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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Room 508 Balcony

    "Okay, see ya la-" He said as Yuyuko surprisingly kissed him on the cheek. This causes Axl to freeze up, not from being nervous, not from fear, but from pure happiness. "I-I..." Muttered Axl as he just shuts up. Placing his hand on his cheek.

    "She kissed me! She kissed me!" He thought as he slumps over the guardrail on the Balcony.


      Honolulu, Hawaii

      "Yeah, tis a pleasure." Murasa tipped her hat as a group of guys approached her.
      "Holy shit, you're Murasa the Captain, right?" One of them asked.
      "Uh, yeah. Why?" Murasa answered, and the response freaked the guys out, making them squeal like little girls.
      "Can I- have your... A- autograph?" The same person stuttered. Someone among them took a picture. Another person was texting furiously.
      "Yeah sure, just bring me a paper or something to write on." Murasa prepared her pen.


        I walk into the kitchen and sat down.

        "Youmu, what are we having today?"


          Room 508

          "Cilantro-and-lemon pasta." Youmu responded. "If you want extra cheese, Yuyuko-sama, there's a canister of shredded mozarella on the table."


            Room 508

            John carefully sat back down in his chair, prompting yet another squeak from it.

            John looked at the Cilantro-and-lemon Pasta in front of him.

            Food was something John didn't quite enjoy before. He used to think that food was food and that it didn't matter how it tasted.

            (Geez, John. You're being spoiled.)

            Honolulu, Hawaii

            Isaac watched the scene before him.

            "Huh. Now I know why your name sounds familiar.", Isaac nodded at Murasa.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



              I took my bowl and gulped it down. But... I didn't quite...

              Finish it.

              Komachi spoke up. "Whoa, lady Yuyuko isn't going to finish? What's up, Yuyuko? Something wrong?"

              "Oh, no. I just... Already feel full."

              "But you didn't even finish the appetizers."

              "... I know... Oh well. I might be sick. I'd best rest."


                Room 508

                "But I made so much..." Youmu was crestfallen. "How are we going to clean these up?"
                "Ah, I'll take care of any leftovers." Yukari laughed.
                "Are you sure? Can Ran-san and Chen eat that much?" Youmu asked in doubt.
                "Yeah. Uh, they're pretty heavy eaters on their own too."
                "Leftovers are the least of worries. Dig in, you guys!" Yuuka smiled.

                Honolulu, Hawaii

                "Yeah, I'm kinda famous I guess." Murasa said, half modest and half "I-don't-give-two-shits" attitude. "I'm actually running away from my manager."
                "Well, why don't you crash at where we're staying for today, then?" Nitori asked.
                "Whoa, can I do that? That'll be awesome." Murasa beamed.
                "As long as Isaac and Lt. Trelawney says yes..." Nitori said, then looked up at Isaac with deery eyes similar to thse of Puss in Boots in Shrek.
                Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 06-19-2013, 03:53 AM.


                  I sat down on my bed. I called out for Youmu.

                  "Youmu! Can you come here?"


                    Room 508

                    Because of the fact that John hadn't eaten at all today, coupled with the fact that he had to pass Yukari's tests, he felt much hungrier than usual.

                    John grabbed a plate and served himself large servings.

                    After finishing, John went for seconds, then finally for thirds.

                    John looked as if he genuinely enjoyed eating the food.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Room 508

                      "Yuyuko-sama calls for me." Youmu said as she grabbed a small portion. "I'll see what's up."
                      "Ok, come back soon." Yuuka said as Youmu came to address Yuyuko's orders.

                      "Mmm, so good!" Utsuho mumbled in delight.
                      "I expected no less from Gensokyo's top chefs." Yukari smirked.


                        "Youmu... I need you to find out if I'm sick or not. You know this is unnatural, and I fear that if this continues, it will play a critical deal on me."


                          Room 508

                          "I shall call for the Lunarian doctor when we return to Hakugyokurou." Youmu said.


                            "Must we leave so soon? Will we come back?"


                              Room 508

                              "If you wish, we can stay for one more day." Youmu answered. "But any longer would jeopardize the order in the Netherworld."


                                "... Very well then. We leave tomorrow night. Thank you for being straight with me."

