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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Battle of Gensokyo

    Isaac saw as the blade flew towards him at the speed of sound.

    It went so fast, that by the time Isaac used his Stasis Module on it, it was only a couple of feet away from him.

    At that moment, Isaac also saw that Zenmari was trailing behind it, looking as if he wanted to brutally murder Isaac.

    Isaac then aimed his hand at Zenmari, fired a Stasis field at him, and flew to the side in one motion.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      ((Cue Zero's theme))
      Battle of Gensokyo

      As Zenmari and Isaac continued to fight the sound of something charging can be heard. Suddenly out of nowhere 2 large plasma shots from a familiar arm cannon, followed by a crescent wave of energy from a beam-Saber comes flying after Zenmari from behind. The person who made this attack was none other than Zero who had just arrived to the battlefield. "Sorry I'm late, had a few things I had to take care of." He said as he aims his Z-Buster at Zenmari's back.

      Zero's armor is different than the usual red, instead it is black oddly enough. His Z-Saber is now purple instead of green, and his hair color is a silvery grey. "I hope I didn't miss anything important."


      Phantom looks at Ocelot and nods. He then takes a plasma tipped kunai from a small pouch on his waist. Phantom then takes the tip of the kunai and cuts a hole just large enough for his arm to fit through. As he finished cutting the hole he reached his arm in and unlocked the 2nd floor window. He then proceeds to enter the mansion through the now opened window.

      ((A Plasma tipped Kunai is a cross between a beam weapon and a normal kunai. It's mostly comprised of metal like a normal Kunai, but the outer edge of the blade is comprised of beam energy like a beam saber.))


        I dodged both attacks. I turned around.

        "Oh, but you needn't worry on that. Your funeral could always wait, but now that you've seen me like this, I'm afraid it shall come sooner than expected."

        I curled up in the air. Then, I sprawled out, making a giant wave of purple aura.

        "Alright! Go ninja."

        I entered through the window. Though... it all looks weird... I read the label.

        "Let's see here... Aya? Hmph. Wonder who that could be."

        All of a sudden, I heard a noise coming from the closet.

        "... alright. Phantom, what I want you to do it open the door. I'll get the revolver ready."


          Battle of Gensokyo

          Isaac was about to make a remark to Zero being late, but was quickly interrupted by Zenmari's attack.

          As the purple aura neared Isaac, Isaac used his Stasis Module and slowed it down.

          Then, Isaac pulled out his Plasma Cutter and fired three searing hot blasts at Zenmari, hoping to disrupt the aura in the process.
          Last edited by S121; 08-17-2013, 02:23 PM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Battle of Gensokyo

            Zero smirks as he prepares for another attack. "Funeral? I've already had four, not counting recently. I've literally died more times that I can count. If you think you scare me then you've been mistaken." Said Zero as he easily dodges the wave of purple aura with a backwards air dash to avoid Zenmari's attack. As he landed back on the ground he turned to Zenmari, a visible red aura emanates from Zero. "IttouRyoudan: Genmurei!" Yelled Zero as he launches two insanely powerful giant crescent waves from his saber at Zenmari.
            Last edited by NeoFox; 08-17-2013, 02:38 PM.


              I dodged two of them, but one of them managed to hit me. It hurt half as much because of my aura. The purple aura blast wore down. I stood there as there was a searing hot burn mark on my cheek.

              "... don't you get it? While heat attacks can stop an attack..."

              I teleported behind Isaac.

              "It doesn't bother me at all."

              I pierced the armor and touched Isaac's skin. The aura began eating at him.



                At the sound of something moving inside the closet Phantom turned to Ocelot and nodded. He then pulls out a Kunai and quietly opens the closet door.


                  Battle of Gensokyo

                  Isaac yelled as The aura burned him, but kept fighting.

                  Isaac spun around and hit Zenmari with a Stasis field.

                  Next, Isaac pulled out his Super Collider Contact Beam and fired it straight into Zenmari at point-blank range.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    I was shot in the face then hit by the red saber.


                    I fell to the floor.

                    "Ptu... damn... you all are good..."

                    Once he opened the door, I heard a girl screaming.


                    I backed up. It was... a girl. With a white rabbit in her hands.

                    "Whoa whoa whoa! We're not gonna kill you... unless you try something fishy!"


                      Battle of Gensokyo

                      "Well of course we are, you're fighting a man who had gone through hell several times over, and a machine built for combat. Just face the truth already, you don't stand a chance." Said Zero as he readies his Z-Buster for another attack.


                      As Phantom saw the girl he quickly put his Kunai away and shot a mean glare at Ocelot, one that one send a shiver down any man's spine. Obviously he didn't like Ocelot's comment.

                      As he turned to the girl he placed a hand on her head reassuringly. "Don't worry we will not harm you. Now care to tell us who you are?" Replied Phantom in an oddly calm and peaceful tone.


                        Battle of Gensokyo

                        Isaac hovered back down to the ground and landed.

                        Once he landed, he then pulled out his Javelin Gun.

                        "Like I said before, I'm not going to die, not yet.", Isaac said as he aimed the Javelin Gun at Zonmari's head.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          "You took the words right from my mouth."

                          I kicked Isaac down and stood up.

                          "Our kind don't quite die. Not easily. I bid you two farewell."

                          I began reverting to my regular form. Then, I began floating towards the sky with my angelic smile and cold glare. Then, in a bright light, I was gone.

                          "Hey, I've seen enough shit the minute I saw uber powered hedgehogs..."

                          The girl stood up, petting her rabbit.

                          "... Aya. I'm Aya. This is my house... and it used to be normal."

                          That's when I looked towards the door. It was covered in blood stains. I walked to open the door.

                          "What happened he-"

                          "DON'T!!! If you open that door, they will come in!"


                            Battle of Gensokyo

                            Zero looked up as Zenmari vanished, sheathing his beam saber he turns to Isaac. "Well that was a buzz kill." Said Zero as he watches the battle that continues to rage on.


                            "My name is Phantom I used to be a powerful warrior who led an armor. I fought many harsh battles before, and I served under a wise and powerful master. After I sacrificed myself in an attempt to protect him I was brought into this world... without anyone to fight for... no one to protect..." Said Phantom as he turns to Aya. "What do you mean used to be normal? This place looks like your standard mansion." Said Phantom as he stood up, he decided to stay close to the girl known as Aya. "Who? Who will come in?"


                              Battle of Gensokyo

                              "Agh, they always run.", Isaac remarked as he stood back up.

                              "How much do you wanna bet he'll be back?", Isaac asked Zero.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Who needs to come back? a voice said in Isaac's mind as Isaac began to feel internal pain.

                                I opened the door.

                                "Oh please, What could possibly be behind this door that would be-"

                                All of a sudden, a guy... with half a body came crawling through the door at crazy fast speeds.

                                "KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!" Aya began screaming. I shot the zombie thing, but it was still moving. It headed towards Aya.

