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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "Scourge Sign - Mishaguchi-sama!" Suwako declared, and the ground fragments caused by John's orbital drop were picked up. With Suwako's control, the fragments began to swing around Suwako in a circle wildly, slammed towards heav group of enemies.
    "Gah!" While Murasa was throwing her anchors at enemies, a tank fire blasted her, knocking her towards John.


      Simulated London

      "No I can't show you what is going on in the real London. I can show you security camera, but nothing else.
      What do you think of the plan Chris?"
      Born in the light.
      Molded in the dark

      Never Forget,
      Keep Fighting.
      –Don't Forget.
      Always, somewhere,
      someone is fighting for you.
      –As long as you remember her,
      you are not alone.


        We had finally arrived the battle field. I saw John coming from orbital impact. I rushed over to him.

        "Very well done, John. But there is still more. I will take the west side, you take the east, or do you have a plan?"



          John was still in lockdown and needed to wait a couple of seconds.

          All of a sudden, Murasa landed on top of John, eliciting a slight groan of discomfort as he anchor landed with her and hit him in the head.

          After a couple of seconds, John was no longer rigid and could move again.

          "Next time, please leave the anchor behind when you get sent flying.", John said.

          He then checked to see if she was okay.

          "Are you hurt?", John asked Murasa.

          "Very well done, John. But there is still more. I will take the west side, you take the east, or do you have a plan?"

          "Yea, kill anything that moves.", John said to HM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



            I went on killing many nucleoids with the Baratta, not risking the sword just in case.

            "Oh, and John, I received two upgrades on my travels. This is the Baratta. I also have a friend. Her name is Daiyousei, and she has the Ratatta. It is identical to this one. It's a dual wield. The other is, well... I'll show you later."



              Renamon went on full force against the many enemies coming towards her as she slashed her way towards the mountain and giving space for Nera

              The jackal was mostly evading enemies because she was preparing for a powerful attack, suddenly her paws had blue flames as she focused her energy on all the area she could.

              Nera punched the ground with enough force to make long distanced cracks through the surface making the terrain irregular for projectile weapons and some enemies falling through the cracks themselves
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Simulated London

                "Well I'm out of ideas. Unless we get a good look on what's going on in the real world then I can't really think of anything..." Said Chris as he scratches his chin...

                Meanwhile in the Real London

                Wesker and his men had continue heading towards the base where Halsey is being kept safe at. They were prepared for most anything. The Tyrant-103's were ready to be activated at Wesker's command, and his men were also ready, their guns loaded.

                Their only goal... Retrieve Halsey and obtain any useful information she might have that could help with increasing the strength of his men.

                Also Claire has began to awaken.

                Hunk has also began his search for Gerard.


                As everyone kept fighting that same energy signature from the meteor earlier had resurfaced. This time it is close by. Suddenly a large blue ball of energy comes crashing into the middle of the battlefield, gaining the attention of the Robot Masters.
                Last edited by NeoFox; 07-28-2013, 09:19 PM.


                  "Well I say we all meet up at, say, Big Ben to discuss our next move. I will be there waiting unless there is a better meeting place."


                    Simulated London

                    "Very well, I'll stick with Six for now so we can think of what to start with. If this Halsey truly is of any importance than she will be a top priority to retrieve right?" Said Chris as he turns to Six.


                      Simulated London

                      "Yes. I have no doubt that she can help us. In fact, we can even get a team of Spartan-Vs to help us infiltrate the base. Each Spartan-V is almost as powerful as a Spartan-II. I'll put it like this. A Spartan-II can lift over 66 metric tons. That's close to 73 US tons. A Spartan-V can lift about 50 metric tons, or 55 US tons. They also can react so fast that they can dodge bullets and stab you before you can even register what just happened.", Six said to Chris.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                        "They got me in the stomach." Murasa groaned. "Normally, I wouldn't be harmed because I'm a ghost, but they have this new weapon..."
                        "Ouch!" Suwako exclaimed as she defended herself with her arms. The same tank fire hit her down, but being a Goddess proved to be more useful. "That stung a lot! What the heck is that?"
                        "Spirit Blasters. Patchouli told me about it." Murasa said as an alien tank hovered towards them, the shot aimed at crippled Murasa. "They apparently created those kind of tanks to decapitate Youkai like us."


                          I simply kept shooting.

                          "Hey, does anyone know how many more of these there are and if there is an HQ nearby?"

                          Sakuya was stabbing through the nucleoids. That's when she saw HM. She remembered what she saw, but she doesn't know what to make of it. She would question him after this scene.


                            Simulated London

                            "Sounds like somebody I know..." Said Chris as he crosses his arms. "Well since we need all the help we can get we should try and find Halsey and this team you are speaking of." Chris said as he continues planning the other steps in the plan.



                              "Then I have my target.", John said to Suwako and Murasa.

                              "How strong are you? Gods are stronger than Youkai, right? Can you throw 1,400 lbs through tank armor?", John asked Suwako, confident that she would see his plan.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Simulated London

                                "Here is the closest æi xan get to what is happening in the outside world."
                                Big video clips then began poping up in the air. There were even some cameras in the Neo-Yakuza base.
                                Born in the light.
                                Molded in the dark

                                Never Forget,
                                Keep Fighting.
                                –Don't Forget.
                                Always, somewhere,
                                someone is fighting for you.
                                –As long as you remember her,
                                you are not alone.

