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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Hakurei Shrine

    Nera got into a seated position and looked at the fox "He is lost in terms of women if you ask me"

    Renamon ignored the jackalīs words and continued "Well.. I wonīt lie that I expected something like that, but you know the practical stuff about women, but what about what they like and dislike, Im sure there should be something Yukari likes or dislikes for example the fact that she sees any other girl you are speaking with serpent eyes, many girls tend to feel jealousy like that. Remember the bridge princess? jealousy is what people think of her, but what lies inside that shell is a caring yet shy girl" Renamon explained

    "Now, many women tend to avoid the subject for some reason and unfortunately for you, you will have to face her, yet Im quite astonished that we called her old and havenīt received any response or an object hitting us"
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Hakurei Shrine

      John glanced at Nera. Even though he was wearing his helmet, it was obvious that he was frowning at her.

      John then snapped his attention back to Renamon as she spoke.

      "Well.. I wonīt lie that I expected something like that, but you know the practical stuff about women, but what about what they like and dislike, Im sure there should be something Yukari likes or dislikes for example the fact that she sees any other girl you are speaking with serpent eyes, many girls tend to feel jealousy like that. Remember the bridge princess? jealousy is what people think of her, but what lies inside that shell is a caring yet shy girl" Renamon explained.

      "Now, many women tend to avoid the subject for some reason and unfortunately for you, you will have to face her, yet Im quite astonished that we called her old and havenīt received any response or an object hitting us."

      Once Renamon finished, John tried to come up with something to say.

      "Well... Yukari likes....Uhhhh...."

      John rubbed his hand against the mouthpart and chin of his helmet, trying to come up with an answer.

      (Why does she like me? There are many other people that are much better than I am. They at least know this kind of stuff. They're more complete.)

      After a long pause, John finally spoke.

      "I... honestly don't know why she likes me.... There are many others out there that are... more complete. In all honesty.. I don't know how to..... I don't know how to be human. I was never taught these kinds of things. I wouldn't say that I'm the most attractive guy. I'm not ugly, but no pretty boy.", John said, referencing the various scars on his face.
      Last edited by S121; 07-26-2013, 02:59 AM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Hakurei Shrine

        "Iīll tell you what I know about you, not your fame, not your war tactics, just your personality" Renamon said and continued "You are direct with what you want as always going in front, then also you are submissive if you have a higher value order, also you are secretive since you try to hide things from people for reasons I donīt know, but you are honest in terms of speaking"

        The vixen looked at the sky "Take in mind how does Yukari lives, isolated from people and treated almost as royalty, she has moodswing because of her lack of socialization, but she can will herself to deal with things. Something bad for her is that she tries to hide her weakness, probably because many would see her as losing her power after many years or i donīt know. Maybe your personality is what attracted her, because of what is inside you, your heart and soul"
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Hakurei Shrine

          "Well... I hide things because I don't want people to worry about me... Spartans are supposed to be the ones people look up to. I.. I never really thought of my personality like that. I just do what's needed of me. I simply try to do what is right."

          John sat down on the ground.

          "Things like this are never easy, are they? What exactly am I missing? can I learn something as complex as this?", John asked.
          Last edited by S121; 07-26-2013, 12:11 PM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Chrysalis, Over Vietnam; Snake

            "So then, where to now?" I asked.

            "Well... there are many places to go in such a small world. However, we must move before the Neo-Yakuza move in on us."

            "Right. Let's see... I honestly got nothing."

            "I think I have a suggestion. It may be risky, but it is the safest way to go. The Neo-Yakuza are going to be everywhere. We might as well head to the weakest of the link: Base 7, London."

            "But why go there. Think about this, Volgin, it's still a major base."

            "I noticed that. However, although it is known as the 'Toxic Powerhouse of the Neo-Yakuza,' a character runs that place, just like I used to. He took over just after I did. I heard he was phenomenal and deserved to use the research laboratory in London. Perhaps I can negotiate with him."

            "And what if negotiations go wrong?"

            "Well then, we blow the place up the same way we did Base 2."

            "Hmm... alright. It sounds like a plan. But is everyone else in this or does anyone have a different plan in mind? Sheva, Rengar, Sniper, Vergil, Gate?"


