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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    China-Warehouse District

    Lady turned to Komachi as she started to Drive off again. "Depends on which section of town you're in. If you're near the Warehouse District like we are now then there will be a few homes and buildings with broken down doors." She said as she sees a large warehouse coming up in the distance. In the warehouse doorway she can see Dante and some man standing there. "Looks like we found the place." Said Lady as she kept driving.
    Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


      Heh. Genius Komachi strikes again -w-.

      Though something's up with Dante... ha's in his serius mode. Geez, I hope that he's doing this because he actually found a demon... if it isn't, it's pranking time.

      I called out to Dante. "Hey, what did ya find?!"


        Sector 3

        Wesker smiled as he had finally killed the Spartan. However he had still suffered from the loss of one of his eyes. Luckily though it is beginning to regenerate awfully slowly. It will be a few hours before it fully regenerates. Wesker however seems a bit unfazed by it. His eye sight is still pretty good due to his increase vision from the virus. He turned to HUNK, the Tank, and Gerard. He quickly dashed right after Gerard, attempting to elbow him in the back. His speed is so fast it's literally a blur due to his superhuman abilities.

        HUNK saw the Tank firing at him and he abandoned to RPG and leaped out of the way. He quickly took out a electric grenade. He quickly tossed the grenade at the tank, the electricity in the Grenade should be enough to temporarily overload the Tank's systems.

        Jack yelled in pain as the knife cut through his leg. His endurance may not be as good as Wesker's, but his regenerative abilities are far better. Quickly the leg started to heal. He turned to the female Spartan and smirked. "You know, I actually began to trust you Spartan's. You fear nothing, you are unmoved by almost any obstacle. You face anything that is thrown at you. It's quite admirable, however we are no ordinary people. I'll cut you down into pieces... I'll be sure to make your death quick!" He said as he quickly spun around, his blade arm coming inches to cutting into the Female Spartan's side.

        Claire was firing at the Lickers, assisting the Spartan's in holding them back. However in the corner of her eye she saw a black blur move towards Gerard. She quickly turned around as she started yelling. "GERARD BEHIND YOU!!!" She yelled as she took out her Handgun, firing a few rounds towards Wesker who was simply dodging them all.



          Dante lowered his guns as he turned to Komachi and Lady. "Oh nothing much, but I found the guy I was chasing. Just questioning him to find out if he knows what happened to my bike..." He said as he aimed his guns at Jake again.
          Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


            China-Warehouse District

            Jake turned to Dante and sighed. "Look man, I don't know what the hell happened to your bike and you know what? I DON'T FREAKING CARE! I have a job to do so get out of my way!" He said as he motioned for the girl to follow him. Jake and the girl proceeds to try and leave the building.


              So it was about the bike... that dumbass...

              "*sigh*... well, what now, demon boy?"

              Damn! I have no time to react! Well, this is going to hurt, but not as much as it would if I did this on fresh skin.

              I grabbed my katana and pierced my wound, bringing back the immense pain. It struck Wesker in the abdomen.

              I pulled out the sword and backed away from him as quickly as possible, trying to ignore the immense pain.


                Sector 3

                Wesker was stopped as the blade struck him in the abdomen. However due to his hardened skin and muscles the blade only got stuck in his skin. Wesker quickly reacted to this and dropped his elbow onto the blade in an attempt to shatter it.


                  It was hard, but I pulled it away in time before he could touch it. His anatomy is nothing less than incredible. He stopped a katana, an ancient Japanese sword that can cut through men with ease, with his bare skin.

                  I quickly countered it with AK shots.


                    Sector 3 - Prometheus Labs

                    In a split second, the female Spartan grabbed Jack's bladed arm and stopped it with just a few millimeters to spare.
                    She skidded to the side, but managed to fully stop Jack's arm and held it in place as she spoke.
                    "And we trusted you. We allowed you into our home, but look how that turned out. You kill those that would give their lives just to save yours. You may have abilities that far surpass those of the average human, but inside, you're less than one. You're scum.", the female Spartan-III venomously said.
                    With all her might, she then shifted her weight over to the side and swung Jack over herself and straight into the ground, causing a loud boom and the floor to break, leaving behind a large crack.

                    The tank's engine sputtered out as the grenade did it's work. All the systems temporarily shut off, leaving it a sitting duck. The other tank's machinegun operator aimed at HUNK and fired, trying to protect the disabled tank.

                    One of the 5 remaining Spartan-IIIs Saw Wesker attacking the civilians and stepped in to fight. The male Spartan pulled out two Combat Knives and stood between Wesker and his prey. He then got into a fighting stance, showing that he was a very skilled combatant.

                    The Spartan-III on the Ndesu 2 stabbed straight into the eye, drawing blood. He then held on for dear life as he readied himself for the monster to thrash around.

                    The Warthogs continued to fire at the Lickers, killing groups at a time with their Gauss Cannons.

