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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Shinki's Palace - Makai - Gensokyo

    "May I give it a go?"

    (A doctor that's also a robotic engineer?)

    "Be my guest."

    In the meantime, he noticed Yumeko laying on one of the many beds.

    John walked over, stood next to her, and said in a friendly/matter-of-fact tone, "I told you not to attack me...didn't I?"
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      X looks at John as he walks over to Yumeko. Letting Eirin take a closer look at X.

      X watches on as Eirin begins to examine him. "What is she going to do with me?..." Thought X as he watches on. Obviously unable to do anything in his current state.

      (I would say that someone with magical capabilities might be able to sense the special energy within X that is his Limitless Potential. So in short Eirin can or can't detect some odd energy within X.)
      Last edited by NeoFox; 05-05-2013, 04:02 AM.


        Shinki's palace - Makai, Gensokyo

        Aqua turned towards Shinki. "I was just wondering if you know where the heart of this Gensokyo is? Because as i explained earlier i have to repair the barrier.
        I was hoping you would help us in"

        Aqua walked over to X. "Cure". Sunlight began to shine on X from the tip of the Keyblade for a short time. "I hope that helps him"
        Born in the light.
        Molded in the dark

        Never Forget,
        Keep Fighting.
        –Don't Forget.
        Always, somewhere,
        someone is fighting for you.
        –As long as you remember her,
        you are not alone.


          (Mornin' mates)
          Shinki's Palace - Makai, Gensokyo

          "A Keyblader now?" Shinki said as she faced Aqua. "There is... another one like you who said he'll fix the barrier... But fixing the barrier is no small feat when he wasn't at the right location. If you wish, I can have Yukari gap you to the Keyblader who is already here."

          Eirin grabbed her bow, formulated an arrow, and drew it, targetting X's heart.
          "I don't know of this method will work on machine-man like you, but let us try."


            Shinki's Palace - Makai, Gensokyo

            "There is... another one like you who said he'll fix the barrier... But fixing the barrier is no small feat when he wasn't at the right location. If you wish, I can have Yukari gap you to the Keyblader who is already here."

            Aqua was surprised when she heard this. "Another Keyblade wielder? Is his name Ventus of Terra? Yes lead me to this other Keyblade wielder."
            It was quite obvious that Aqua was really exited to see who was waiting for her. ("Maybe we can finally go home")
            Born in the light.
            Molded in the dark

            Never Forget,
            Keep Fighting.
            –Don't Forget.
            Always, somewhere,
            someone is fighting for you.
            –As long as you remember her,
            you are not alone.


              Shinki's Palace Infirmary - Makai, Gensokyo

              X watches on as Aqua comes in and holds her aim the keyblade at him. A odd beam of sunlight shines over him, and as it does that odd energy he felt during his battle with Shou fills his body again but it quickly disappears.

              X lays there still damaged looking at Aqua, before turning his attention back to Eirin. Eirin is wielding a peculiar bow, and formed an unusual looking arrow. X widens his eyes as he watches on.

              She is aiming for my heart!? He thought as Eirin readies the arrow.
              Last edited by NeoFox; 05-05-2013, 07:26 PM.


                Shinki's Palace - Makai, Gensokyo

                Renamon just relaxed on a wall as everyone was on the infirmary and busy, she looked at the bullet and thought ("How simple the greates can fall with such a small thing, atleast those guards are ok").

                Looking at the place further, the fox heightened her senses and perceived the many eyes looking at her. "Their rules of honor is one thing, but what they feel canīt be changed" renamon said to herself sighing still having the feeling of being backstabbed
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Shinki's Palace - Makai - Gensokyo

                  John walked over and stood next to Yumeko.

                  John could see some of the people still staring at him. For him it was a natural occurrence, with him being a 7'2" foot tall green giant in power armor.
                  On the other hand, he could see that his companions were uncomfortable with the stares.

                  Trying to ease tension between them, and everybody else in the room, John said said in a friendly/matter-of-fact tone, the kind of tone one would use on a friend,
                  "I told you not to attack me, didn't I? How are you feeling?"
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Shinki's Palace - Makai, Gensokyo

                    "I told you not to attack me... Didn't I?"
                    Yumeko blushed, perhaps because of embarrasment, as she faced away from John. "S... Stop acting all high and mighty just cause you won! You'll end up regretting-"
                    Yumeko's half-hearted threat was drowned out by a TWANG as the arrow from Eirin's bow traveled through the air and hit X's heart.


                      Shinki's Palace - Makai - Gensokyo

                      "S... Stop acting all high and mighty just cause you won! You'll end up regretting-"

                      John didn't think he was acting "high and mighty".

                      (Hmmm... Perhaps I don't have as much skill as I thought when it comes to talking to people...)

