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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    John saw that the ATP Agents were making progress toward his position.
    Reacting quickly, he pulled out the knife he took from the Neo-Yakuza HQ and charged towards the agents.

    He rammed through the first few and tossed a grenade into the middle of their group, blowing them up. Next, he spun with the knife in hand, increasing the knife's momentum and sending it through an agent's armor.
    John pulled it out and threw it at an agent behind him and took the first one's shotgun. Pumping it, John unloaded shell after shell into all nearby agents, leaving a trail of death behind him.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      A House Somewhere in Nevada

      We stepped outside. There were no signs of railroad tracks, but there was a loose train out in the distance. There were people on that train, but it was so far out that I could only see that they were there. I had no idea what they were doing. I did have an idea who one of them were.

      "Deimos," I called out, "does Tricky have the power to summon an entire train without tracks?!"


        Shinki's Palace

        X looks at Aqua and shrugs his shoulders. "No sorry. I was just running some security checks. I didn't even know that everyone vanished." Said X as he too is confused as to where his friends went.


          Pentagon, Washington DC

          "This is... peculiar." ABEL bleeped in confusion. "I'm sensing an unknown aura in the stabbed area... but I can't detect the identity of it."
          "What do you mean? I equipped you with knowledge of every virus and bacteria in existence!" Nitori panted.
          "That's the thing. I think this aura is otherworldly." ABEL mumbled in annoyance. "Perhaps EVE's database can identify what this can be."


            Somewhere in Nevada

            Deimos walked outside, and dropped his cigarette. "This is just like the last time Hank fought Tricky on a train. That's where he died twice."

            Two MAG agents then came out, pulling out oversized Desert Eagles, and firing at John, while ATP soldats set up snipers.

            "What in the hell are you doing here?!" Hank said.

            "Killing two birds with one stone." the Auditor summoned a dark blade, emanating with dark energy, with a red outline around it. "It's lucky I caught you both here. Saves time."

            "Fuck off." Hank retorted.

            "I could say the same to you, Hank." the Auditor then cut the connection to the other cars. "But let's be blunt here. You are not leaving this train alive."
            B]"HE'S MINE, AND I'VE ALREADY SAID THIS!"[/B] Tricky yelled.

            "You took too long." the Auditor swiped at Tricky, cutting off the top of his head and throwing him off the train.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              Outskirts of Sydney, Australia

              "Target location confirmed at the 12 o clock position." An old walkie-talkie buzzed in a hot afternoon of Australia. "Get in position."
              "Understood." A husky voice growled, and a huge hulking figure of a feline hunter emerged from the bushes. "Take the left side, I'll take the right."
              "Roger that, captain." The voice from the walkie-talkie snickered as a young African-American woman readied her semirifle.

              "Intruder!" Neo-Yakuza agents shouted as they fired their guns at the approaching cat-man. The bullets did no damage to the cat's bulky muscles.
              "Whose head shall I take?!" Rengar snarled, and cried a battle roar that frightened the agents, followed immediaty after by a series of slashes that expertly dispatched the agents: one, two, three down. Fourth one who approached with a knife was locked in place by a thrown bola.

              "Coming through!" The African-American lady announced as she entered the Neo-Yakuza base through a window, continuously firing with her twin pistol that she kept in her hip satchel. Before the remaining agents could retaliate, the lady tumbled behind a giant metal crate, drew her semi-auto rifle, and dispatched the rest of the agents.

              "Where is the list, Sheva?" The feline hunter asked as the African-American lady shuffled through the agents.
              "One of them escaped with the list, Rengar. There was supposed to be 12 agents. I only count 11." Sheva reported, disappointed and frustrated.
              "What?" Rengar roared, and kicked one of the corpses. "How could've they escaped?"

              "No worries." A murmur was heard from Sheva's walkie-talkie, followed by a loud sniper shot. "All their head looks bloody twelve-feet tall."
              "Did you just-" Sheva asked in disbelief as Rengar guffawed.
              "Now that's a clean execution." Rengar snarled in happiness. "Let's get the list and leave this joint, before things get too sticky."



                The very moment that the MAG agents pulled out their giant guns, John sprinted to cover.

                (Things are never that easy, are they?...)

