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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    By now, my wounds healed and I shifted back to normal.

    "Ah... Now then, time to see how 'm'lord' is doing. It should be fine.

    After all, a fallen angel does not die. Not easily. This will be exhilarating."

    I hid along the shadows. I reached into one of the ducts. I hid in the roof to watch the battle ensue.

    "Hmm... it seems like a lot is going on up there. We have to move fast."

    I looked around to see Samus' spaceship. Sorry Samus, but unless you want to come along, we're taking your ship.

    "Guys, a spaceship. Let's board. Quickly."


      The consumer

      Nera´s anger finally exploded when Iku almost died, she stood up and took somoe steps forward, her aura rising more and more "You think you are so almighty and powerful, your allies just follow you because of fear and they have no other choice at all, people li- no scum like you are the worse that existene has spitted in the universe" she said ready for a fight she could lose

      "You and me, no special abilities, no weapons, just our arms and legs" she said releasing her limiters

      Domino´s room

      Renamon knew there would be no other way so she went for Ran "I suggest you to leave or give up, your army may win a battle, but we will never give up" she said to Domino with a serious face
      Last edited by Kristia; 08-19-2013, 03:48 PM.
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




        I tried to hold in a laugh, but a small burst of laughter accidentally came out. Hope no one heard that...


          The consumer

          Noticing the general laughing made the jackal say "I suggest you to check on your henchmen, a lousy warrior is worse than a novice cadet" she said calmly
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Oh, so it's an animal? Highly trained ears couldn't even hear that through the ceiling. I guess I'll play with it while the devourer is planning on how to deal with it.

            "OOooOOooOOooOOooOOoo, Yooo~ooou, can never wiii~iiin this fiii~iiight~..."


              The consumer

              Samus gunship reached the flagship ("Looks like hell has broken loos here") she thought looking at the mess of place

              The bounty hunter walked through the corridor´s towards the core room to atleast deactivate its main energy power
              Last edited by Kristia; 08-19-2013, 05:13 PM.
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                The Consumer

                "Well, it's a bit complicated, but i'll give ya the abridged version. It makes the subconcious of everyone else think we're not there, so try not to bump into too many people." Koishi explained.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  I knocked on the door of the ship.

                  "Samus, are you in there?"


                    The consumer

                    Hearing some knocking on the distance made the bounty hunter more cautious ("Got to be careful, there are strange sounds all over the place") she thought preparing for any dangerous threat as she walked closer to the ship´s core
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Not responding. Looks like it's empty... Or is it?

                      I stood by the door with the Ratatta, preparing a raid sweep just in case.


                        The consumer, corridors to Core

                        The bounty hunter heard the same knocking close to her and saw something on her radar, by instinct she ducked as a blade passed close to where her head would be

                        Looking at her target, Samus chuckled "You guy get worse with time, soon you will look like cousins of the space pirates" she said aiming her arm cannon to the nucleoid

                        "Bring it on" she said shooting beam pellets to the target
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          I opened the door, but no one was there. Good. The coast is cleared.

                          "C'mon. I may not be the best driver, but I'll get us somewhere."

                          I motioned in everyone else in.


                            Sector 3-Prometheus Labs-London

                            Jack looked at the female Spartan "Soul?..." Said Jack as he thought for a moment, suddenly he got a large sadistic grin on his face as he charged forward at high speeds. Using his blade arm he attempts one final stab into the female spartan's torso.

                            As HUNK dashed towards the tank he saw it aim it's main gun at him. Without a second thought he jumped to the side as he barely avoided the blast. Though he quickly got back to his feet and continued his dash toward the tank, as he was running he took out a small remote mine...

                            Wesker continued to fight Gerard and the Spartan. The male Spartan used Wesker's applied force and spun, using the force of Wesker's attack against him he countered with a heavy blow to the chest. This caused Wesker to slide back and grab his chest as he obviously felt the blow.

                            However Wesker stood up and turned to Gerard. "This world is already in complete chaos! I'm just bringing order to this world. Besides this planet is overpopulated, and only the strong may survive." Said Wesker as he charged towards Gerard at high speed, the shots from his AK are doing little to slow him down.


                              "Is that what this is? Order?! I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's the chaos preserving the order! With all the chaos there is no order, and order is just a frilly decoration for the term tyranny! I will end this, Wesker, and end your reign! If I were still of the Neo-Yakuza, I would end you and return order to base 7!"

                              I charged at Wesker with the katana aiming at his chest. It's going to be a clash that will end everything... I hope.


                                The Consumer

                                Isaac thought a moment about Koishi's explanation then nodded.

                                "Okay. I think I might have a plan to take out the Generals. How many peoples' subconscious can you control?", Isaac asked Koishi.

                                Sector 3 - Prometheus Labs - London

                                As Jack came sprinting towards the female Spartan, ready to stab her, she pulled off her helmet and threw it at him. A split second after, she then spun out of the way and towards his flank, barely dodging the bladed arm. Her injuries were slowing her down, but she was still able to fight. She was not going to quit, not when so much was at stake.

                                Just as Wesker and Gerard were about to collide, the male Spartan sprinted towards Wesker's back. He was going to attack his rear while Gerard had his attention. As soon as he got within range, the male Spartan stabbed towards Wesker's spine, hoping to sever his spinal cord.

                                The Spartan-III on the Ndesu 2 pulled out his MA5C assault rifle and fired a barrage of armor piercing rounds at the creatures emerging from its skin.

                                Meanwhile, the 8 remaining Warthogs and the Mantis fired at the other creatures on the Ndesu 2. They saw the colossal monster as the biggest threat and acted accordingly.

                                The Scorpion Tank continued to fire at HUNK, trying to stop him from getting close. As HUNK neared the Scorpion Tank, some of the others aimed at HUNK and fired their main guns. There were only 7 of them left, one of them being heavily damaged, so they needed to protect each other from attack.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

