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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Youkai Mountain

    John saw Yuuka out in the distance, but she wasn't alone.

    "Hey! We're over here!", John yelled out to Yuuka.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Youkai Mountain

      "Oh what's up!" Yuuka waved at John as she yelled out too. "Did you guys cause this?"


        "Well, yes and no. It's a long story."

        In this case, maybe not. But someone else can explain it to her.


          Youkai Mountain

          "Did you guys cause this?"

          "Kind of. There was a god called "The Higher Power". It kidnapped Hank. We were just about to go to Old Hell, to get a girl named Utsuho. She could help us fight him, seeing as how he's weak against energy based attacks."

          Honolulu, Hawaii

          Isaac finished eating, then looked out the window.

          (My, the sky is looking beautiful tonight. Maybe I'll fly around the island later.)
          Last edited by S121; 06-01-2013, 01:39 AM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Honolulu, Hawaii

            Dante has been keeping a close eye out for the blueish-green haired girl. "She couldn't have gone too far now." He said as he jumps on top of a nearby building for a better view. "Now come on girlie where could you be..." He said as he spots her in the distance.

            Smiling at the sight he draws his gun Ivory and quickly jumps back down, weaving through the large crowd of people until he finally reaches her. He points Ivory at the back of her head, a small clicking sound can be heard. "Okay I have a few questions for you. First one is who and what are you, and secondly... what is your business here. Answer fast cause I ordered a pizza like 30 minutes ago and I'm not going to be there for the pizza guy." Said Dante as he keeps his aim focused on Nitori's head.
            Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


              Honolulu, Hawaii

              "Please put the gun away. I don't want to make you sleep with the fishes." Nitori said, looking slightly behind her. What she saw was a demon of a man: silvery white hair, red trench coat, muscular build, almost reminded her of a maid she knew. "I don't know what you are talking about, just let me go and do your own business elsewhere."


                Honolulu, Hawaii

                Dante lowers his gun. "Look I know you aren't human. Tell me what you are doing here and I might let you go quietly..." Said Dante as he keeps a close eye for any sudden movements from Nitori.
                Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                  Honolulu, Hawaii

                  Nitori saw the demonic man's hand twitch. She knew he would shoot her, no matter how she answered. She prepared a spell card from her hand, and took the safest route, despite knowing that he would open fire anyway.
                  "I'm here for a business." Nitori announced. "I'm with the government. Messing around with me isn't going to be good for you."


                    Honolulu, Hawaii

                    Dante watches the girl, something seems to be growing in magic. "Yea... well messing with a half demon isn't going to be good either!" Said Dante as he does a back-flip high into the air. As he lands on the ground a few yards away he opens fire in Nitori's direction with both Ebony and Ivory.
                    Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                      Honolulu, Hawaii

                      Here he comes!
                      Nitori turned around to find the man 12 feet up in the air, his guns blazing. Nitori summoned a water veil to protect her, and ran off. Too many people here, there might be casualties. I have to run to a larger location.


                        Honolulu, Hawaii

                        While Isaac daydreams about flying, he quickly snaps back into reality as he hears guns go off.


                        Isaac turns towards Lt. Trelawney and says, "I'm going to check it out. This should pay for most of the meals."

                        Isaac hands Lt. Trelawney enough money to pay for about 80% of the cost, then goes outside.

                        He looked out into the distance and saw the man from the elevator and Nitori fighting.

                        "Trouble in paradise.", Isaac mumbled as he took off his clothes, revealing his suit underneath.

                        He jumped into the air and flew to their location.

                        Isaac saw Nitori running away, probably to avoid killing bystanders, so Isaac changed his course to intercept Nitori and Dante.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Honolulu, Hawaii

                          Dante sees the girl run off after she blocked his bullets with a veil of water. "Smart girl, but don't think you can escape me!" He said as he takes off in full sprint towards the girls direction. Thanks to his demon blood he is much faster than a normal human.
                          Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                            (Don't interrupt until Nitori is at the destination.)
                            Honolulu, Hawaii

                            Nitori ran, full Kappa speed, from alley to alley, blocking some off with a jet streams and cascades of water. But the demonjc man shrugged them off with ease. Time to go offensive
                            "Water Sign - Hydraulic Blast!" Nitori declared, and from the spell card streamed blasts of water, thinly split up into 4 streams, targeted at the demon man.


                              Honolulu - Hawaii

                              Off in the distance Zero hears the sounds of gunshots coming from the direction of the Hotel. "Gunshots? Better make sure the others are safe." Said Zero as he quickly dashes off in the direction of the gunshots.


                                Honolulu, Hawaii

                                Isaac surveyed the situation from up above.

                                (Come on, Nitori. Get to a less populated area. I can't fight in an area like this.)

                                Isaac then began to observe Dante.

                                (So, he's faster than a normal human and stronger too, based on how he's not even phased by the water barriers. Well, now I know what I'm up against. I've got an idea on how to slow him down.)
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

