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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    ... It seems someone's here. I'd better go meet the house guest before they leave.

    I rush to the source to see... Another power suit freak.

    "I swear. It's getting a little cliche what with all the power suits, no?"


      Comunications room

      Samus was hacking her way through the computers when she heard a male talking about cliche´s and suits "Believe me that an armor is just an extension of true strenght, what lies inside it is what matters" she said taking a turn to see the man

      "So what is your ability? blood? speed? sarcasm?" the bounty hunter asked calmly
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        "Uau, very good, are you some kind of psychic? Ha. See what I did there? Anywho, on account of the code of bullsh*t, I'm going to have to eliminate you, does that sound good to you? I mean, we can put it off until next week, but, oh, I don't think I can make it then, do it has to be now."


          Comunications room

          "Another big talker it is, you aren´t the first, but won´t be the last, I know the drill, you have godly powers and will try to kill me in a second or will try to toy around with me because a superiority issue and blah blah blah" the bounty hunter ignored the man´s speech

          Samus didn´t have to scan the man though it wasn´t necessary to see it, he had energy, lots of it "So what is your move time limited general?" she said eyeing him
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            "Oh, not at all, dearie. As a matter of fact, why don't you try to move?

            I stabilized her feet with my purple aura.


              [B]Comunications room/B]

              Samus looked at the purplish aura on her feet and then looked at the general"Ok then, then enjoy the patience" she said leaning near the console

              She just stood there, not attacking "So what is this energy on my feet? any danger?" she asked calmly
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                "Not from your feet. But from me."

                I slowly pulled out my sword and placed it by her neck.

                "Come now. Even that man Isaac put up a better fight. Enough arrogance. Your move. Fight me."


                  Comunications Room

                  Seeing the sword made the bounty hunter chukle "Arrogance? You got me wrong pal, but if you want to fight, I suggest you too focus on the greater point of view" she said as her arm cannon was ready with the Nova beam

                  In an instant, Samus ran to the side with her speed boosters while firing the Nova beams, the green wave like lasers went towards the general
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    I was hit by the blasts, as I cannot dodge them in this state.

                    "Gah! That hurt! Why you... You don't know who you're messing with, do you?!"

                    I backed off and raised my hand so that the tip of my fingers pointed to her. Out began glowing purple.


                    My hand shot several purple aura balls at high speed, like a bullet.


                      Comunicatoins room

                      Samus barely avoided the bullets as one grasped her upper spheric part of the armor ("I sometimes wonder why they are so big") she thought looking at the burned area

                      Ducking, the bounty hunter kept shooting the nova beams as they made a good job on the general and then made a charged shot of the bea,
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        "ARGH! You're testing my patience..."

                        Then, I began smiling.

                        "... Heh. Well, I've shown it to many people already, I might as well get serious."

                        Then, the atmosphere was getting denser. I began my first transformation. My teeth and nails grew sharper as my eyes became snake like.


                          Comunications room

                          "A transforming being? you just reminded me of a golden fox, she is probably causing her own ruckus around here" the bounty hunter said ready for the now stronger looking man

                          Samus fired Nova beams to him and soon did the same to the floor with ice missiles
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            I dodged half of them perfectly.

                            "ow... Ya know, that doesn't hurry that much anyways. Now it's my turn."

                            I rushed at her and ranged her into a wall. I jumped back and fired Balas in midair.


                              Comunications room

                              Samus didn´t expect the speed as she was rammed to the wall, as the general went flying and sent bullets towards her.

                              The bounty hunter got into her morphball, rolling her way a bit close to the demon looking guy she put a smart bomb.

                              The little device took its 2 seconds and then exploded with an intense blast all over the room, melting consoles and other furniture
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                I walked through the fire. It hurt, but...

                                "Is that the best you've got?! I've been through hell fire hotter than this!!!"

                                I grabbed my sword and rushed at samus.

