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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Whoa! She's hot! I can't believe John's going to be fighting alongside her!



      "You know, I never quite fought for peace. I fought for survival, not just for me, but for every last human being, for every last inch of Earth's soil. As for the Warrior's Spirit, I have gone into so many situations where the odds were impossible. I would go into the mission knowing that my own demise was almost certain. I knew that I shouldn't have survived any of the countless suicide missions that I have been on,and that this one should be my last. I constantly stood against hopeless odds, the kind of odds that our AI's would calculate as having a 0.0001% chance of survival, yet I somehow survived and completed the mission. I have fought knowing that the very next moment could be my last, and that if it was, I would be sure to bring everything in my sight with me. You see, many people underestimate Spartans, they believe that odds matter to us, when in fact, they don't. We were taught to look death in the eye, then put his eye out. I too, had to put my fellow soldiers out, due to them turning into creatures that would attack anything in sight. I've had to fight entire armies just on my own. I have gone through so many impossible situations, yet I'm still here."

      "I can assure you, I can promise you that I will show Ridley that there's things much more stubborn and hard to kill than he could ever hope to be."
      , John said.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



        Samus heard the spartanīs speech, yet she sighed "And what about the people? how do they see you? what does the people see of the spartan, what do the aliens see of the soldier, what about you? what do you think you see yourself? as a person or as a machine?" she asked and then looked behind the rock "Isnīt it vixen?"

        Renamon got up from behind the rock "Guess I was found out bounty hunter, but yes I have the same doubt as it wasnīt answered the last time" she said sitting on the rock

        "The moment you and me met, I saw a soldier fighting to stop a war, preparing tactics, and thinking of having my enemy as a comrade, yet I havenīt seen the person behind that military emotional shell"
        Last edited by Kristia; 07-09-2013, 12:08 AM.
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




          John was starting to get slightly agitated that everyone kept talking about his humanity, something that he believed he didn't have.

          ...("Our duty, as soldiers, is to protect humanity. Whatever the cost.")...

          ...("You say that like soldiers and humanity are two different things. Soldiers aren't machines. We're just people.")...

          "We were raised to be soldiers, not people.", John bluntly said. His words came out with just the slightest bit of frustration and anger, almost unnoticeable.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Damn, everybody's questioning his humanity. I gotta get in on the action!

            I went back to the engi-con that is now in ruins. Luckily, I found me-self a nice little Dragonfire from Call of Duty Black Ops 2. How convinient. And it was charging in a nearby computer. My luck just keeps going.

            I took control of it and flew back to the beach. I hid behind a nearby rock. I just had to listen to John's predicament! It would be a crime not to.
            Last edited by wonderweiss; 07-09-2013, 12:38 AM.



              "Thats what makes you lack the fire of a warrior, you follow the rules as if they were your cult, your past anchoring your present, now there is no military system binding you and im sure your first choice here was to work atleast as a police officer, when was the last time you took off that armor and went outside just to enjoy your day?" Samus asked him

              "There is a line between being human and a machine John, where do you want to be, forget your mission, your past and the war, just focus on what side of that line you as the being you are want to be" the fox said
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Yea, as if he had a choice. Poor guy. Oh well! He took my life in more ways than one, he can handle a small problem like this!

                Say, how long has that fox chick been there? Oh sh*t I'm gonna die!!!

                Okay, just relax, don't make a sound...

                It would be a little easier if I weren't a miniature helicopter...



                  Renamonīs ears perceived something spinning not so far from their location ("Strange, there isnpt any vehicle around") she thought

                  "I got to deal with something, Iīll be back in a moment" the fox excused herself walking to the source of the spinning sound
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Oh crap she sensed me!!!!!

                    I hid behind a tree.

                    Pweez don't find me...



                      the fox kept following the spinning sound and stopped as it got stronger for a moment and moved somewhere between the trees

                      ("Im not falling on such an obvious trap") she chuckled taking some stones from the floor and threw one at a time to the trees closest to the spinning sound
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        GWAH!!! Noooo!!!!! Don't hurt meeeee!!!!!

                        I began running aimlessly flying around the beach.



                          John was tired, tired of everyone bringing up the fact that he had no humanity, that he was at his very core, broken.

                          John's head snapped over to Renamon so fast that if John was a normal person, it would have probably broken his neck.

                          "You know what, it's so easy for you to say that. You've always had your humanity. You've never had to lose your humanity for the good of humanity as a whole. You've never had to spend your childhood locked up in a military facility. You've never had to be cut open, then have your insides mutilated to match that of a machine. You've never had to watch as every single person you cared about got ripped apart, mutated, or eaten by aliens that wanted nothing more than to torture and brutally kill you with their bare hands. You've never had to witness thousands of unarmed innocent civilians that you swore to protect, die by plasma and spike grenades. You've never been completely and utterly alone. You've never had to shoulder the burden of protecting humanity to your dying breath. You've never had to carry the burden of knowing that if you fail, humanity would lost to extremist aliens. You've never had to give up every aspect of yourself, just so someone else didn't have to. You've never had to become a destroyer, just to maintain another person's innocence. I kill so that you don't have to, so that you can maintain your innocence and go live your life without guilt, so that you can sleep at night."

                          "Perhaps if you went through what I've had to go through, you wouldn't be so quick to say that I should forget my past. Perhaps you would be just as f*cked up as I am."
                          , John said to Renamon.

                          Despite the obvious anger that should have been exploding from his words, John said all this without any emotion whatsoever.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                            the fox ignored the flying machine and threw a stone hoping it would hit it, not to destroy, but to scare it

                            She then faced the spartan with no emotional change "So that anger snap you had and tried to hide, how does it make you feel?" the vixen asked not offensed at all

                            Samus just sighed and let her varia suit disappear leaving her in her zero-suit
                            (this suit will be her permanent one )
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                              DAAAAAAMN!!!!! John's finally snapped...

                              It's truly a shame he only understands the tip of the iceberg of my story.

                              Whoa, there, rocky! Not today! Whew. She's go-, ah, ah, HAAAAH!?!?!?!?

                              That armor chick is hotter than evar <3! This is the best day ever!!!!! I immediately flew right to her.


                              Shit. I'm in the open.



                                The bounty hunter eyed the oncoming quadcopter and shot her paralyzing beam to it not caring at all
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


