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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "I guess so. But I do have done significance as well. After all, I'm the shinigami of the yama herself. You should have heard of them, China is close enough to Japan."



      "Yea I heard of them. They ferry the dead to be judged right?" Said Lady as she kept driving, eventually coming to a stop at the marketplace. "Dante had went up against the king of the demon world Mundus himself and came out the victor. Mundus was a powerful demon who only Dante's father Sparda himself had defeated before. So far the only two people known to have defeated Mundus was Sparda, and Dante. Sparda is more powerful though. Not only did Sparda seal Mundus away, but he also sealed Mundus's entire demon army along with himself. Sometime I should tell you the whole story of Dante's father." Said Lady as she hopped off her motorcycle.

      Arctic-Station of Awakening

      Vergil saw the incoming blasts and frowned. "Pathetic..." He said as suddenly he is surrounded by a purple orb, the orb blocking the blasts and pushing away anyone who is two close. Suddenly in a flash of light Vergil emerges looking far different than before.

      As Vergil emerges in his Devil Trigger the sheer power of this form emits a powerful demonic aura.
      "Now you shall face the true power of the Son of Sparda!" He yelled as he took his Yamato out. He then performed a powerful overhead slash with it, sending a shock wave towards Terra. He then quickly turns and re-sheathes his Yamato. Then in that instant he quickly unsheathes it for a split second. Creating another Judgement Cut near Aqua. However this Judgement Cut is roughly twice the size from before.
      Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


        "Maybe. And maybe I'll tell you the whole story about our little prank some day.. In the mean time, I'm gonna find me some imperishables for for Komakoma... Should she ever decide to wake up."


          Arctic - Station of Awakening

          Six grunted at the slashes and in his peripheral, saw Xigbar firing energy blasts at him.

          (Friendly fire.), Six thought as he quickly put away his gun, grabbed Xenmas, and used him as a meat shield against the arrowgun shots.

          Jack and Daniel quickly regained their composure before landing on their feet and sprinted towards Six, ready to neutralize the threat.

          Robin could be overheard near them, but they needed someone to trap first.

          The Consumer

          The stone in Isaac's hands exploded, knocking him against the wall and depleting two of his health icons.

          "Mother... f*cker...", Isaac mumbled as he entered the room again.
          Last edited by S121; 09-06-2013, 06:00 PM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



            Lady nodded as she watched Komachi walk off. Something did not feel right in the air... as the sun was setting she got an uneasy chill down her spine. However she shook it off and went into the Market.

            Meanwhile in the streets elsewhere in town.

            Dante was walking through the streets heading back home when suddenly among the sound of traffic, and bystanders he heard the odd sound of... hooves? Dante turned around as suddenly everything around him started to come to a stand still. As though time itself in the immediate area is stopping.
            Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


              "Hurry up, I'm kinda not liking it here, it feels... Weird, I dunno."


                Arctic - Station of Awakening

                Six's plan of using Xemnas as a meat shield works perfectly. Just after tough Saïx finish charging. He turns towards the two spartans helping Six and begings throwing giant claymores looking like clubs at the ground near them. When they hit the ground they create a shockwave around them.

                Meanwhile as Vergil transformed, he simply pushed back the energy sphere. And before being slashed he got time to fire a seconds energy sphere. When he got slashed he got ready to counter. While he was slashing Aqua he turned his keyblade into a whip like weapon and swung it in a sphere around him. Anything within this sphere would be caught in the attack. Aqua simply guarded with a Reflect spell, encasing her in a protective shield all around her.
                Born in the light.
                Molded in the dark

                Never Forget,
                Keep Fighting.
                –Don't Forget.
                Always, somewhere,
                someone is fighting for you.
                –As long as you remember her,
                you are not alone.



                  Lady nodded in agreement. "Yea, same here... just get what you need and we will go." Said Lady as she went outside to get her Motorcycle started, but before she did she handed Komachi enough money for her to get whatever she needed.


                  As Dante was walking through the streets he simply looked on at everyone who was frozen solid. It is like everything except Dante had just stopped in place. The cars, the people, and even the wind itself it seems. Dante continued his stroll as he slowly began reaching for Ebony & Ivory. The sound of hooves running along the concrete echoed throughout the now stand still city. The sound of a demonic horse neighing can be heard along with the sound of wooden wheels echoes throughout the city heading straight towards Dante. Dante quickly spun around only to be confronted with a familiar face...

                  "Oh it's you again... I see you managed to escape Temen-ni-gru." Said Dante as he stared down his current opponent.

                  The beast is none other than Geryon the Timesteed. Once a horse of legend ridden by countless heroes, until ingesting demonic essence which corrupted and empowered him with limited control over time. He leads a ghostly hearse, equipped with a heavy armament. Geryon came to a stop as it stared down Dante.

                  Arctic-Station of Awakening

                  Vergil who was in Devil Trigger laughed at their attempts. "You've got to do better than that to stop me..." Said Vergil as he suddenly disappeared in what seemed to be a blur. Suddenly another series of rifts begin to fill the field, ally or enemy whoever touches one of these rifts will be cut several times.
                  Last edited by Mega134; 09-06-2013, 06:54 PM.
                  Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                    Arctic-Station of Awakening

                    Ensuring that his enemy was finished, Six pulled out his knife and quickly stabbed Xenmas twice. Once the deed was done, Six threw him off the pillar, making room for the battle at hand. Six then surveyed the battlefield, ready for the next hostile.

