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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Bridge, under Construction, Old Hell

    "Tell me about it!" Yuuka raged, her tools flying around. "You see, this unscathed part of the bridge is standing here doing nothing more than a nuisance, and I can't remove it without damaging the landscape around and mess up the dimensions."


    "But it's 3:30 AM, ma'am." Youmu objected... but quickly conceded. "I will carry out your orders, ma'am."


      The Bridge, under Construction, Old Hell

      "You see, this unscathed part of the bridge is standing here doing nothing more than a nuisance, and I can't remove it without damaging the landscape around and mess up the dimensions.", Yuuka said.

      "Hmm... It looks to me like we might need to alter the landscape then. It's either that, or we find a way to adapt the design. Just tell me if you need something.", John said, hoping to give Yuuka an idea.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



        After some rest, Renamon woke up and looked at the ceiling "Was it.. a dream?" she grumbled as the slepiness was still lingering on her.

        "I donīt know, what do you think?" A voice to her left said, Renamon looked at the source and saw her "Welcome back sleepyhead, how are you-" Nera was interrupted as the fox touched the jackalīs cheek "You are back.." she said and looked to her right seeing the still sleeping Mara "Both of you are back".

        The ghost just mumbled something to herself as she shifted herself.

        "Well then, how does it feel to be back?" the vixen asked looking back at the jackal "It feels fresh and good, but mostly.." Nera looked down embarrased as her belly rumbled "Im.. hungry haha.." the fox only smiled and prepared to get up, only to be stopped by the Jackalīs grasp and pulled close to her.

        "Who said you could leave stubborn fox? we still got time to rest" Nera said hugging the now blushing vixen "Oh.. um.. ok then" she said letting her body rest close to the cerulean jackal, feeling the chestīs spike touching her mane
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Hakugyokurou, Netherworld; Yuyuko

          "Is that so? Well then... Make breakfast! Oh, and make sure to make enough for the guests as well."

          Broken Bridge, Old Hell; Komachi

          "Hey, what can I do?"


            The Bridge, under Construction, Old Hell

            "That's why I'm so frustrated right now!" Yuuka roared. "I can't find any ways to adapt this - what happened to you, Utsuho?"
            "I kinda blew things up in a big way." Utsuho giggled. "By the way, if you're thinking adaptation, why not just cut off the side, and make another 12 inches-board?"

            Yuuka looked at Utsuho, (unyu) and then at the wooden boards, and back at Utsuho, (unyu?) finally realizing how narrow-minded Yuuka was.
            "So bad..." Yuuka chuckled in self-loathe.


              The Bridge, under Construction, Old Hell

              "Ehehehe. Problem solved.", John chuckled.

              As it turned out, Utsuho was good at more than just nuclear fusion.

              "Anyway, just tell me if you want me to help in the construction. I'll be sitting over there.", John said as he pointed to a spot 30 feet from where he was standing.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                The Bridge under Construction - Old Hell

                X walks back to the bridge, Zero's Z-Saber (powered down so it's just a handle) in hand. X looks at the Z-Saber with a serious look on his face as he hears the sound of people working on the bridge. "Oh hey, I didn't know you came back..." Said X as he absentmindedly walks over to John. X then sits down next to him, still looking at the Z-Saber. He clenches the Saber tightly as he closes his eyes.


                  Lisborn, Australia

                  Vergil quickly runs into the van and begins looking for the Yamato.

                  Meanwhole Beowulf notices that he has been deceived. He then lets out a loud roar, that can be heard throughout the city.
                  "SPAWN OF SPARDA! YOU SHALL NOT ESCAPE!!!" Roared Beowulf as he takes off running on all fours in Vergil's direction.

                  In the distance the group can see something large rushing towards them, whatever it is it's as large as a freaking house.
                  Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                    Somewhere in Nevada

                    Deimos took another MP7 off the rack, and headed into the back storage room. It was large, extensive, and almost pitch black. He put a flashlight on the bottom of the MP7, and started heading towards the back, where he knew some of those dummies would be. Deimos paused for a second. Did he hear a shuffling? He turned the safety off, and cautiously kept going through the darkened room.

