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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Purgatory

    "No." Yvvon answered. "She busy, lots stuff she need do, in Hell, lots."

    "Yvvon tends to speak in segments. I'm sure that has some sort of puzzle to it." Eliza commented, then she added with a whisper so that Yvvon will not hear: "In reality, he's a doofus."


      "I see... Well, may I dine before I ask for one more revival?"


        Forest of Magic

        Isaac thought about how she would hypothetically go about opening up her third eye. Thanks to his encounter with the Marker, Isaac was very familiar with the inner workings of the mind. He was able to enter it and alter it, so who knew? Maybe she could do more?

        "Well, I do know that you wouldn't lose yourself just because of that. In the end, you would still be the same person, only looking at the world with a different state of mind. I should know, I've had my mind altered countless times from this thing called a Marker.", Isaac said.

        "For what it's worth, just know that there would be at least one person that wouldn't hate or fear you if you opened your eye.", Isaac said to Koishi in a warm tone, showing that he considered her a friend.

        After all, she did save him a couple times, and they did fight Lucifer and the angel of death.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          The Purgatory

          "What happened to the life before?" Duncan, sitting at the far side of the table, giggled amusingly and glared charismatically at HM. "Threw it away to a hobo on the street?"

          "Funny." Yvvon chuckled.

          "Of course you can dine with us." Iofiel said without expression nor sympathy. "But reviving for the second time... will require a lot of string to be pulled."


            Medic Camp - Gensokyo

            "Fools." Grima snickered as he watched the grenade and Six come from one side and Nera from the other. In a whirlwind of darkness, Grima's avatar had disappeared right when both were about to hit him. He then reappeared nearby and summoned the massive spikes from the ground where he was, causing the Grenade to be trapped.

            The Dragon felt nothing of the wind. Instead he fired larger fireballs in rapid succession at the barrier.

            (miss -> 60)


              Forest of Magic

              Koishi made a weak smile. "Thanks."
              Her third eye then wiggled, though Koishi didn't notice.

              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                Medic Camp - Gensokyo

                the jackal smirked "Thinking you are higher than us is one of your greatest weaknesses" she said as the aura sphere hitted the avatar´s back making a good explosion

                Not hesitating, Nera went on with her Iron claws making quick slashes to him

                "Come on lizard, is that all you got?" sakuyamon said as the fire preesed the barrier, the soil around her shudered a bit.

                The miko saw the patch of sakura petals and sent them towards the dragon again, "They may be weak alone, but together, they can do a bigger punch" the silver haired said as the petals got together forming a big sphere of the same material going at full speed towards Grima
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  "Yes... Yes, I understand... But really, take all the time you need. I mean, the war's over, we won. I just need the suit repaired and I can go back... Not that I don't like it here... In any case, bon appetite."

                  I did my grace and dug in. The food was incredible. Well, I still can't drink wine but that is only my tastes. All of a sudden, a bird flew on my shoulder. It just kind of... Sat there. Then, it made eye contact with me. After a while... It rubbed its head on me. It seemed to be find of me.

                  "Wow. The birds here are nice. But honestly...

                  I didn't expect a black bird over a white dove."

                  What HM didn't know, was that not only was it a hell raven, but a special type of hell raven, known as the Luciferian Hell Raven. Those signified that Lucifer was close.


                    The Purgatory

                    "Nice bird. You should keep it as a pet." Duncan jested. Yvvon, however, looked a bit more stiff.

                    "Don't." Yvvon answered.

                    "Why not?" Duncan asked.

                    "Bird Lucifer's." Yvvon replied, looking around nervously and sweating buckets. "She near."

                    Duncan looked alarmed, but he didn't rise from the seat. "I wonder what business the Underlord has with us."


                      Medic Camp - Gensokyo

                      Building on top of Nera's attack, Six quickly approached from behind and knocked him down with a crippling clothesline to the avatar's throat. Six then quickly followed up with a hard 1,000 pound stomp aimed at the avatar's chest.

                      Forest of Magic

                      Isaac didn't notice Koishi's eye wiggle, but he did notice the smile.

                      "Hey, you smiled. That means that you still feel something, right?", Isaac asked Koishi.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        All of a sudden, hell ravens started forming behind HM. Lucifer... Had arrived.

                        "Ah, what a scene. Now, why wouldn't you invite little old me? Don't you think I would've liked some? Honestly... It's been a while, everyone."

                        HM backed off. "Who are you?"

                        "I should be the one asking. Who is this boy before me? I don't remember him here last I was here."


                          Forest of Magic

                          "I smiled?" Koishi then felt a pain in her third eye, and almost fell.

                          "I think something's wrong." Koishi said, gripping the back of her third eye.

                          "It hurts." Koishi said.

                          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                            The Purgatory

                            "No, we did not." Duncan gave a big smile. "Have a seat."

                            Yvvon treated Lucifer with a lot more respect, bowing down to his master and kneeling. "Master."


                              Forest of Magic

                              Isaac's quickly knelt down in front of her and tried to find out what was wrong.

                              "What hurts?", Isaac asked Koishi in a serious tone.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Medic Camp - Gensokyo

                                With the final attack, Grima no longer was moving. The Dragon reeled in pain and then seemed to be still for a moment, slowly falling towards the barrier. The sphere of flower petals merely pushed the dragon as it descended.

                                (-60 -> 0?)

