defeated, and is freed from his possession yet he dies from his injuries.

    3: It is revealed that it was just a physical illusion created by a stronger force.



      That would be kind of hard to implement.

      It could possibly be done, but we would need to find a way to squeeze him in without butchering the story, or making it feel choppy.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        That's why I'm not going to go through with it. Too hard to implement.

        Also a picture of Chung's father:
        Chung's father while he is possessed has the same appearance, except the white of his armor is black.



          It looks like he's been stabbing people with his shoulder guards.

          He does look badass, you can't deny that.

          FUND IT!!! FUND IT NOW!!!

          Last edited by S121; 09-26-2013, 03:21 AM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            ... So true... he needs to stop bumping into people :P

            Also cool vid, it does need to happen.

            Also after reading about Knuckles the Echidna's abilities I realized something...

            He's stronger than I thought!

            Knuckles Strength:
            Knuckles's trademark ability is his immense amounts of superhuman physical strength, so vast that it enables him to accomplish incredible feats, such as shattering boulders to smithereens, punch holes through thick steel and lift objects several times his own size and weight. His super strength seems to lie in his upper body, particularly in his arms and hands. Knuckles' strength is believed to be equal to Sonic's speed, which would make him able to lift and press 100 metric tons, making him physically stronger than all other characters in the series.
            Another testament to Knuckles' monstrous brute strength is that he is able to split the hydrogen in the air by punching, strike out with his fists or throw object through air with such force that he can make them ignite fire and punch the ground with enough strength to cause fissures, tremors, explosions and even kick up small volcanic eruptions over a wide area.

            Physical Abilities
            Like most other character in the series, Knuckles is shown to be very fast on his feet, being able to run at remarkable, near-superhuman speeds, though he still not quite as fast as Sonic, Tails or Shadow. Additionally, his high speed does not seem to extend to his upper body, and he has been noted for having slow movements in combat. Over time, Knuckles began to lose some of his speed, but also gain a lot more power.
            Knuckles also possess near-maximized physical endurance to match his strength, and is capable of taking as much major punishment as he is able to deal out, even being able to survive a bomb exploding right in front of him. Knuckles is as well strong enough to hold out against an army of robots without rest.

            Unlike Sonic, Knuckles is a very experienced swimmer, due to his interest of being a treasure hunter, and can swim to incredible depths and with both great speed and skill.

            Knuckles is also shown to have sharp reflexes and acrobatic skills, being able to do special tricks and movements while in mid-air, though he is not nearly as acrobatic as Sonic or Shadow are, nor can he jump very high. To make up for his lack of agility, however, Knuckles possesses a wide range of movement abilities. By stretching his arms and legs outwards while airborne, Knuckles can catch the wind under his dreadlock-like spines, allowing him to glide long distances through mid-air and can do so with great control over his movements. Also, by using the spikes on his fists, Knuckles can attach himself to walls and climb up any kind of surface with ease, no matter the material.

            Knuckles is also a proficient burrower, able to dig into any wall or floor and excels at tunneling through subterranean regions with great speed.

            Besides physicals strengths, Knuckles is also expert treasure hunter, which is shown during his several hunts for Emerald Shards, and can be considered one of the best treasure hunters in the world. While not exactly highly intelligent, Knuckles is well-versed in ancient cultures, ruins and legends, and is very knowledgeable on the subject, such as when he was able to translate the ancient texts at Gigan Rocks with little effort.

            Knuckles is also one of the few who knows how to access and utilize the powers of the Master Emerald, allowing him to harness the powerful emerald's various abilities. He can also sense the Chaos Energy of the Chaos Emeralds from a distance, or objects similar to them, such as the Sol Emeralds. Like Sonic and Shadow, Knuckles can also harness the power of the Chaos Emeralds to empower himself.

            Combat Skills

            Being the guardian of the Master Emerald, Knuckles is a very powerful and fierce fighter. He is a master of a wide variety of martial arts, focusing on hand-to-hand combat, and is capable of taking on even the most powerful of opponents without rest, such as when he was able to take down several of the military trained Nocturnus Clan soldiers. Even more so, he has been able to fight Sonic the Hedgehog to a standstill on several occasions. Also, in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, Tails notes that anyone capable of beating Knuckles in a fight must be very powerful and dangerous, a testament of his amazing fighting abilities.