                      John changed his tone to a somewhat dead-pan tone.
                      "Okay, I thought that I'd try to act friendly, but as you can see, I come off as being a little bit of an ass. The truth is, I was worried.
                      I didn't come here to slaughter natives, my team and I came to fix my mistake, like we said before. The mistake was...finding out about Gensokyo."
                      Last edited by S121; 05-05-2013, 03:45 PM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Shinki's Palace - Makai, Gensokyo

                        Renamon kept hearing those whipers around "Why are they here?" was heard from one side. "they are strange creatures" was also heard from a corridor. there were other whipsers around, but one of them hit dead zero on the foxīs mind

                        "Why did they attacked us? was a scared whisper

                        ("We attacked them..?") Renamon thought looking at the past, they were the outsiders of this world, their guards were doing their duty. ("But we did try to convince them") the vixen thought too but the fight led to even worse as two of the three guards were almost killed in the process.

                        Renamon now wondered ("How are we the good ones if we are the ones with blood stained hands..?")
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          (Idk why John and Rena isn't shocked about Eirin shooting X but k)
                          Shinki's Palace - Makai, Gensokyo

                          "Hmph, so Shou was right. You guys were behind the demons dying in Makai. Don't worry, Mistress Shinki can revive them. It'll take her at least a month, but it's possible. Don't worry about it too much." Yumeko pouted and still spoke harshly, but it was obvious she was blushing.


                            Shinki's Palace - Makai - Gensokyo

                            "Why did they attack us?"

                            Of all of the whispering he heard, this one angered him the most. Renamon's reaction only served to strengthen his resolve for what he was about to do.

                            "Hang on a minute.", John said to Yumeko.

                            John stood up and spoke to everyone in the room.

                            "Okay, listen here. I can easily hear the whispers of everyone in this room, so let's all be on the same page here. We did not attack you. You attacked us, and we retaliated.
                            We told you that we were here to fix the barrier, and Shou attacked us. I pulled out my rifle, and Yumeko attacked. Renamon kept BEGGING everyone not to fight, but NOBODY listened!
                            I don't know how things are done around here, but when someone starts hurling explosive energy blasts at you, you tend to think that they're trying to kill you.

                            You want to know why we're here? I'll tell you why. I found out about Gensokyo, causing the border to fall. It's my fault, so don't you DARE blame my friends for my actions!
                            If there is anyone here to blame, it would be me, and you know what? I'm sorry! If I knew that learning that Gensokyo existed would destroy it, then I would NOT do it again.
                            So in the end, you attacked us. Don't blame my friends for the border collapsing, they did NOTHING wrong! Don't blame them, blame me!"

                            The whole room was quiet. John stood there, quiet and observing all eyes on him.
                            Last edited by S121; 05-05-2013, 05:21 PM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Shinki's Palace - Makai, Gensokyo

                              Renamon managed heard Johnīs speech, but it didnīt stop her uneaseness ("what a peaceful speech coming from a soldier") the voice in her mind appeared again ("What do you mean with that?") Renamon thought as she was looking at them from the door frame.

                              The fox heard a faint laugh followed by words ("Think about it, for what you have gathered about him, your friend is a soldier trained for wars, even his armor has dents and sctaches from battles, he may be of good, but those marks on him show the countless souls that have been slain"). Renamon was now nervious, something was getting wrong.

                              Then the voice said "But what about that florist you met too? she in a matter of seconds destroyed the whole place and she was smiling, destruction and violence can be seen in her eyes") Renamon was trying to focus on the good side of them, but the voice didnīt let go.

                              "We also have that mechanical boy, just look at him, he has a weapon instead of a hand and with that hole he made to the guard, no wonder how strong he is, finally we got that blademaster girl, maybe she isnīt like them.. yet") the voice had a tone of joy.

                              ("They may have had their battles, but we have tried to stop this mess since we met") the fox thought and was countered by the voice ("Stop? donīt make me laugh, the moment you got in touch with them, we have faced fight after fight, people have died because of it, and before you say you have tried to only knock your trargets down, imagine your recent fight, those three guards barely made it against you and here we are in their territory, doesnīt this sound familiar?")

                              The scenes from the destruction of Renamonīs village crossed her mind ("No.. you are wrong!") ("Am I? its really similar, strange creatures reach the entrance and make a massacre of battle leaving only remnants, you have done the same that the people you pursue")
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Shinki's Palace - Makai, Gensokyo

                                Responding to X's shocked face with a smile, Eirin paid no attention to John's speech to the demons of Makai. "Do not panic. This will be all over soon."
                                Eirin pulled the arrow from X's heart. A purple ailment started oozing out of the arrow tip, dripping down to the wound. As soon as a drop of the ointment entered X's wound, X's entire body started to glow in purple aura.
                                "Oh." Eirin uttered, slightly shocked. "I knew it worked on machines, but it worked on the machine-man?"

