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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Dark Blowhole

    "If you have to, I will not stop you. You should be safe, with a Youkai sage Yuuka as your companion.", Yamame said.

    "Thank you.", John said to Yamame.

    Further down the tunnel, John turned to Yuuka and asked, "A sage? What does she mean by that?"
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      The Dark Blowhole

      "Sage means elder." Aya answered instead. "Yuuka lived for a long time, and is extremely powerful. Powerful Youkai like Yuuka are feared and revered by other lesser Youkai."
      The party walked even deeper into the blowhole, until a bridge came to view.


        The Dark Blowhole

        "Yuuka lived for a long time, and is extremely powerful. Powerful Youkai like Yuuka are feared and revered by other lesser Youkai.", Aya said.

        John turned his head towards Aya and began to speak.

        "Huh, kind of like Spartans. The longer a Spartan lives, the faster and stronger they become. It's because our bodies begin to adapt to all of the modifications that we were given."

        John turned his head back to the front and saw a bridge. John walked along the bridge, but was a little uneasy. He saw a single dot on his radar.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

          The party was greeted by a vengeful Youkai of the bridge: Parsee Mizuhashi.

          "What is it?" Parsee asked. "I'm not letting you cross the bridge today, come back.tomorrow."


            The Bridge People No Longer Cross

            "What is it?" Parsee asked. "I'm not letting you cross the bridge today, come back.tomorrow."

            John could see that this person was irritable, so he acted polite, to make sure not to upset her.

            "I'm sorry, but we really have to get to the other side. We need to see Okuu. She's the only one that can help our friend. Could you make an exception for us?"
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

              "Here to meet Okuu?" Parsee said, scoffing. "Okuu's pissed. She looked as if she was going to blow up whoever meets eye contact with her."
              "Do you know why?" Yuuka asked.
              "I don't know." Parsee groaned. "But for the safety of yours, mine, and every Youkai underground, you shall not pass... Wait, you, aren't you the Youkai from above ground?"


                The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                It was somewhat evident that John was losing his patience, especially with Parsee's attitude.

                "Is there some way of calming her down? Maybe give her a gift? Something? As you can see, we've come a very long way, and there has to be a way to calm her down."
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  (I'm taking control of a few Neo-Yakuza agents if that's okay.)
                  Newcastle, Australia

                  Vergil is at a small shop looking to see if they have a map of the area he is in. After all he just got back out of the Demon World for the 3rd time this week. For some reason he has been warped in and out of there non-stop with no real explanation. This time he has been spat out somewhere in Australia. He finally manages to get a map from the store clerk, but it is pretty old and is a bit torn here and there.

                  As Vergil steps out of the store he puts the map in his coat. As he is walking a few agents of the Neo-Yakuza. "Hey you! You're a character correct?" Said one of the Agents as they walk up to Vergil. Vergil looks at the agent with an emotionless stare. "If by character you mean someone from a petty video game correct?" Replied Vergil in a cold tone.

                  The Agent laughs a bit at Vergil's response. "Yes. You see I am working with the Neo-Yakuza of Australia, and we are looking for characters to work for us." Said the Agent as Vergil gives him a cold look. "I apologize, but I do not wish to work for pathetic humans." Said Vergil in a highly harsh tone as he places a hand on the handle of the Yamato.

                  The Agent backs up slowly, still giving him a cold look. "It's not your choice to join the Neo-Yakuza." Said the agent as he sees Vergil reach for his blade. "Now men open fire!" Yelled the Agent as the other men with him drew their guns. Before they can even fire their guns Vergil took the Yamato out of it's sheathe and slashes at the Agents guns before going back to a normal stand. The agents look confused at his speed, and the fact that their guns were not even scratched.

                  "Ha looks like your sword isn't very sha-" Said the lead Agent as Vergil sheathed the Yamato. As soon as the click of the hilt touching the scabbard the guns fall into many pieces. Vergil looks at the men as they are shocked at what happened. "I would suggest you all run now." Remarked Vergil as the agents run off. "We'll be back with more men!" Yelled the agents as they retreated. Vergil smirks at what he saw. "I'll be looking forward to it..." Said Vergil as he continues walking.
                  Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                    The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                    "You should ask Orin about it, she's Okuu's best friend." Parsee grumbled. "But then, you'll have to ask her tomorrow, because I'm not letting you pass the bridge."
                    "This isn't getting anywhere." Yuuka growled in frustration. "John, Renamon, everyone, I'll distract Parsee, you guys pass the bridge."
                    "You think you can hold against me, sage?" Parsee's eyez widened as green-eyed jealousy kicked in. "You above-ground Youkai gets all the advantages and take them as a right... It makes me SO JEALOUS!!"

                    "But they're privileges, NOT RIGHTS, and I will show you the HATRED and DESPISE the Youkai of the underground feels!"
                    "She got her eyes on me, run across the bridge, now!" Yuuka shouted as she prepared her parasol.


                      The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                      "She got her eyes on me, run across the bridge, now!" Yuuka shouted as she prepared her parasol.

                      John did as he was told and ran across the bridge.

                      As he ran past Yuuka, John said, "Speaking of jealousy, I think I'm a little bit jealous that I'm not the one to teach her a lesson. Her attitude pisses me off."

                      John made it to the other side of the bridge and looked at the city before him.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                        Hearing all that blabery of pissed off people and jealousy sparked something inside the fox and not saying a word, she walked towards the girl and slapped her face

                        "You speak of Jealousy? Let me tell you something you brat, you may be stronger than many beings, but in the inside I see a scared girl, you say the surface ones of your world have advantages?, you got your own world here and it is well protected since it has only one entrance with strong guards like you and your other allies the spider-girl and bucket-girl, you have a whole city to live in peace and for what I have seen in our trip, there is no poberty or illness around" the fox growled with a serious tone and continued.

                        "You are jealous of many things, but going on madness wonīt help you, it will cause even more pain to you than to the person you are attacking, now let me ask you, do you really want to envy everything everyone have? or what you truly want?" The vixen said facing the youkai knowing she is risking herself.
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          "I'll stay to fight with you, Yuuka. Komachi, stay by my side."

                          "Got it."

                          "Hey, I appreciate your caution for us, Parsee, but we can handle situations ourselves. And know this: Jealousy is a sin. This cannot go unpunished."


                            The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                            The fox looked ath the duo and said "Donīt start a fight unless it is for self defence, fighting isnīt the only way to deal with disagreements, it only make things go even worse between both sides, so lets see if we can talk with her"
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

                              "Talk with her?" Yuuka scoffed. "Guys, just run. She's the manipulator of jealousy. She can kill people with envy, that's why this bridge is called the bridge people no longer crosses. Long before Parsee was exiled, Parsee was the bridge princess, and when she saw a couple, she would make them break up with each other or drown them out of sheer jealousy. So run across the bridge and go straight!"
                              "Oh now the Yama joins us. Then let's do this the good old-fashioned Danmaku battle." Parsee grinned, spitting her cigar butt to the ground.


                                Ancient City

                                John looked around the city, searching for any clues about Rin.

                                John walked up to an Oni and asked, "Excuse me, I'm looking for a girl named Rin. Do you know where I could find her?"
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