            Fighting Style

            When in battle, Knuckles makes most use of his powerful arms and fists to take on his foes, with his specialty lying in punching moves where he uses his spiked fists to their fullest. In terms of fighting style, Knuckles' focuses specially on power, using strong and powerful punches, such as powerpacked jabs or piercing uppercuts, to deal damaging blows to his opponents. Once he catches an opponent in his combos, he keep them trapped by keeping up his strikes, not allowing his opponents a chance to counterattack. For stronger strikes, Knuckles tend to build up momentum with his fists by swinging them around, before hitting his opponent with full force. In his Major Eruption move in Sonic Battle, Knuckles takes advantage of his burrowing abilities, hiding underground and hitting opponents with an uppercut as he leaps out when his opponent least expects it.
            Despite being a powerhouse in close combat, as stated by Sonic, most of Knuckles' fighting moves are slow and easy to read, making Knuckles more vulnerable to those who give themselves time to read his moves.

            Techniques and Moves

            Knuckles' various moves and techniques revolves around his trademark Punch Attack, where he attacks his opponents with various punching combos, including surrounding his fists with fire. His Spiral Upper allows him to strike foes above him with a spinning uppercut, and his Drill Claw sends him spiralling down on his foes from above. For wider impacts, Knuckles can use his Hammer Punch or Knuckle Slam to create wide tremors or explosions that effect everything within their effect range.
            Knuckles has also been shown being able to use Sonic's trademark Spin Attack and Spin Dash to curl himself up and spin into a spiky ball when in motion that can damage, destroy or mow down many obstacles or foes or even burrow underground. He does, however, not use these moves or their variants, such as the Homing Attack, as often as Sonic and Shadow do.
            When gliding, Knuckles can also use his Grinding Knuckles Attack in conjunction with his movements, using the spikes on his fists to damage any foes he comes into contact with during his descend. With his Maximum Heat Knuckles Attack, Knuckles glides through air at high speeds, destroying any foes within his attack range.

            Miscellaneous Skills

            Knuckles has been shown to possess some mystical abilities of his own on several occasions, such as in Sonic Battle and Sonic Adventure 2, possibly due to his close connection to the Master Emerald. In Sonic Battle, Knuckles displayed some limited geokinetic abilities, such as harnessing elemental earth energies to protect or heal himself, or calling forth meteor-like rocks from above to strike his opponents, which is described as "supernatural control of earth". Also, in Sonic Adventure 2, he can call forth lightning bolts called Thunder Arrows to strike and stunt his opponents.

            Knuckles has also proven himself to be skilled with Extreme Gear in the Sonic Riders series, having shown himself a worthy competitor against many of the world's best Extreme Gear riders. To best put his skills in perspective, Knuckles was able to beat Storm the Albatross in a race, who is a part of the world's best Extreme Gear rider team, the Babylon Rogues. When riding his Extreme Gear at high speeds, Knuckles can bash his way through certain obstacles effortlessly, and, when someone gets near him on their Extreme Gear, he can engage in close combat with his opponents, without losing control over his Extreme Gear.


              You know, there's one thing I've never understood about KH.
              Why is it that Ienzo appears as this in BBS at the age of 4 ends up like this in DDD at the age of 15.

              Meanwhile Sora appears as this in BBS at the age of four and ends up like this in DDD at the age of 15.

              They are both the same age, yet Sora looks like he is 12 and Ienzo looks like he is 18 or more. Is it because he became a nobody. It just feels like every good person in KH stay a child despite their age.

              Looking at the pictures from KH III it looks like they kind of fixed this, but I still don't believe it's entirely fixed.
              Born in the light.
              Molded in the dark

              Never Forget,
              Keep Fighting.
              –Don't Forget.
              Always, somewhere,
              someone is fighting for you.
              –As long as you remember her,
              you are not alone.



                "Another testament to Knuckles' monstrous brute strength is that he is able to split the hydrogen in the air by punching, strike out with his fists or throw object through air with such force that he can make them ignite fire and punch the ground with enough strength to cause fissures, tremors, explosions and even kick up small volcanic eruptions over a wide area."

                The Sonic franchise, saying f*ck you to reality since 1990.

                If he was able to cause fissures, tremors, and volcanic eruptions, then he would actually be able to lift over 1,000 metric tons. Punching Hydrogen is not possible.

                It messes with my "suspension of disbelief".

                Perhaps I get too focused on realism that I have a hard time going with the bent physics in video games. -_-;

                I'm not strict when it comes to realism, but there's things that really stretch it.


                Ienzo matured faster?

                I think the reason why they make the protagonists more child-like to give them an implied innocence, to make them seem more pure.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Lol, you have a good point. In fact at least all games say f*ck you to reality at least once. There's also that Chaos Energy and shit... that has to be something.

                  Now just imagine if John met Knuckles because they had to have Knuckles help in searching for a sacred and powerful treasure...

