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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Room 506

    Seeing Bass touch the module caused Isaac to laugh.

    "Haha! Why would you touch it if she already said that it was electrified?", Isaac asked Bass as he fully entered and closed the room's door.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      "... Heh. So, you want the blue prints, eh? Bold move to ask of that."

      I placed my hand on the wall.

      "But I'm afraid I have different plans."

      I sent a shock and sent the voltage all around the room.


        Room 506

        Bass slowly stands up. "Just... shut up..." Said Bass as Wily gets a bit annoyed.

        "Will you all just be quiet! I'm trying to work here!" He yelled as Bass just rolls his eyes. Obviously Bass does not like Wily.


          Realm of darkness

          Nera got the duo closer and closer to Aqua´s location "Her scent is getting stronger, we are close to her" she said now focused on it

          "Let´s hope we find her quickly, these creatures have been appearing nonstop" Renamon warned following the jackal
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Room 506

            "Will you all just be quiet! I'm trying to work here!" Dr. Wily yelled.

            "Sorry.", Isaac said.

            He then turned towards Nitori.

            "Did you notice that giant black orb in the sky earlier? It appeared at about 7 PM.", Isaac said to Nitori in a quieter voice.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Base 2

              Vile sees how Volgin charges the entire room with electricity. However the shocks do little to Vile except make him flinch. "Foolish Volgin." Said Vile as he tosses Gate to the floor. Vile the proceeds to blast Gate with his shoulder cannon. "You should have just went through with my demand." Vile said as he dashes towards Nightmare Zero, then Vile proceeds to grab Nightmare Zero. "I will return for the plans. Until then... have fun repairing Gate." Said Vile as he blasts a whole in the roof, he then proceeds to fly out with Nightmare Zero in tow.


                ... It... Didn't work?! DAMN IT!!!

                This cannot be! If anyone finds out, I'll become powerless!

                Only one thing to do... It's crazy, but I haven't another choice.

                I grabbed Gate and headed to the office.

                "Listen up, maggots! Leave now or you will all die! Evacuate now!"

                I headed into the hangar and went inside the Chrysalis. Inside I set Gate down and looked around.

                As I have messed around with metal gears, I readjusted the wiring. However, I could only do so much. He can only talk and remember. He cannot move.

                "Gate... I'm sorry. I got carried away. We're running away. If we stayed any longer, we would be in a bigger mess."

                He Crysalis took off. In the air, I pointed the target at the entire base. This is good bye. I fired the rockets and the base blew up.


                  Yukari's Resort

                  After Rumia went to bed, John made himself dinner.

                  (Hm, that should do.), John thought to himself as he put two cooked steaks on a plate.

                  John sat on a cushion near the table and took off his helmet.

                  (I still can't figure out why Yukari and Yuuka were so serious.)

                  John then remembered Yuuka's goodbye.

                  "You're my last reason for existing in this world, so don't die on me."

                  (I've never seen her like that. Usually, she's cracking jokes and keeps calm. Is something big going to happen?... Bah, John. Just take it as it is. Yuuka cares about you. Heck, your friends care about you.)

                  John then thought of what Renamon had said days ago.

                  "You were trained for battle, that can´t be denied, but there are things that make you different than a killing machine, you care for the well-being of others and have real emotions inside that armor, you have something different from the machines of war, you have a soul."

                  (Until about five days ago, I never had this kind of stuff happen to me. I was alone... Man, things escalated very quickly. One day, I'm a cop, skip a couple of days, I bend light and manipulate darkness.), John thought as he began to eat his dinner.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Room 506

                    "Giant black orb?" Nitori tilted her head in confusion. "No..."
                    "If I had SETH attached to me, I would've been able to see it." EVE complained.

                    Akyuu's House, Human Village

                    "Why are you here? Aren't too young to be considered a head honcho?" Kaguya asked Flandre.
                    "I'm here in behalfs of my big sister." Flandre pouted, tugging on her Remilia costume. She must've confused Akyuu from real Remilia. How peculiar. "When Saku-chan told me I had to go to this meeting with her, I thought, I need to look charismatic. So I put on the costume of the most charismatic Youkai, who is Remilia."
                    "You don't look that charismatic to me." Kaguya taunted, sipping on her tea. "To me, you're just another dangerous freak."

                    "I'm still extremely enraged that you built a temple for Buddhism, a religion I used for politics, over my grave." Miko frowned.
                    "It wasn't exactly my fault. Besides, consider it my revenge when you sealed me in Makai for being an ally of Youkai." Byakuren countered.
                    "You two are both dumb as brick, like all mortals." Kanako smiled as she drank her dish of sake in one go. "Shinto is the true religion of Japan. Has been like that, and always will be."

                    "Can I have some silence in here?" Akyuu asked, and the leaders stopped arguing and bickering. "We're here in the call of Yukari Yakumo, the Youkai of Boundary. She has an important observation that she wants to share with you all."
                    "And exactly what is this observation?" Miko asked. "This meeting is nothing but a way for her to check up on our whereabouts."
                    "Not exactly." Yukari smiled as she gap'd in the middle of them. "I called you here because of an ancient prophecy unknown to most of you."