                    Jack and Daniel were blown back by the shockwave, causing them to smash into the ground. As soon as they hit the ground, Jack and Daniel quickly got back up.

                    "You thinking what I'm thinking?", Daniel asked Jack.

                    "Yea.", Jack said as he nodded.

                    Jack sprinted towards Saïx as he pulled out his "Bullet Storm" fully automatic shotgun and fired four remotely detonated explosive shells at Saix. Meanwhile, gifted with the speed and reflexes similar to that of a Spartan-II, Daniel sprinted off to the side with his dual pistols, quickly flanked Saix, and unleashed a .50 caliber storm.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      "Thanks for the money."

                      I then got what I needed, and noticed I was a dollar short.

                      "Oh boy...... >_> <_< -w- "

                      I then summoned a mountain of coins from my danmaku. The cashier looked in awe.

                      "This should be enough."

                      I handed the correct amount to the cashier. I went outside and handed back the right amount of money to Lady.

                      "There ya go."


                        Arctic-Station of Awakening
                        "So much for coordination..." With a sigh Robin picked the first opponent he could see and fired off bolts of Thoron.


                          Arctic - Station of Awakening

                          As Terra evaded most of the rifts he transformed his Keyblade into a strange the device and used it at Vergil. The result was that he wasn't damaged, but he couldn't attack either. (think of it like confuse from RPG's. Most of the time he hits himself if he tries to attack. Last about 8 seconds.) While Vergil couldn't counter Terre went into a berserk mode. Attacking mu summoning forth spinning gears around his body hitting Vergil at high speed while also attacking with his keyblade while it looked like a big hammer. At the end of the combo the two energy spheres collided into him launching him across the Station.

                          As Jack and Daniel was shooting at Saïx the bullets didn't seem to do any harm at all. He just continued throwing giant claymores at everyone. After the claymores he had already thrown hovered above the ground a few seconds before disappearing again.

                          When Xemnas was stabed and thrown of the tower it didn't really mater to much. He used a Curaga spell and was up and going again. He then teleported behind Six and slashed him in his back before firing two orbs that exploded on contact with Saix and grew much bigger, damaging anything touching them.

                          Meanwhile No Heart was simply standing on the edge by the Station, guarded by a dark barrier while summoning keyblades that flew everywhere.
                          Last edited by Katrix; 09-07-2013, 05:21 PM.
                          Born in the light.
                          Molded in the dark

                          Never Forget,
                          Keep Fighting.
                          –Don't Forget.
                          Always, somewhere,
                          someone is fighting for you.
                          –As long as you remember her,
                          you are not alone.


                            Originally posted by Katrix View Post
                            Arctic - Station of Awakening
                            Meanwhile No Heart was simply standing on the edge by the Station, guarded by a dark barrier while summoning keyblades that flew everywhere.
                            Robin refocused himself, trying to get the feel for the battle. That's when he caught sight of No heart behind his barrier.
                            "Alright then, that can be problematic..." Robin opened the blazing red fire tome Bolganone. "Let's see if that barrier can block THIS!" Fire Energy concentrated itself above his upheld palm, forming a small sphere of lava. Then, swiftly he plunged it into the ground. a second later, a massive column of fire and lava erupted underneath No Heart, engulfing him in a raging inferno.


                              Arctic - Station of Awakening

                              As the fire erupted from the ground No Heart didn't seem to take any damage, the focus point of the barrier (keyblade) did take a lot of damage. The barrier didn't break tough. No Heart then turned his attention towards Robin. He engulfed him in a Corridor of Darkness which brought him higher up where Keyblades had been summoned in plenty all pointing towards where Robin was. Some of them even touched him as they were that close. If you looked at it from afar it would look like iron dust around a magnet. Then all the keyblades rushed towards him from all sides stroking him from everywhere.
                              Born in the light.
                              Molded in the dark

                              Never Forget,
                              Keep Fighting.
                              –Don't Forget.
                              Always, somewhere,
                              someone is fighting for you.
                              –As long as you remember her,
                              you are not alone.


                                Arctic - Station of Awakening

                                "GAH!" Cuts and gouges all over Robin's body. all he could do was scream in pain. Suddenly, one of the keyblades impaled him. Everything for Robin slowed. Falling...falling...
                                He fell back to the ground.
                                A beat of a heart. his vision pulsed red.
                                A voice in the darkness...
                                "...YOU CANNOT SLAY...WHAT MAY NEVER DIE..."
                                Robin felt fear grow in him. "No...I can't..."
                                "...RETURN TO ME... COME... WE ARE ONE...AND THE SAME... "
                                "...I AM...GRIMA... I AM...DESPAIR..."
                                A dark aura surrounded Robin...He got up...
                                He looked straight at No Heart.
                                "...ARROGANT MORTAL... I AM THE END!"
                                Those words...were formed from Robin's voice.

                                That was when the air seemed to be filled with the aura of death. An outline of an enormous dragon could be seen...but was it really there? Yes, Robin felt it. Grima had risen from the darkness.
                                At that moment, The Fell Dragon unleashed it's wrath upon No Heart in the form of massive spikes piecing up through the ground between Robin and all the way to No Heart.

                                Last edited by Cucoo5; 09-07-2013, 08:07 PM.

