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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "Now, how rude! Don't you even remember... your own mother?"

    My face turned into a troll face.

    "Now then, tell me why you would hurt such innocent and weak and harmless and powerless and-"

    London, two years before the incident?

    "Which incident?"


      Simulated London

      "In a way. This is London 2 years before the incident. You may rest here for the time.
      Time also flows slower here"
      Born in the light.
      Molded in the dark

      Never Forget,
      Keep Fighting.
      –Don't Forget.
      Always, somewhere,
      someone is fighting for you.
      –As long as you remember her,
      you are not alone.


        Hakurei Shrine

        "Behind you!" Reisen shouted to Renamon as another Kamizake darted towards the fox. "Oh no, my finger gun can't reach that far!"
        "Corpse Spirit - Vengeful Cannibal Spirit."
        Rin appeared with what seemed like zombie army of the fallen Nucleoids. Marching in and taking the blunt force of the leftover Kamikazes, the zombie Nucleoids dwindled the number of the Kamikazes by a significant amount.


          Simulated London

          "I don't need to rest.", Six said in a matter-of-fact tone.

          "I suppose I'll come up with a plan to save Halsey then.", Six said.

          Hakurei Shrine

          John's body was getting stressed, very stressed.

          He cad been firing for minutes on end and shouldn't have been able to, but he was lucky that he did.

          John stopped for a moment and began to charge up a storm of energy.

          The strain was becoming almost unbearable until John finally shot forth a torrent of energy.

          John carpet-bombed the area, destroying everything around it.
          Last edited by S121; 07-19-2013, 03:53 PM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Hakurei battlefield

            The fox got up and grabbed an enemy´s lance. She walked towards the oncoming soldiers and impaled them with her weapon
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              "Let's see, there's also tiny, insignificant, abundant... I think I've said enough. Either way, let them go, and I may postpone your ass-whooping."

              "Yes, it is quite good, but... I have a question..."


                Simulated London

                Ansem just laughs. "The game incident of course. Video game characters in the Real world"
                Born in the light.
                Molded in the dark

                Never Forget,
                Keep Fighting.
                –Don't Forget.
                Always, somewhere,
                someone is fighting for you.
                –As long as you remember her,
                you are not alone.


                  "The game incident... I remember before that, we used to live in Hawaii. It was quite wonderful. My son would always go to the casino. Most of the time, he wouldn't even gamble. Everyone loved him. Wheras I was always at the ice cream parlor. But I can't seem to eat in peace because of my family curse."


                    Simulated London

                    "Family curse you say. I thought curses didn't exist before that"
                    Born in the light.
                    Molded in the dark

                    Never Forget,
                    Keep Fighting.
                    –Don't Forget.
                    Always, somewhere,
                    someone is fighting for you.
                    –As long as you remember her,
                    you are not alone.


                      "Well, it's not a curse so much as it runs in the family. Our family always seems to have the appearance to swoon any human woman. Don't get me wrong, I like the way I look, but I just don't like the results. My son is the only one in our immediate family that enjoys the curse, but he always turns down any woman that asks him for a date. I can never understand that boy..."



                        The Higher Power chuckled. "A figment of your imagination? How laughable. I am an actual Higher Power, and yes, you are dead.

                        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                          "... great. So I get to see you in my death. Well, I guess it's obvious you are the god of this world. What are you doing here, are you going to laugh at my insolence and failure?"


                            Forest of Magic

                            "Alas, another soul shall perish." Gyan sighed as he muttered to his wand an unknowable chant. From HM's body, a tiny white wisp was drawn, allured to the wand.
                            "Oh no." The blue fairy mumbled, horrified.
                            "Run, you fool, run!" The red fairy shouted to HM. "Or else your soul will be taken!"


                              (I think all of the Kamikazes are dead. Nobody has posted on them. Besides, a carpet bombing from John, energy waves from Renamon, and an army of zombie fairy Nucleoids would probably kill them.)
                              Hakurei Shrine

                              Once all of the Kamikazes were dead, John focused his attention to the Nucleoids.

                              There were still many grunts, so John switched his weapons over to firing danmaku and began to fire his Barret .950 JDJ.

                              Each energy bullet pierced the Nucleoid heads and sent them to the ground.

                              He would shoot at the Nucleoids that were about to kill any of the Youkai, to avoid casualties.

                              The good thing about the danmaku firing mode was that unlike conventional bullets and clips, John didn't have to reload.
                              Last edited by S121; 07-19-2013, 06:15 PM.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                I just let it be. Because...

                                My soul left me a long time ago.

                                But, I'll play.

                                "Oh, dread! What ever am I to do?"

                                I jumped into the trees. I changed color to match the leaves.

