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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    London-Sector 3

    As Wesker began wreaking havoc on absolutely everything in the sector Claire turned to Gerard. "I don't know! I haven't seen this form before!" Yelled Claire as she ducked behind the wrecked car.

    Meanwhile Chris and Six had finally made it to Sector 3. Once there Chris instantly froze up at what he saw. "No... no no no... this can't be happening... Six... I don't think we can stop Wesker... not when he is like this... me and my partner barely survived. The only reason me and my partner Sheva managed to defeat him was because we were in a volcano and he fell in molten magma..." Said Chris as he turned to Six.


      London-Sector 3

      The male Spartan looked at Wesker, then at his knives, then back to Wesker. He then tossed them over his shoulders and pulled two grenades from their magnetic holsters. As he ran for cover, he tossed them at Wesker.

      The Other Spartan-III Sprinted behind the car Gerard and Claire were hiding behind and spoke up. "How much gas does this car have left?", the Spartan asked.

      The female Spartan turned her head over to the mass of tentacles and turned back to HUNK. "Time to die.", the female Spartan said as she began to pull the trigger to her MA5C Assault Rifle.

      The Warthogs and Mantis aimed at Wesker and fired a barrage of bullets and missiles, hoping to kill him.

      Seeing Wesker in his new form, the Scorpion tanks quickly turned their main guns around and fired at him.

      Six saw Wesker and thought about what Chris had said.

      "Follow me.", Six said as he ran towards one of the stairwells.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        London-Sector 3

        Claire turned to the Spartan than at the fuel tank meter. "Sorry, no juice left. Why you ask?" Replied Claire.

        As the Spartan charged towards Wesker with the Grenades Wesker slammed his tentacle into the Spartan, ripping through the spartan with ease. Wesker then absorbed the grenades with his arm and spout them out of his shoulder at the Mantis. He then took his arm and lifted it into the air, the gunfire from all the vehicles are doing little to nothing to phase Wesker. The only thing they seem to be doing is knocking him back. Wesker then grinned as he slammed his large Uroboros arm into the ground, suddenly a large storm of tentacles erupt from the ground around him. The tentacles begin to swirl around him like a cyclone, picking up speed by the second. Anything caught in this cyclone of tentacles will be ripped to shreds. The tentacles are also acting like a shield, destroying most of the missiles as they come into contact with the vortex.


          A shame. Time to use a special technique.

          I took out several different chemicals from my coat.

          "Oh, Gerard, why do you carry those around? Because what if I'm on the road and I run out of fuel? Oh, please, when would that ? Look who's laughing now!"

          I put the mixture in the fuel compartment. Fuel.

          "Boom. Get in"


            Sector 3-Prometheus Labs

            Chris turned to Six and nodded. "I hope you have something that could at least phase him..." Said Chris as he looked at Wesker who was wreaking havoc, he was ripping a few of the warthogs apart and heavily damaged one of the tanks. However as he was attacking everything Wesker turned and saw Chris. As he saw Chris Wesker got the most sadistic grin on his face.

            "CHRIS!!!" Yelled Wesker as he stopped his attack. Suddenly in a burst of speed he leaped all the way to Chris's location, blocking Chris from going up the stairwell.

            "Well well well if it isn't my old friend Chris! I'm glad you're here Chris, now you can see the end of this pathetic city! Starting with this lab!" Yelled Wesker as Chris stood there in fear. Wesker then proceeded to smash Chris with one of his Uroboros arms, sending Chris down the stairs. Wesker then lifted the Uroboros arm that has the pieces of scrap metal and began twisting it like a drill. He then attempts to impale Chris with his Uroboros arm.

            Claire turned to Gerard and nodded. She quickly tossed her shotgun into the car and hopped in.


              Sector 3-Prometheus Labs

              Right before the makeshift drill could impale Chris, a pair of titanium alloy protected hands grabbed the piece of metal and stopped it in its tracks. Six caught the drill with his hands and tore the piece of metal away from Wesker.

              Hello Wesker. Goodbye Wesker.", Six said in an almost sadistic tone as he batted Wesker across the room with the piece of metal.

              "Run!", Six yelled at Chris as he tossed the metal at Wesker like a spear and quickly helped him up.

              The Spartan looked at Gerard and spoke. "How do you feel about turning this car into a giant firebomb?"
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                I stepped on the has and drove towards Wesker.

                "Action movie moment 2. Get ready to blow this stand and blow this car up. On three."


                  Sector 3-Prometheus Labs

                  The Spartan inside of the car nodded and pulled out a grenade. With his augmented strength, he then quickly ripped a hole in the side of the car and into the gas tank. Once that happened, the Spartan then let the grenade drop into the tank and readied himself for the jump.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    London Sector 3- Grand Finale

                    Suddenly before Wesker could finish off Chris he was batted away and impaled by a piece of metal. However Wesker still stood, and the piece of metal was moved from his torso, and back to his arm due to the Uroboros. Chris quickly hopped back up thanks to Six and took off running up the stairs.