                John peeked over the rock, but as soon as he did, a bullet whizzed right by his head.


                John pulled out his Barrett 50 caliber rifle and fired at the MAG Agents, aiming for their heads.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Somewhere in Nevada

                  The MAG agents resisted the bullets, their masks deflecting the bullets off as they approached, firing more bullets the size of John's head at him.
                  Last edited by Koishi; 05-24-2013, 05:22 PM.

                  Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                  You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



                    (Looks like I'm gonna have to mix things up a little.)

                    John focused himself, forcing him to go into Spartan Time.

                    Once that happened, John Jumped out of cover and slammed into one of the nearby agents, knocking it down. John then grabbed the agent's gun. It was very unwieldy, and the recoil would be hard to manage, but John made due.

                    John used the gun and fired at the other Mag agent, aiming dead center at its heart.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      (I just saw something... Unspeakable.... YUUGI WTF ARE YOU DOING TO NITORI?)
                      Pentagon, Washington DC

                      Nitori headed towards EVE's main computer slowly, grasping her cringing stomache that spilled blood, her wound reopening.
                      "Good morn- whoa, what happened to you?" EVE's voice escalated from tired to shocked.
                      "Scan me... Fast." Nitori gasped as she stood on the platform, knees half-bent, slouched.
                      "O, okay. Initiating B.A.D. code." EVE beeped.



                        Once the first MAG agent fell to the ground John aimed it at the second one, but it grabbed him and threw him against a nearby rock.
                        Quickly recovering, John got up and charged the agent. The agent fired twice, but John would jump to its flank right before it could pull the trigger.

                        John pulled out the RPG, slid underneath its legs, and fired at the back of the MAG agent's head.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          "Interesting." Komachi said without warning. When did she wake up?

                          "Yea, this is an odd case, 'cuz chuckles the clown just fell off the train. There's another small object falling with him... nope, that's just his head."

                          I could see that as well. Tricky was decaptiated and falling off of a train. But who did it? Was it Hank? No, Hank was on the train, but someone else was on that train, and he carried some type of sword.

                          "Hey... is there anyone else besides Hank capable of killing Tricky that wields a blade?"


                            Joe Greasy's Hoff bar

                            My name is Rengar, the Pridestalker.
                            I originate from the world of Runeterra, but for unknown reason, I have been thrown into Earth, an outside world that I have never heard of.

                            I do not know my way to get back, but I know for a fact that I am not alone.

                            "I found the list." The African-American woman is Sheva Alomar. Gifted woman, she is. Her instincts are as sharp as a polished blade, and her resilience was comparable to the juggernauts of the Demacian troops.

                            "Wicked, mate." The tall, skinny man calls himself Sniper. The man's eyes are sharper than the hawk's. Personally, I do not consider sly men who use their little toys to hunt true hunters, but the Sniper is an exception. "That wasn't so bad."

                            "I smell reinforcements." I sniffed the air, and smelled a burning scent of an automobile. This spelt trouble. "Back to the hideout!"

                            We form the Bushwack Bandits, 3-man trio that hinders the Neo-Yakuza and their dastardly evil plans of abducting Characters. Our hideout is nothing fancy: an old army bunker has been used by the American troops during the America-Chinese War. We call this our home, the only place where we can relax without worrying about the Neo-Yakuza.
                            Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-24-2013, 08:05 PM.


                              Somewhere in Nevada

                              Deimos then rushed inside and headed to the roof quickly. He pressed a button, causing a large artillery gun-like weapon, equipped with a MAG sized shotgun on both side to rise from the lower levels. Coming with it was a large tube containing two giant shotgun shells reading "Supermagnum 20kg Slug". Deimos loaded the tube into the shotguns and fired two shots in quick succession at the train, hitting the train engine.

                              "Well shit." Hank said as the engine started to build up in pressure, causing him to leap off for safety.

                              "So be it." The Auditor turned to a shadow and left the train in seconds.

                              The second MAG agent's head exploded in a shower of blood, while the first seemingly recovered, sending John a punch with the force of a train, sending him flying through the air, toward's Hank's house.
                              Last edited by Koishi; 05-24-2013, 09:54 PM.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                "Wait, Hank is on that train! What do you want to do, kill him?!"