              Hakurei Shrine

              The fox chuckled at the spartanīs questions "There is no method John, you just learn it with time and understanding, love can be as simple as saying hi and can turn as complex as the question of why we exist."

              "Some may take months to see the one being to share their lives like I did with Renamon, but there are others that may take years to finally see it" Nera said looking at a bird on its nest sleeping
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Hakurei Shrine

                John was finally seeing the gravity of being in a relationship.

                "Ho~ boy...", John said as he sighed.

                After a long pause, John spoke again.

                "Well, now I just have to figure out what's troubling Yukari. Do you guys know anything I don't?", John asked.
                Last edited by S121; 07-26-2013, 02:16 PM.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Hakurei shrine

                  Nera looked at the fox who agreed with only nodding "That is something we canīt answer, you as her partner should know since you actually agreed with her being your girlfriend , but your prioritizing with other things may be a reason of why she is acting like that, I worry about this war but I would go to hell and heaven to get Renamon back to safety not caring of my own life, you in the other case have said that you want to protect people as a comunity and not going to speak with the blonde as her partner, thats what I think"" ahe explained
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    London-Research Labs, deep underground

                    Wesker was in the armory making sure his men were getting prepared for the upcoming mission.
                    As his men finally got prepared, and loaded up their weapons Wesker smirks. "Okay men, time to head out..." He said as he walks up to the vehicle they were going to take. It was a rather large cargo truck. As Wesker walks up to the truck one of the agents opened the passenger door for him. Wesker had quickly gotten inside the vehicle, while his men had gotten in the back.

                    Many more trucks were also ready, each one containing at least one Tyrant-003, and a squad of 8 men.

                    As the trucks were finally loaded up the trucks went to a large cargo lift which took them to the surface. Once there they headed off to the base where Halsey is being kept safe at.

                    Chrysalis over Vietnam

                    Gate turned to Volgin. "I suppose it is... w-worth a try. However we should be careful... I heard... bad things about the leader of Base 7..." Replied Gate as he evaluates the damage on his body.
                    Last edited by NeoFox; 07-26-2013, 02:32 PM.


                      Hakurei Shrine

                      Upon hearing this, John went deep into thought.

                      (Have I really been doing that? Have I been leaving Yukari behind during this whole mess?... *sigh* I'm doing it again, just like I did with Cortana. I ignored her, and now she's gone... Well then, time to change. Time to break the pattern. I'm not going to do the same to Yukari...)

                      "I.. see."

                      John stood up and left the conversation.
                      Last edited by S121; 07-26-2013, 02:33 PM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Hakurei shrine

                        The fox only said "Hey spartan, catch it" she threw an apple towards Johnīs direction
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          "... Yes, I know. I've heard the rumors, and seeing the results while he was being tested, I can only say that they are all true. I was there at his evaluation, and he was a nightmare. However, this leads him to be reckless. I would be smart to fear him, but he isn't unstoppable. Unfortunately, that being said, I don't know his weakness. We'll just have to hope that he will be willing to negotiate. After all, we are two of the only base commanders that are characters. I was let go before any more came, so I'm not quite sure whether or not more characters were let to become base commanders. And as for you, Gate, how are your wounds treating you?"


                            Skies over Vietnam

                            "Very well. I hope that he will be willing to negotiate as well." Said Gate as he puts a hand over one of his wounds. "Surprisingly well, however I will be of no use to you all if we were to get into a fight. Heck in my current status I will be unable to do anything to help you except act as an operator from the Chrysalis." Said Gate as he sighs. "I should call in High Max. Along with some of my men. Hopefully they managed to escape the base."


                              "I'm pretty sure they can escape a little rubble. However, I fear that they were captured. We'll just have to wait and see."

                              "Agreed. Sheva, what do you think?"


                                Skies over Vietnam

                                "If they're our allies, they are welcome to join us." Sheva said. "But I fear that our emergency funds will run out as we have to buy more food and supplies for larger crowd."
                                That was true. I myself as a hunter can bag my own game, and the Sniper is also adept in hunting for his own food. But the others?
                                "How much do we have left?" I asked.
                                "Three... four thousand dollars."
                                Oh... it was less than I've expected.

