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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    (Please do excuse number of Side characters appearing. I'll try to keep them low.) {Maybe.}
    Makai, Gensokyo

    Makai, a world that exists in essentially an alternate dimension to Gensokyo. This hellish landscape of demons is one of the most inaccessible gateways from Gensokyo to the Outside world, due to the hostile environment and number of demonic residents.

    Why did Yukari choose this spot? {I want to see what they're made of.}

    Near Hokkai, a corner of Makai that has been sealed, an avatar of Bishamonten was meditating, until she felt a disturbance in the environment of Makai. Foreign entities, identities unknown, has entered through the Gap.
    "Toramaru-sama! Did you feel that?" A dowser mouse-youkai hopped as she approached the tigress. The tigress rose up and grasped her spear and her glistening pagoda.
    "Yes I did." The tigress spoke as she looked out into the distance. "I will go take a look. It is most likely the works of that Boundary Youkai again."


      Makai - Gensokyo

      John put X down while still carrying Yuuka over his shoulder.
      He looked around this new, alien landscape.

      "What is this place?"

      Right after he finished asking, he noticed two small dots approaching fast on his on board HUD radar.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Makai - Gensokyo

        As X gets put down his he stands up and looks at the area around him. He then looks off at the distance. Two faint figures can be seen approaching rapidly towards the group. X readies his X-Buster for the worst case scenario. His robotic eyes try to zoom in on the figures, and he sees what appears to be two people flying towards them. "Something is coming... and fast..." Said X as he gets in a defensive position his arm on his X-Buster.


          Makai - Gensokyo

          Aqua looked at the figures approaching them. ("It's never going to be easy is it?")
          She summoned her Keyblade and readied a Firaga spell.

          "Are they friendly?"
          Born in the light.
          Molded in the dark

          Never Forget,
          Keep Fighting.
          –Don't Forget.
          Always, somewhere,
          someone is fighting for you.
          –As long as you remember her,
          you are not alone.


            Makai - Gensokyo

            X looks at Aqua with a serious look on his face. "Judging by the speed they are approaching they are probably coming to see what we are. For all we know we could have stumbled upon something that we shouldn't have, and they are going to try and kick us out. Though I can't know exactly until we find out for ourselves..." Said X as he keeps his guard. Thanks to his sleep mode he is at near full charge. Though he does not know how long he can last in a battle.
            Last edited by NeoFox; 05-05-2013, 03:39 PM.


              Makai - Gensokyo

              John waits, his hand next to his gun, ready for battle.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Makai, Gensokyo

                Shou looked over the small valley. There was the Youkai of Boundary, of course. Her companions consisted of two men in weird armor, a fox that resembled Ran, and a blue-haired sorceress with a sword-like Key.
                "What shall we do?" Elis, the magus demon, asked besides Shou. All in all, 4 residents of Makai appeared above the hill.
                "Let us approach them first." Shou suggested. "If anything happens, we will attack without mercy."
                The residents of Makai nodded in unison, and carefully trotted down the hill to approach the party.


                  Makai - Gensokyo

                  John eased up ever so slightly because of the outfits the "locals" were wearing.

                  (What the? What is this, a circus? Is this how they normally dress?)

                  John eased his stance and spoke to the middle "local".

                  "Umm..hello? Can we help you?"
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Makai, Gensokyo

                    "Umm..hello? Can we help you?"
                    "I sense... condescend... in your voice." Shou spoke to one of the armored man in the middle. Judging by his size, his physical strength might match a regular Youkai's. But Shou wasn't a regular Youkai.

                    "I don't like him." Yumeko spoke in spite, her swords, looking too large for her to wield like throwing knives, ready at her fingers. "For my mistress, Shinki, I will punish him for his disrespect!"
                    "Don't, Yumeko." Elis held Yumeko back. "We do not know their power. Besides, don't you see the Boundary Youkai near them?"
                    "Don't mind me, demon." Yukari deceptively smiled as she unfolded her fan. "I am neutral right now."
                    "Please do not mind my comrades' aggressive attitude." Shou stepped forward with her hands out, appearing calm and rational. "Welcome to Makai, strangers. May I ask of your intention to come here?"


                      Makai - Gensokyo

                      X looks at the small group that has confronted them.
                      They seem awfully powerful, their power being greater than most people he has fought in the past.
                      "Who are you?" He asked as he lowers his X-Buster.
                      He then turns to John Why did he come here? I was asleep the whole time until we arrived... Thought X as he occasionally turns his attention to Shou, then back to John.
                      Last edited by NeoFox; 05-04-2013, 12:58 AM.


                        Makai - Gensokyo

                        "Welcome to Makai, strangers. May I ask of your intention to come here?"

                        "We're here to repair the border."

                        John didn't really want to get them too angry so he calmly said, "You see, due to some innocent enough actions, the border went down. We're here to right a wrong."

                        John then turned towards Yumeko. Seeing how she seemed to be volitile, John said as politely as possible, "And I can assure you, I do not mean any disrespect. I am sorry if I have offended you in any way."
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          "We're here to right a wrong."

                          Makai, Gensokyo

                          Shou's face darkened as she trembled.

                          When the border supposedly broke, all Youkai were supposed to remain in the Old Hell. However, citizens of Makai did not receive the word. Due to this, hundreds of demons and fairies living in the outskirts of Makai were denied of their existence, their souls turned into the crystals of Pandaemonium.

                          "So it was you... who ruined hundreds of good lives... As the spirit of Bishamonten, I, Shou Toramaru, will bring great justice!" Shou's eyes trickled with tears as she lifted her spear. Both her spear and her pagoda glowed into blinding light as pillars of light appeared from the ceiling. Shou, now holding a bright, golden card, declared: "Light Sign - Aura of Justice!"


                            Makai, Gensokyo

                            "Light Sign - Aura of Justice!"

                            "DON"T MAKE ME SHOOT YOU!!!", John yelled, as he pulled out his rifle, while still having Yuuka over his shoulder.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Makai - Gensokyo

                              X without thinking quickly jumps in front of John. "We did not mean to bring such a disaster at hand! Please stand down I don't wish for anyone to fight! We can settle this peacefully!" Said X as he readies his X-Buster again. He has it aimed at Shou.


                                (Im extremely sorry for my abscence, this report took me a lot of time)
                                Makai, Gensokyo

                                Renamon reacted and stood between the the armored men and Shou "Please stop! we haven´t done anything, we want to help you and recover the state of your world, please listen to us") the fox said facing the girl with no attempt to attack.

                                Renamon was looking at the trembling girl "I understand how you feel, I have also lost many of my people, but we are not enemies, just listen and lets discuss it calmly, we won´t harm you.." the vixen said trying to calm her.

                                Then she faced the soldier and robot and said "You too calm down, this is their homeworld and we are invaders, lets not start an uneccesary fight"
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


