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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Pocatello, Idaho

    "Well, I got out of camp from over that way, and then I started selling stuff, because a guy tried to mug me, and so then I went over to the one place, and learned how to kick and punch and throw," I say. "Also, are you interested in some fine vegetables or eggs?" I ask the man, hoping to get more money.
    "Oh, and don't try to sell any bars of soap to me, something happened in my life that made me absolutely HATE soap,"
    *Le general internet addict*


      Base 1, Classified Location

      "Someone called me and said you should be re-entered into our regime." The shadowy figure said. "But I don't know if I should fully trust you. Your base is, after all, responsible for losing that heavy cargo 3 years ago by the Guantanamo Bay."
      "Sir, that was 4 years..." The goblin secretary interrupted. The figure glared at the goblin, causing the secretary to flinch. The figure responded with a hearty laughter.
      "Of course it was. You're so great, thank you." The shadowy figure nodded, and the goblin secretary let off a weak smile as he backed away. "Yes, like my wonderful Grimlock said, 4 years. Remember? I told you to pursue the cargo. You pussied out. We missed out 15 million dollars."


        Pocatello, Idaho

        As the pokemon talks about the soap the old man get a big grin on his face for just a second. "Oh is that so. Also I do think that i need some more vegetables."
        "Tell me, what else can you say about that camp over there?"
        Born in the light.
        Molded in the dark

        Never Forget,
        Keep Fighting.
        –Don't Forget.
        Always, somewhere,
        someone is fighting for you.
        –As long as you remember her,
        you are not alone.


          Pocatello, Idaho

          "Well, my friends battered me with soap inside of socks there, and I wasn't let out for about a year, and the drill instructor nearly got shot by some psycho that ran away, the newest batch is probably dangerous, and some probably could take a bullet, and still live to punch the crap out of the shooter, but there might be a newer one, and they all might be the weakest people you've ever seen," I say.
          *Le general internet addict*


            "Oh, I can assure you that I will not break for Snakes again. Like I said, only if they pose a threat to the organization. Hell, I can repay you, whenever I get the chance! So, that Organization kid... He's got some brawn. Who is he?"


              Pocatello, Idaho

              "Oh, I am sure they have some respect for me. I am a well known man"
              . The man looked over at the camp.
              "Why don't you follow and we'll see how things are going."
              Born in the light.
              Molded in the dark

              Never Forget,
              Keep Fighting.
              –Don't Forget.
              Always, somewhere,
              someone is fighting for you.
              –As long as you remember her,
              you are not alone.


                Potacello, Idaho; ???

                Hm? Where am I? I don't remember this place. Jeez. Well, nothing to do but walk.

                I began walking. I was spinning my revolver at the same time. I soon saw an old man and a... What the hell is that?!

                I have to follow them.


                  Pocatello, Idaho

                  "Um... okay," I mutter. I get up, and grab my money, and stick it in my pocket. I point again. "It's that way, but it takes a few hours to get there on foot." I say, but then I kind of forget some of my english. "Do you have any form of trans... tran... transp... truh... um... vee... veehi... vehicle?"
                  *Le general internet addict*


                    Hat's wrong with that thing? Not only does it look like something from a kids show, but it can speak? Well, they're talking about taking off in a vehicle. Better make my move.

                    I walk over to the pair.

                    "Hello? Is anyone there?"


                      Pocatello, Idaho

                      "Oh, i have something better." He then raises his voice.
                      "Could you open a Corridor for me. I'm in need of fast travel". A Corrdor of darkness then manifests in front of them.
                      "Thanks you". The man the lowers his voice again. "This will get us there in an instant"

                      The man then notices the person coming from behind. "Oh hello, we were just leaving"
                      Born in the light.
                      Molded in the dark

                      Never Forget,
                      Keep Fighting.
                      –Don't Forget.
                      Always, somewhere,
                      someone is fighting for you.
                      –As long as you remember her,
                      you are not alone.



                        After getting her rest, Renamon woke up by the morning´s shine. Both the ghost and Jackal were still asleep so she decided to go for some fruit

                        ("I wonder how are the others, they seemed still busy with the bridge repairs") the fox thought as she walked through the place, only to see a flying pear.

                        The pear was floating around and suddenly a part of it disappeared, the vixen followed the pear and quickly grappled the invisible ghost"Gah.. what are you doing? Im just hungry!" Mara said turning visible.

                        "I thought I saw you still sleeping on your bed Mara, or are you multiplying?" Renamon asked handling her the half eaten pear

                        "I was just getting back on track here, and I guess my substitute worked pretty well, how about we make some actual practice golden fox?" the frosslass said going to the courtyard

                        "Let´s see how you are after staying in the dreams diamond ghost" The fox said as she prepared for battle

                        Suddenly in a fast move, the ghost sent ice arrows towards the vixen who countered them with diamond dust, Mara then appeared aboce a tree "You look in good fit, but another ghost appeared at the fox´s back "I have many tricks for it" she said as an ice spike was ready to touch the vixen

                        "Your illusions are impressive Mara, yet they lack consistency" Renamon said using her head to attack the illusion that easily disappeared by the impact "Any more tricks?"

                        "Ohh I do have more tricks under my wrists" Mara said as more ilusions appeared
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Hakugyokurou, Netherworld; Yuyuko

                          I heard a ruckus from outside.

                          "Oh? Looks like the fox is awake."

                          I went outside to see the fox sparring with her friend. I decided to watch.

                          Potacello, Idaho; ???

                          What the hell?! That looks unnatural! I have to study them now. For all I know, they know something about me being here.

                          "Uh, mind if I come along?"


                            Pocatello, Idaho.

                            "What the hell is going on?" I ask, and look into whatever the person just conjured up. I then look at the man, and ask "Hey, do you know what the fuck is going on?"

                            ((Sorry for the short post))
                            *Le general internet addict*


                              Pocatello, Idaho

                              The old man looked over the shoulder. "Oh no, not at all. The more the merrier. Just walk through here"
                              The old man then walked into the Corridor.
                              Born in the light.
                              Molded in the dark

                              Never Forget,
                              Keep Fighting.
                              –Don't Forget.
                              Always, somewhere,
                              someone is fighting for you.
                              –As long as you remember her,
                              you are not alone.


                                Base 1, Classified Location

                                "No need to repay me in money." The shadowy figure said. "What I want you to do is something simple."
                                The figure drew from his pocket a USB drive. He then proceeded to plug the USB Drive into his computer, which caused the holographic screen to open up an image of a green-haired lady with a parasol in a battle, her attires ragged and torn. Then a picture of a man in green suit of armor appeared. Then a golden fox with blue flames coming out of her palms.
                                "Who are all these, you may ask." The figure said. "They're the ones responsible for Base 3."

