Hi there! Our forums are not currently accepting new account registrations. We primarily use our discord server these days so be sure to check it out to interact with the community!
Good morning. Anyways what was the last thing that happened that involved Kirkland? I know that Axl transformed into his Nine Tails transformation and used the Nine Fragments attack (Which is a powerful red laser) against Kirkland while X activates his fourth armor.
Well just don't stress yourself again. If you want we can all probably put the RP on hold for the day and let everyone just relax (besides usually on the weekends things do get a little slow.)
I will also however be running quite a few errands here and there today so I won't be as active as I want.
you know I haven't played minecraft much lately. In fact I haven't even played on a server recently.
I think I should play a bit before I go and do errands. At least they are not that important (just going out for groceries later and a few other things.)
S121 If you are ever on the server be sure to look out for me, my in game name is knightshade.