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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Pentagon, Washington DC

    "Just as I thought." EVE beeped. "That thing inside Nitori's wound, eating up all the platelets, is the same energy that Zero had when he was frenzied. In this case, I can easily extract it from her, but with this bad of the wound's progression, Nitori is going to need at least a week before she can do anything dangerous."


      Pentagon, Washington DC

      Zero scowls at what he hears and begins to walk off with a look of anger on his face. "Then extract it and destroy it as soon as possible. EVE scan your systems after you do so as well. Call me when your done extracting it from her." He said as he leaves the room.


        Deimos' House, Nevada
        Otori paused. "... no. I've heard all I needed to hear. Oh, and John, I will allow Shikieiki and Komachi to go to Makai with you. I'll not be going though. I still have to find a way to control the Improbability Drive somehow in order to do what I intended to do: send everyone back to where they came from. Shikieiki, would you like to go with John? Go to Makai and meet everyone else in the resistance. I'll teleport to you using the Improbability Drive once this is all over."

        I thought long and hard. "But... what about you?"

        "I'm only a human, therefore I cannot protect you from this type of danger, as in characters working against us. But once I retrieve the Improbability Drive, I can help every one. Including you. I'm sorry, but you have to go. The Improbability Drive that Tricky possesses will be a huge disadvantage, but I sure as hell can fight and handle a gun."

        I couldn't allow this. But... he did have a point. "... okay. John, I'm coming with you."

        "I promise to be back soon, Shiki. John, please take care of her."

        I turned towards John. "Komachi... let's go. We have a world to save."

        Otori smiled. "Otori... don't get yourself killed. I will send you to hell if I find out you died doing something stupid."

        "Don't worry about it. And plus, in a world like this, I can die over and over again... I hope."

        I laughed a bit. "Okay... well... see ya."

        I walked over towards John again.


          Somewhere in the Middle of the Freaking Desert of Australia Somehow (Said in snake's perspective)

          I finished up with the last of my kangaroo. "Ah.. pretty tasty..."

          I looked up to see a vehicle. I saw who was in it... It was an armed group. I couldn't take any precautions. I readied my RPG-7. I seem to be well stocked for whatever mission I was sent on, so it couldn't be any allies driving my way. I don't remember ever needing back-up. I was always a soloist.

          I aimed the rocket at the tires, then I thought about how I could steal their vehicle to get out of here. I put away my RPG-7 and replaced it with an EMP wave grenade. The car seemed to be running crazy. I readied my AK-47 so that I can hold the enemies up. I waited for them to fall out. I hid behind my kangaroo carcass.


            Joe Greasy's Hoff bar, Abercrombie River National Park, Australia

            "Hey, Rengar, how you've been?" That's Nick, a park ranger that frequents the grub shop. He's amiable, soft-spoken, and responsible. He sometimes brings other, more stone-faced rangers, but this time he was alone. "Caught anything?"
            "I bagged a deer with particularly edgy horns. Another piece for my collection." I responded. I stuffed the horn in my den, a small cave right behind the bunker. It has a quaint feel, but I truly relax in there, toying with all my trophies.
            "I would love to see your collection some day." Nick laughed. He was a good guy, if not too good.
            "By the way, what's with that guy eating a kangaroo by the plains?" I asked Nick.
            "I don't know. I tried confronting him, but he shoo'd me away. Maybe just another hunter, like you." Nick responded. Kangaroo meat isn't too bad, just a bit stretchy around the thighs.
            "Ya think it's a Neo?" Sheva asked while washing the dishes. We refer to the Neo-Yakuza Character agents as "Neos" for convenient sake.
            "Definitely not." Nick chuckled. "Me and my mates work overtime to keep you safe."
            "You have my thanks." Nick is a good guy. He really is. "I'll go for some dry one."

            "That bloody bogin!" I heard Sniper enter the grub shop in a fit of rage.
            "What's wrong?" Nick asked.
            "That rocket-slinging wanker tried to bust my crib into pieces." Sniper spat. "Neo or not, when I see him again, I'm gunning for that mongrel!"
            "Take it easy, Sniper." Sheva smiled. She was definitely the one keeping the team together. "Care for more coffee?"
            "Appreciate it." There was he, the ordinary, silent Sniper, once again.
            Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-25-2013, 09:31 PM.


              Base 2, Australia

              "Sir! We found a subject in a near-by desert!" An agent had come bursting through my door with a laptop under his arm. How impolite.

              I grabbed him by the collar. "I don't care who you find in the middle of the desert! I could find the Animaniacs in the desert and I still wouldn't give a damn! Got that?!"

              "But sir, you may need to look at who the subject is."

              I dropped him. "Well? Tell me!"

              "It seems to be a man in a stealth suit with a bandanna and an eye patch."

              Snake! I have finally found him! At long last!

              "Gahahahaha!!!!!!!! I can't believe you found him! You get a promotion! Now round up the troops and send them to that location!"

              He nodded and took off. I began celebrating. I began punching a wall. I got so excited that I let out an electric charge and left a giant hole in the wall.

              Now it's time for some payback!


                Australian Desert, Naked Snake (I'm gonna start naming my characters)

                Damn! He got away too fast. Oh well. I began following their tracks. It should lead to somewhere.

                After a while, I saw the same people talking to someone else. I hid, waiting for the right moment to strike.


                  Note: The metallic humanoid is Axl.


                  John left Deimos's house with Shikieiki and Komachi, but Otori decided to stay.

                  John walked into the desert and made his way to the group, but something caught his eye. Out in the distance, there was a metal humanoid.

                  John turned to Shikieiki and said, "Go on without me, but make sure to tell the others to keep the portal open. I don't want to be stranded here."

                  John then ran towards the metallic humanoid, curious on what he would find.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Nevada, Shikieiki

                    "I'll go. Komachi, watch over John. If anything happens to him, do not hesitate to rush towards me and tell me the news."

                    Komachi nodded and followed John. "Hey, John! I honestly thought I would never see you again! What a coincidence! Don't you think so?"


                      Nevada Desert

                      Axl stands up and kicks a few rocks around. "Come on Pallette! I don't have all the time in the world to spend!" He said as he looks in the distance seeing a tall figure approaching.

                      Axl quickly starts waving to the figure trying to get the persons attention. "HEY!" Yelled Axl as he sees that it is that green armored man from the train. "Hey it's you! I saw you on the train!" He said as he limps over to John.



                        "Hey, John! I honestly thought I would never see you again! What a coincidence! Don't you think so?"

                        "Yea, I admit that it is pretty crazy. The odds of getting teleported to the same location out of countless others, then smashing through the same house you guys were in are pretty astronomical. I atually find it a little funny."

                        All of a sudden, the metallic figure shouts, "HEY!", and limps over to them.

                        "Who are you?"
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          "Hey, look! It's a space man!"



                            John turns his head to Komachi.

                            "Not quite. That's a Reploid, an android, a robot."
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Nevada Desert

                              "What? I'm not a space man! I'm Axl, and I'm a New Generation Reploid. Well a prototype of them. I run my own Mercenary for Hire service. Recently I had a run in with an old enemy of mine and accidentally caused the entire facility to blow up, and I barely escaped. I was just abandoned out here, and am waiting for a friend to pick me up." He said as he holds out his hand.



                                John shakes Axl's hand, then asks a question.

                                "Do you by chance know X?"
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