                    The Mantis continued to assist with the Lickers, mowing down everything in its path with its 20mm rounds and missiles.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Sector 3

                      As Jack was crushed by the female spartan he yelled in pain. "I'm scum?... What I've seen... what I've faced. All that I've been through! I lost my humanity long ago. All I am is a killing machine!" He yelled as he started to literally lift the Female spartan off him. As he manages to lift her up just enough to get his blade arm free he quickly goes in to stab the female spartan in the shoulder. With his increased strength he then begins to punch the female spartan in the visor. Jack looked at the female spartan. He literally was no longer human. He lost his arm, and watched many of his men die before him when he was working with the government in his world. Due to the loss of his arm he was removed from commission, this literally made Jack's life a complete wreck. He couldn't even function in regular society before, and after being taken out of commission. "My life was ruined after I lost my arm in Operation Javier! Though Wesker gave me a new arm, a new chance to be who I truly am! My life is truly indebted to him. Hence why I work for such a monster!" He yelled.

                      Wesker turned to the Spartan and sighed. "Why won't you just give already? This war was already won before it even started!" He said as he quickly backhanded the Spartan in the helmet.

                      HUNK was charging towards the tank as the machine gun gunner was firing at him. Hunk quickly took out his Desert Eagle and fired a few rounds at the Spartan's helmet.

                      The Ndesu 2 was roaring in pain as it's eye was attacked. It started to thrash about again as it became immobile. More of the parasites emerged again, leaving it open.

                      Finally after intense fire the Lickers were finally all killed.
                      Last edited by NeoFox; 08-14-2013, 10:23 PM.



                        Zea was unfazed, but himself alone would be at a limit if he continued to play defensive. As he tossed more and more liquor bottles, more and more high-quality wine was sprayed across the floor.
                        "I will have to escape here." Zea smirked as he back tumbled out of the plane into the air. "Au revoir!"
                        A lighted match was left behind, turning the pool of liquor into an inferno of flame.

                        Battle of Gensokyo

                        "I will end you now." Vladimir bellowed. "Necrohemorrhage!"
                        Suddenly, the dead Grunts began to dig their way out of the ground. It was like watching a zombie apocalypse movie come to life.
                        "Feast!" Vladimir shouted as the blood stored in his sword poured into the Grunt zombies.

                        The clock ticks, 18 minutes and 44 seconds until the Extraction.

                        "I have bought enough time." Trebeq puffed as the shadowy box diminished and faded. "Good luck, rebels."

                        Human Village

                        "I am ready." Daiyousei said, her voice serene and her determination unwavering.

                        The Package

                        "Okay, found it." Nitori said to Zero, the upgrade chip ready in her hands. "Here goes-"
                        The chip has been inserted into the back of Zero's neck.


                          Battle of Gensokyo

                          Sakuyamon went as fast as she could evading the many attacks from the nucleoids "Dammit.. we got little time" she said to herself while feeling something fall on her back

                          "We can still do it, just go at full force!" Nera said while taking down the oncoming enemies with her bonestaff as the shaman went faster and faster towards the devourer
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            Battle of Gensokyo

                            As the zombie grunts approached, John stopped charging his magic and instead began charging a final shockwave.

                            The ground began to lightly shake and the air around John darkened to the point where the only thing visible was John covered in a super-bright aura of light.

                            John then bent his knees and brought his arms inward, as if he was holding a person around their torso. His fingers slowly curled as the light tremor intensified. His aura became even brighter, while the air around him became pitch black. A faint humming could be heard and was getting louder and increasing in pitch as John came closer to finishing the charging phase.

                            John grunted in exertion and strain as the energy within him intensified. It was almost too much for John to withstand, but he willed himself to keep charging the attack.

                            The very moment an enemy got too close, John would unleash his attack and obliterate everything within a 50 meter radius.

                            Sector 3 - Prometheus Labs

                            The female Spartan's visor shattered as Jack's fist collided into it, revealing the female Spartan's blue eyes. She grabbed at the blade in her shoulder and spoke.
                            "Y-you may be indebted to him, but where are your morals?... Where is your soul?", she weakly said as the accumulation of her injuries was starting to take a toll.
                            The female Spartan slowly hoisted herself off of the bladed arm and jumped back, landing 20 feet away. She was heavily injured, but still continued to fight. She covered her left shoulder with her hand to stop the bleeding and got into a fighting stance.

                            As Wesker backhanded the Spartan's helmet, the male Spartan used Wesker's applied force and spun. Using the momentum, he then followed through with a punch to Wesker's chest with enough force to flip a 6,000 pound car.

                            HUNK's .50 caliber rounds blasted straight through the Spartan's helmet and slammed into the machine gunner's impenitrable skull, liquefying the brains inside. The Spartan went limp and ceased to be. As that happened, the main gun had enough time to aim at HUNK and fired.

                            As soon as all the Lickers died, the remaining Spartan-IIIs, Warthogs, and Mantis focused all their firepower on the Ndesu 2, aiming for the emerging creatures, just like last time.
                            Last edited by S121; 08-14-2013, 11:09 PM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                              The fire was then shorted out by Mima, who used a water spell to douse the flame.

                              "I'm busy for 5 minutes, and you almost burn the ship down?" Mima said, sighing.

                              "It was a putas butler fella." Salvador said.

                              "Yeah." Marisa said.

                              "Right." Mima said.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                Battle of Gensokyo

                                The zombie Grunts began surrounding John, but none got close. It wasn't because they knew John would obliterate them if they got close, but was because of their fear towards light.
                                "Dammit, useless gits." Vladimir cursed, putting on a shield made of blood. "Stand back!"
                                Vladimir picked up a zombie Grunt and threw it at John.

