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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "The youkai mountains... that's where he was headed. Perhaps you can talk to him there."


      Hakurei Shrine

      "I will.", John said as he nodded at Sakuya.

      John then turned towards the three Robot Masters and spoke.

      "Would you rather I choose somebody?", John asked in a calm tone.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Hakurei Shrine

        "Y-Yes sir. Just so we could get this over with..." Said Elec Man as he bows to John.

        Obviously Elec Man has some decent manners, especially when compared to some of the other robot masters.


          Hakurei Shrine

          "Very well.", John said as he began to sift through all of the potential candidates for the mission.

          (Hmmm. We're going to be fighting large amounts of enemies, so we need someone that can do a lot of damage in a wide area. Utsuho, Flandre, and Medicine come to mind...)

          "I would say either Flandre, Utsuho, or Medicine should come with us. They would be very good at taking out large groups of people in a small amount of time.", John said to Yuuka.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Hakurei Shrine

            "Either of the three is fine, I'll ask whoever I find first." Yuuka said, dismissing the conflict. "Okay, now, recap."
            "You guys are going to be dropped from air when all four locations have successfully engaged the enemy. We will send the signal from all four cardinal locations. Remilia, who's coming from the West, will signal by sending a spear-shaped danmaku up in the air. Reimu from the South will send a barrage of Amulets, Kaguya from the North will send..."
            "Ethereal dragon." A royal lady wearing a pink kimono commented.
            "Yeah, that." Yuuka continued. "And I from the East will send a Master Spark. Since I'm hitting the most fortified location, I might take the longest. But regardless, when you see all four signals, drop down there and just go at them. Any questions?"


              Hakurei Shrine

              "Is there a chance that those spires will pop up? The ones that attacked the shrine?", John asked Yuuka, referring to the Biomechanoids.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Hakurei Shrine

                "I don't even know how those tower got inside." Yuuka said in a "matter-of-fact" voice.


                  "Do, do dodo, do dodo do do do, gonna listen again to my, musical doodle..."

                  I sure wonder what the Tengus are. Maybe they're an indian tribe. God knows that they exist anymore... It would sure explain the whole 'territorial' thing. I'd be pissed to if I'm the only one of my kind and someone went on my lawn.

                  "Who are the tengus anyways?"


                    Hakurei Shrine

                    "Then again, even if they do come, we now have people that can destroy them.", John said as he put his hand to his helmet's chin part.

                    "It doesn't really matter anyway. I'm ready to go if you are."
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Youkai Mountain

                      "There are many, but you can characterize them by their Tokin hats and their animal-like appearances... ah, there's a Tengu right there!" Daiyousei started until she was interrupted.
                      A white-haired girl with little wolf ears appeared from the bushes, her greatsword in one hand and a shield with maple-leaf marking on another, guarding the pathway. Her eyes looked dignified, poised to defend the village from any outsiders who wish harm.
                      "Who are you, and what business do you have?" The Tengu asked. "If you wish ill, I'll cut you down right here- oh, it's the fairy from the lake."
                      "Hello, Momiji." Daiyousei smiled. "We were just trying to get to the Moriya Shrine."
                      "If that's the case, go ahead." Momiji nodded, standing aside.


                        ... What the fuck?

                        I began getting close to the... Tengu, identifying it's tail and ears.

                        "Whoa... are those real?"

                        I began touching the ears and tail.

                        "They seem real..."


                          Youkai Mountain

                          "Why, how- how rude! Of course they're real!" Momiji growled; you could see the anger vein. "Us White Wolf Tengus take our silver tails very proudly! Stop touching them!"


                            I backed up quickly.

                            "And I can totally respect that!"

                            I rushed over to the rest of the group.

                            "Whew, dodged a bullet there. I wonder..."

                            I decided to try and give myself the appearances of a dog as well. The tail was a failure. But the ears came of a little smoothe.

                            "... Meh, close enough."

                            Hmm... Let's see if I can give myself claws!

                            I put focus into my hands, until suddenly...

                            "OOOOOOOOOOOH MY GOD, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!?!?!?!"


                              Tengu Village

                              At HM's shouting, several Tengus looked out. There were the Bignose Tengus, who wore a mask with long nose. And then there were the Crow Tengus, looking down at HM from above with their black wings. Several of the White Wolf Tengus were alamed by the shouting, quickly grabbing their weapons and running towards HM.

                              Hakurei Shrine

                              "Up we go..." Murasa held both Elec Man and Heat man on her anchor while Suwako carried Napalm Man on her back.
                              "You guys got it?" Yuuka asked. Suwako seemed to be okay, but Murasa...
                              "I could use a bit of help." Murasa laughed while sweating. Byakuren began reading a short sutra, forming a spell card marked E.
                              "Increment - Royal Strength!"
                              Murasa suddenly was able to hold her anchor and the two Robot Masters with ease.
                              "Much better!" Murasa sighed in relief.


                                "Oh my god, what happened to my arm?!?!?!"

                                Suddenly, from out of my wrist, a sword came out! A fucking sword! I mean, who the hell installs a sword in the wrist!?

                                I look up and I see a bunch of tengus.

                                "Uh... Hi?"