                    (Pardon the Google Translate'd Japanese.)
                    "光と闇の担い手が世界に表示されたら、世界の食べる人は、混沌の軍勢で地球を破壊します。 (Hikari to yami no ninaite ga sekai ni hyōji sa retara, sekai no taberu hito wa, konton no gunzei de chikyū o hakai shimasu.)" Yukari chanted, word from word. "When the bearer of light and darkness appears in the world, the eater of world will ravage the earth with the army of chaos."
                    "Bearer of light and darkness?" Byakuren reiterated. "You mean, like an yin-yang orb?"
                    "Close, but not quite." Yukari answered. "The light and darkness is not literal. It means that the being that wields them have experienced both hope and despair."
                    "But don't all beings experience them?" Kanako frowned.
                    "You see, the ability to experience hope and the ability to expel the hope into light energy is the difference between night and day. This being that has been talked in the prophecy, he, or she, must be able to project the literal light and dark abilities by being fueled by hope and madness, respectively." Yukari responded.
                    "And do you know who this bearer is?" Eirin asked.
                    "Actually, within my journey, I met a man that has recently harnessed the ability to tame both light and darkness." Yuuka answered instead. "Many of you might've met him. His name is John, or Master Chief."


                      Yukari's Resort

                      Once John was done eating, he put away his plate and went to his armor station.

                      John stood on the station as it removed all of the armor plates covering him.

                      Once that was done, John checked his suit's diagnostics.

                      (What!?... Oh, great. I think Eirin forgot to give me the Biofoam. Oh well. She was probably busy. I'll just have to pick it up whenever I get back to Gensokyo.)

                      John took off his undersuit, took a shower, then went to bed.

                      The only problem was, John couldn't sleep.

                      John looked at his hands as he laid down.

                      (Why did they look so concerned when I used light?), John thought to himself.

                      In his left hand, John summoned a ball of darkness, one that looked like a ball of tar. In his right hand, John summoned an orb of light, one that illuminated the room and caused the darkness to shine like oil.

                      (Tomorrow, I look for answers.), John thought to himself as he made the darkness and light disappear, plunging the room back into darkness.

                      Room 506

                      "Giant black orb?" Nitori tilted her head in confusion. "No..."
                      "If I had SETH attached to me, I would've been able to see it." EVE complained.

                      "Well anyway, that was the reason I was gone. I helped a man named Diz get rid of it.", Isaac said.
                      Last edited by S121; 06-24-2013, 12:01 AM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Akyuu's House, Human Village

                        "John..." Eirin mumbled. "You mean the armored man who asked me for Biofoam?"
                        "Yay! He was fun to play with, and he didn't get broken either!" Flandre smiled.
                        "Who is this?" Miko asked Byakuren.
                        "He's a human from outside world with Youkai-like power. He saved that one firefly Youkai from the outside world humans that capture Characters." Byakuren answered.
                        "Then how is a human from outside world the cause of this prophecy that was established in Gensokyo?" Miko asked Yukari.
                        "That I do not know." Yukari responded. "What I do know is that the world-eater, whatever it is, is coming with an army. And in current state of Gensokyo, with religious rivalries and Youkais checking other Youkais, we will be swept."
                        "So what are you proposing?" Kanako asked.
                        "I'm calling to create an army." Yukari smiled as she explained her plan. "One made out of almost every Youkai and special humans in Gensokyo."
                        "I hardly think that's going to work..." Kaguya looked away as she got up. "Eirin, let's go. We're leaving."
                        "I don't think you would want to leave..." Yukari smirked. "Everybody else seems to agree with the plan... besides, you would want to see Dante face-to-face now, don't you?"
                        Yukari gap'd a real-life scene of Dante sleeping, with Komachi close to him, sprawled across the hotel room, drunk.
                        "What!" Kaguya quickly dashed to the gap. "My sweet Dante-"
                        "As long as you agree with this idea, you can get to... not only see Dante, but work with him."
                        "I'm so in!" Kaguya happily hopped.


                          Realm of darkness

                          As they kept running, Renamon had an idea "Wait, let me test something" she said taking off her jade necklace

                          "What is that Renamon?" the jackal asked worried that the heartless were slowly getting closer

                          The fox focused her energy on the necklace as it started to glow, she chuckled as it started to work "I was worried that something may ocurr so I stored a lot of energy into this necklace just in case, now If you could help me Nera, I want you to help me create a barrier of light"

                          "Combine light with darkness? well, lets see what we got then" Nera said focusing her paw with dark power

                          The fox´s paw had a glow of light as the jackal´s paw was engulfed in darkness. Their energies contrasted at first, but started to mix into the jewel making it irradiate in both black and white.

                          The closest heartless leaped towards them, but got thrown away from the duo as they were covered in an aura of light and darkness

                          "Impressive, how did you know it would work?" Nera asked seeing the glow around her

                          "Actually.. it was just a theory, but looks like it worked" Renamon said with a nervious smile

                          The duo kept going towards Aqua´s location now better guarded
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            Unknown Location

                            "Base 2 has fallen, sir. Security cameras indicate that the base has been blown up because of an intruder identified as Vile from Base 3."
                            "...Volgin has failed me once again." The shadowy man smiled. "Send Lucian there. Make sure he brings the head of Volgin to me."
                            "Right away sir." The goblin secretary nodded and walked away.
                            "Soon. We just need to secure this base for a little more... then we will be able to rid that pesky Organization and Auditor for good."



                              Mima had since left Yukari's Resort, heading back to the ship, her new yukkuri friend on her shoulder.

                              "So...where we goin'? the yukkuri asked.

                              "Well, back to a little ship we have. Well, not really 'little'. More...adequete size." Mima replied.

                              "So, it's gonna be really big for me?" the yukkuri replied.

                              "Yep, little one. I'll get some food in you as well. You gotta be hungry." Mima said.

                              "Yep." the yukkuri said. it's so called stomach seemingly growled as well, adn the two chuckled as they got onto the ship and went below deck.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                I flew off, leaving the remains of the base behind. I cannot believe I'm running away...

                                I almost passed by a town until something caught my ee: a van. But not just any van, the one that snake was in.

                                "Land. Target: near the van."

                                The Chrysalis began landing near the van, and I emerged with a straight face.