                    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                      Lisborn, Australia; Snake

                      "Vergil... What the hell did you do?!?!"


                        The Bridge under Construction - Old Hell

                        "Oh hey, I didn't know you came back..." Said X as he absentmindedly walks over to John. X then sits down next to him, still looking at the Z-Saber. He clenches the Saber tightly as he closes his eyes.

                        "Yea. We needed to grab materials for the bridge.", John said as he looked at X.

                        John then noticed something in X's hand.

                        "What's that?", John asked.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Lisborn, Australia

                          "That beast is a demon named Beowulf! He has a grudge against my family. I did nothing to anger him, you can say he hates me because of something my father did many years ago." Said Vergil as he finds the Yamato. Vergil quickly climbs out of the van and looks at Beowulf who is still charging towards them.

                          Beowulf lets out one large roar, before firing a blast of pure light magic from it's mouth. Vergil quickly draws the Yamato and uses it's blade to cut right through the blast. As he does the blast splits into two and flies in different directions. "Allow me to take care of him." Said Vergil as Beowulf continues charging.
                          Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                            Bridge under construction - Old Hell

                            X turns to John. "This belonged to Zero... it's his Z-Saber." Said X as he pushes a button on it to make it power up. A blue blade made of energy comes out of the handle. "I found it among a pile of Zero's parts." Said X as he looks at the bottom of the handle. Zero's symbol can be seen carved into the metal.


                              Lisborn, Australia

                              "Holy Doody!" Sniper exclaimed as he looked out. I hopped out of the van to see a black monster as big as a fully feast-stacked Cho'gath. The beast had massive talons and white-tipped wings, as well as a large tumor-like thing on top of his head.
                              "Those are some nice trophies." I smiled. There is nothing I love more than collecting trophies from the hunted. "I think I'll TAKE it!"

                              The Bridge, under Construction

                              "So..." Utsuho approached Yuuka. "Why did you ask us to get these materials? I would understand the marble and the tree, but what's with the gem, and the bamboo?"
                              "Sake too." Aya asked. "Why do you need sake to build?"
                              "Well the sake was mostly for me to drink." Yuuka laughed. "But actually, the sake serves as an offering to the drowned victims of the bridge, to soothe them down."
                              "Why do you need to soothe them down?" Utsuho inquired.
                              "Parsee is a Hashihime that has taken many lives of young couples. Those who have died drowning leave water-stained corpses which harness the malevolent spirits within them, causing more people to drown, whether they are couples or not." Yuuka replied. "Offering sake to the malevolent spirits act as a method of mitigation, allowing us to edit the bridge without drowning."
                              "But you're one of the strongest Youkai in Gensokyo." Utsuho wondered. "Why would a couple of spirits bother you so much as to give offerings?"
                              "You've never met Tojiko, have you?" Yuuka countered, referring to the malevolent spirit that manipulates thunder. "Malevolent spirits gain power as they "age", and many of the victims drowned in this bridge is over 700 years old. Even I would have trouble keeping them away from me."

                              Honolulu, Hawaii

                              "That. Took. Forever!" EVE gasped, if that was what passed for gasping, as she extracted all tendrils from her small workplace. "12 nano chips, all immaculate and without error. Tis what you needed, right?"
                              "Yup. Give them to Isaac, and he'll handle the rest, maybe." Nitori answered.
                              "Alright." EVE said, then called out for Isaac. "Isaac, I got those Nano chips you needed."
                              Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 06-13-2013, 01:14 PM.


                                The Bridge under Construction - Old Hell

                                "I found it among a pile of Zero's parts." Said X as he looks at the bottom of the handle. Zero's symbol can be seen carved into the metal.

                                "How did you find Zero and his saber? How badly is he damaged?", John asked.

                                Honolulu, Hawaii

                                Isaac walked over to EVE and gathered the chips.


                                Isaac then turned to Nitori.

                                "Do you have a precision laser, a molecular bonder, and a nano-scale soldering kit?", Isaac asked.
                                Last edited by S121; 06-13-2013, 01:24 PM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