                  Tails: "Careful John! Knuckles strength is said to be roughly the equivalent to Sonic's super speed! He is supposedly capable of lifting over one hundred metric tons! It's also said that he is able to split the hydrogen in the air by punching! Be careful! Oh yea, and he isn't all too smart either..."



                    You call this looking innocent and pure? He walks around the biggest part of the game as Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. He's also about the saame hight as Sora even after he transformed back. Did I also mention that the game is rated 12+?
                    Born in the light.
                    Molded in the dark

                    Never Forget,
                    Keep Fighting.
                    –Don't Forget.
                    Always, somewhere,
                    someone is fighting for you.
                    –As long as you remember her,
                    you are not alone.



                      "I've fought worse. I just gotta play smart."

                      Anyways, at least with Touhou they have magic.

                      Halo has humans that have been modified to an unbelievable extent, making them no longer human and suits that cost as much as a small starship.

                      Dead Space has space tech and parasitic aliens.

                      I think the reason Sonic bothers me is because they give no reason for the break in realism.

                      The Chaos Emeralds are basically naturally occurring energy crystals, so that's not really bad. It's plausible.

                      Splitting Hydrogen, well, that's not possible without having particle accelerators on your hands. That's like saying that you're going to cut atoms in half with a kitchen knife.


                      But he's a bad guy, or at least used to be.

                      As for 12 and up, I'm not sure kids would understand some of the deeper messages of the game.

                      I haven't played the game, but I have looked some of the universe up, and it's deeper than simply beating the bad guys.
                      Last edited by S121; 09-26-2013, 03:54 AM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        I do have to admit. In some areas they explain things that are simple to explain, and yet in other areas where there NEEDS to be explanation it does not give you an explanation.

                        One could say that it's just a natural ability for Knuckles to be able to do so to help with him being the guardian of the Master Emerald, and as such he has a lot of supernatural abilities like physically split Hydrogen if he puts all his strength into a single punch.
                        After all as a Guardian of a very powerful and mystical stone wouldn't you need a large arsenal of abilities to make you better at protecting it?

                        Though that's MY explanation, not the OFFICIAL explanation. Meaning it's not CANON, and as such is not considered true (even though it's just a very lame way of trying to explain it, and it STILL doesn't make much sense.)

                        Still, Knuckles would give John a hard time at first... until a few seconds into the fight where John begins to read Knuckles movements, and in turn is able to successfully counter Knuckles attacks.

                        At least Knuckles would be an ally if he was in the RP. Someone with that strength would be a pain to fight. A single punch from Knuckles would most likely end up killing normal characters (though there are equally strong characters that could do the same thing in this RP.)
                        Last edited by SUSTIC; 09-26-2013, 04:02 AM.



                          Nope, was never a bad guy. He's Sora's best friend. In the first game they are simply rivals and Riku is mislead by Ansem. You don't see Cloud or the other FF characters being portrayed that way. As for the age rating, yeah I think you're right there.

                          Riku is supposed to be 16 in the games now. Let's just hope that Sora follows this when he fills 16.

                          The only game where this actually works is BBS with Terra and Aqua being grown ups and Ventus being portrayed as a child.
                          Born in the light.
                          Molded in the dark

                          Never Forget,
                          Keep Fighting.
                          –Don't Forget.
                          Always, somewhere,
                          someone is fighting for you.
                          –As long as you remember her,
                          you are not alone.



                            Yea, I'm not hating on Sonic or anything, it's just the realism.

                            As for Knuckles vs John, it would be bad if John got hit, but John has reaction time and strategy over strength and raw power.

                            John's not as strong, but he has a little bit of everything.

                            His RP strength (dumbed down) is around 66 metric tons, he can react 75 times faster than the average human, is very intelligent, was given an advanced education, has offensive potential (He will find a way to blow it up. You don't think it's going to happen, but it does. He has the supernatural ability to blow up anything in his sight, one way or another. Just look at the Halo games. It must be one of his bad habits. XD), the defense to survive fatal blows, and luck.

                            He's really powerful, so I tried to give him psychological weaknesses to balance him out.


                            Bah, Sora just has a "babyface".

                            Some people just have it.

                            I suppose you can just blame it on the designers.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                              Born in the light.
                              Molded in the dark

                              Never Forget,
                              Keep Fighting.
                              –Don't Forget.
                              Always, somewhere,
                              someone is fighting for you.
                              –As long as you remember her,
                              you are not alone.



                                Sugar rush?

                                That smile scares me.

                                Thanks to you, I won't be able to sleep tonight.

                                Anyways, what do you think about this?

                                I think that this needs to be created. Just imagine these modules being incorporated into other devices, like laptops, or simplified desktop computers.

                                Last edited by S121; 09-26-2013, 04:30 AM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

