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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Gensokyo Skies - Grima

    Six quickly crawled out of Grima's fragmented head, but now he was faced with another problem. His armor had no thrusters. If he didn't get off of Grima immediately, there was a chance that he would be crushed by the giant dragon. Six sprinted away from the Dragon's back and ordered all his Spartans to abandon the dragon.

    "Spartans, lock your armor!", Six said over his communicator.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Gensokyo Skies - Grima

      Sakuyamon didnīt hesitate and growled in power as she used her gohei to release all the energy she could around everyone

      "To obtain you shall give.. to return you should go.. to protect you shall sacrifice!" her yell was heard as a barrier around everyone encased each of the living beings to protect them from the fall

      The mikoīs beaded wrist braces shined and burned with their power as her body endured the flames of energy. Nera evaded the bubble barrier around her and jumped towards her partner

      The jackal took the now falling priestess to the ground a faint barrier of both purification and Aura covered and crash landed on the soil

      "ha.. stubborn as always.. right?" Nera asked panting in exhaustion

      "Yeah.. but hey.. look at that, we are safe and so are them.." Renamon in her normal form said as the others were now falling in a slow velocity, almost floating
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Youkai Mountain - Gensokyo

        Six was ready for a hard impact with the ground, but thanks to Renamon's magic, all of the Spartans were safe. After a minute or two, they all landed on the ground and got back into formation. Six landed on the ground and ran towards Renamon and Nera.

        "Thanks for the save. Are you guys alright?", Six asked Renamon and Nera.
        Last edited by S121; 10-20-2013, 11:46 PM.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Youkai Mountain - Gensokyo

          "We are ok, just a bit exhausted" Nera answered the soldierīs as she and the fox got up from the small crater they made

          Renamon stretched her arms as both wrists were burned, the fur blackened, but stood there "Right now our main focus is to check the wounded and heal them, we both can do the job" she said cracking her bones as they ached from the sudden energy surge
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Youkai Mountain - Gensokyo

            Six nodded at them, but soon remembered Robin. Robin fell into the lake up above at the top of the mountain. six felt that he was dead while on the dragon, but there might have been a chance that Robin was still alive. Even if there was a slim chance, Six had to get there as fast as possible.

            "I'll be back. I need to go to the lake. Here's some Biofoam. Use it on the burns.", Six said to Renamon and Nera.

            And with that, Six sprinted off to the lake...

            Suwa Lake - Youkai Mountain - Gensokyo

            After sprinting for nearly a minute, Six was finally at Lake Suwa. Six knew that he didn't have much time to find Robin. He had been submerged for 4 minutes, which meant that Six had to work fast. He had to find Robin.

            "Robin!", Six called out as he approached the lake's waters.

            Six got no answer.

            (Don't worry, I'm coming.), Six thought as he waded into the lake until he was submerged.

            As soon as Six entered the water, he increased the range of his sensors and began to scan for Robin. Even if Robin had no pulse, it would still pick up Robin's brainwaves. Using his suit's increased strength, Six forced himself to run along the bottom of the lake, desperately trying to find any trace of his teammate.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Suwa Lake - Youkai Mountain - Gensokyo

              As soon as they remembered, Nera and Renamon ran following the spartan and jumped into the water

              The fox both enjoyed the water and winced as the water touched her wrists, but she kept swimming searching for Robin

              Nera was using her aura vision to see all the living beings inside the lake and noticed a small bipedal being deep below

              She looked at both the spartan and the fox and sent a small aura sphere towards the living beingīs direction so they could follow it
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Suwa Lake - Youkai Mountain - Gensokyo

                On the bottom of the lake, caught on a spire of rock, was Robin's bag. All that remained of him... Inside, little squeak-like barks could be heard...

                So much water! Inu Sakuya was inside the bag as it started to take on water. Lucky the inside was bigger than the outside, giving her time. She used one of the magic tomes as a raft and started paddling in the rising water, trying to find higher ground.


                  Suwa Lake - Youkai Mountain - Gensokyo

                  Renamon was the first to reach the moving bag and opened it, a mix between a girl and dog was inside it and she took the girl out of it

                  The vixen pointed to her own mouth and then to the dog-girlīs to offer oxygen
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Suwa Lake - Youkai Mountain - Gensokyo

                    Inu Sakuya blinked twice with her impassive stare then...
                    She disappeared, but the flap of the bag could be seen closing again.


                      Suwa Lake - Youkai Mountain - Gensokyo

                      Taking the dog-girl out of the water drained more energy that the fox thought, but she managed to get ashore. Breathing hard, the vixen sitted on the edge

                      Nera opened the bag, and looked at the girl "Hey there little one.. its ok, we are friends" she said offering her paw to the silver haired girl

                      Renamon just looked at the water and hoped Robin would be fine
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Suwa Lake - Youkai Mountain - Gensokyo

                        Before Six could grab the bag, Renamon grabbed it and went back to shore with the little person inside. Six couldn't see anything else on his radar, but we was not going to quit yet. Robin had to be there somewhere.

                        Six continued to search for his teammate.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Suwa Lake - Youkai Mountain - Gensokyo

                          Inu Sakuya looked at the paw with her impassive stare.
                          Then she looked up at Renamon.

                          And then she took both of her little hands and shook her paw.


                          At the bottom of the lake...
                          As Six continued to look, there was a picture near where the bag was...

                          (It took find that picture...again...)


                            Suwa Lake - Youkai Mountain - Gensokyo

                            Nera smiled and gently took the girl to treat any wounds she had "Im glad you are ok, you can relax now" she said using her aura to restore the dog-girlīs energy

                            Renamon just stood in the shore still recovering "I hope we can finally rest from all this wars" she said and looked at the sky
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              Suwa Lake - Youkai Mountain - Gensokyo

                              Six saw the picture in the water and took it. What he saw was Robin and a little girl standing together. They seemed to be happy, as if they had no care in the world. It was obvious that it was his daughter, his family. This only strengthened Six's resolve.

                              (Dammit, Robin... I'm not going to stop, not yet. You'll see your daughter again...), Six thought as he stared at the two faces on the picture.

                              He then placed it in his storage compartment and continued to look for Robin...

                              Soon, one minute turned into two, two into four, and four into eight. Despite the situation being completely hopeless, Six still searched for Robin, his teammate. After a while, it had been ten minutes since Six entered the water, but he never emerged.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Training Room-Sector 4

                                As Lily jumped down to hand him his journal Chung kindly took it and placed it in a special pocket on his armor. "Thank you Lily... I bet you still want me to tell you about what exactly happened with my father right?" He replied as he picked up his Destroyer.