                    Wesker scowled at Six before turning to Gerard and the car. Wesker then took his arm and had it create a large tremor targeted towards the car Gerard, Claire, and the Spartan was in before it detonated. Luckily however Claire and the Spartan had jumped out of the car before it was flipped into the air. As the tremor hit the car a tentacle erupted from the ground, flipping it over. "This world is over-populated! All I'm trying to do is fix this madness! I shall purge this land of the weak! Only the strong shall exist!" Said Wesker as he took his other Uroboros arm, he then used it to absorb dead spartan's and tyrants. As he had done this suddenly he began to mutate even further. His body grew in size to astonishing amounts with each body he absorbed. The Uroboros becoming stronger, and stronger.

                    Before the Female Spartan pulled the trigger HUNK quickly rolled out of the way and grabbed his Desert Eagle. He then saw Wesker growing in size. As he saw this he sighed. HUNK quickly stood up and aimed his Desert Eagle at the Female Spartan. "Looks like we're at a stalemate..."


                      I, however, wasn't so fortunate. I was still in the car when it detonated.

                      The car feel with a thud, aflame


                        London, Prometheus Labs-Sector 3

                        Amongst all the chaos the sound of a Sector door opening could be heard. Suddenly...

                        "HELLFIRE GATLING!!!" Yelled a strange young man with black hair, with a streak of red in the side, along with a mechanical arm as he started to fire a flurry of 40 fireballs from his metal arm. "OVERHEAT!!!" He yelled as his arm caught aflame, the flames became intense and strengthened the Hellfire Gatling's attack power as well as increasing the amount of fireballs from 40 shots to 70. Every single fireball was aimed at Wesker.


                          London Sector 3- Grand Finale

                          The Female Spartan-III simply smiled at HUNK and in a split second, she lunged to the side and fired at him.

                          The Male Spartan rolled across the ground and came to a stop. As soon as he gained traction, he sprinted towards the car and ripped off the door, trying to find the civilian trapped inside.

                          Sector 3 - Lower Levels

                          Six ran through the underbelly of Sector 3, quickly approaching Sector 4. As soon as he reached the entrance, he turned over to Chris and asked him a question.

                          "What is Wesker weak against?", Six asked.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            London Sector 3-Grand Finale

                            HUNK had followed suit and lunged to the side as well to avoid the gunfire. He also took his Desert Eagle and fired a few rounds at the Female Spartan's legs. For what appears to be a normal human, he sure seems to be quite skilled. "Hey lady you have a bigger threat to worry about! Just look and see!" Said HUNK as he gestured to Wesker.

                            As Wesker was wreaking havoc he was suddenly stopped in his tracks by a barrage of fireballs. "GAAHHHH!!!" He screamed in pain as he turned to Raven. "You're going to pay for that!" Yelled Wesker who is now at least the size of the Ndesu 2. He then took his arm and slammed it down towards Raven.

                            Sector 3-Lower Levels

                            Chris had followed Six through the Lower Levels of Sector 3, stopping at a large door. "Let's see... Wesker is now permanently fused with the Uroboros... and the Uroboros is weak to flames... Anything that can produce intense flames should work against him! Unless you have a satellite laser to use." Said Chris as he turned to Six. The entire Sector was beginning to collapse.


                              I...I'm alive...then... I'd better start living really soon or else this place goes to hell.

                              I stood up using my sheaths.

                              "Wesker... You won't get away with this-AUGH!!!"


                                Sector 3-Lower Levels

                                "We've got something better. Mini-nukes. The development team altered the design of the FURY Tac Nuke and turned it into a clean, yet still very radioactive and lethal weapon.", Six said as he put his hands into the door and began to pry the reinforced steel door open.

                                Sector 4 Weapon Development Lab

                                Six ran through the many weapons in the room. Many of them looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. Despite the impressive appearance of the weapons, Six ran towards the back of the room, where he grabbed a large launcher.

                                "Meet 'Vengeance.", Six said as he began loading a small nuclear bomb into the weapon. Six then grabbed two more bombs and handed them to Chris.

                                London Sector 3-Grand Finale

                                The Female Spartan jumped over the hail of bullets and landed in front of HUNK, 30 feet away. She didn't look over to Wesker, she knew better than that. "Yea, once I look over, you're just going to shoot me in the back of the head.", she replied, ready for him to aim at her.

                                The Spartan-III dropped the car door and rushed up to Gerard. "Damn, son. Gimmie a minute."[/B][/color], the Spartan said as he pulled out a canister of Biofoam.
                                Last edited by S121; 08-24-2013, 11:57 PM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

