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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Axl follows the group to a large portal leading to who knows where.
    "Is X on the other side of this thing?" Said Axl as he points at the portal.


      Nevada - Near Portal

      John turned his head towards Axl.

      "Yep. Don't worry, it's safe to go through."

      John then stepped into the portal, setting foot into Makai once again.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Nevada - Near Portal

        Axl smiles and quickly dashes in after John. As he reaches the other side he enters the Makai. "Whoa... this reminds me of Cyber Space... sort of..." Said Axl as he looks around. He reaches his hand to his back checking to see if his dual pistols are still there.


          shinki´s palace

          Returning into the demon world, Renamon just walked to the washroom to clean her fur. While taking of the blood she heard Mara´s voice ("You know, with all what have happened, you still haven´t found any clues about the ones who destroyed the village, why are you getting distracted with these guys who just go on even more killing sprees?")

          ("I know I have delayed somehow my search for the assasins, but those persons have done what they could to save inoccent people") The fox thought and surprisingly got countered by Nera ("Mara is right this time, those characters are of incredible powers, you are the most vulnerable in that group, just see at yourself, your injuries aren´t even completely recovered")

          "You are telling me that I should just leave them because they are too dangerous for me?" This time the fox said except than thinking.

          ("No, we are trying to help you so you can stay alive stubborn fox") ("What Mara means is that we care for you and we are worried about your well being") the duo told her sounding worried and asked the fox to check on the mirror.

          Renamon went to the mirror and saw both the Jackal and ghost behind her reflection "We do want to help you, but in our current state, all we can do is talk with you"

          "Im fine, I may be the weakest of the group, but Im not going to give up at this, there are many characters who are still being taken as hostges and slaves, and I do have information about the group who destroyed my village, they are in Australia, but I still won´t leave until I find the way to get both of you back"

          This took by surprise to the duo "Wait.. take us back? you know a way of taking us back alive? Mara asked not believeing it. "Yes, I saw how the guards of this world got resurrected thanks to a ghost girl who took the spirit of the guard and put it inside the husk of the person. I got your souls in me and I know it is possibe to take both of you to the world of the living, I just need to obtain your bodies back"

          "But.. our bodies disappeared by helping you, how are we supposed to get them back?" Nera asked as Renamon took out her digivice "With this, this digivice has my data inside of it and since the moment you two entered into my mind, both of you became data"

          Renamon walked out of the room and headed towards Shinki "I need your help" she said
          Last edited by Kristia; 05-25-2013, 11:44 PM.
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Shinki's room

            "Oh, hey Renamon. I was just drinking red tea." Shinki greeted Renamon who entered Shinki's room. "Yumeko, give her something to drink."
            "Yes, my mistress." Yumeko bowed, and left the room.


              Australian Bar, Snake

              I lowered my gun, but my guard will always be up. "A drink, huh?"

              I sat down. "Alright. What is is that I need to hear out?"


                Nevada, Shiki

                I saw Komachi run up to me. "Shiki-sama! Guess what I found? Another astronaut!"

                Come to think about it, the man following John and Komachi did seem like the spaceman I encountered in Base 3.

                "Alright, Komachi. Let's go." I looked back at the house we were just in, remembering what Otori said, and then I jumped into the portal with everyone else. We had reached Makai. Home sweet home.

                I decided to make introductions with the new addition to the team.

                "Hello there. My name is Shikieiki Yamaxanadu. And who might you be?"


                  Shinki's Palace

                  John looked around to see the palace in fair condition. There was considerable damage, but nothing that would compromise the integrity of the building.

                  John then shouted for X.

                  "Hey, X! There's someone here to see you!"

                  John then looked at Axl.

                  "You wait here. X should come soon. I have to see if I'm needed."

                  John then walked off to see Shinki....

                  Shinki's Room

                  ...John eventually found Shinki and Renamon.

                  "I see that the place is a little bit of a mess. Is there anything I can do to help?"
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Deimos' House, Otori

                    She's gone. I'll be there with you soon, Shiki.

                    "Alright, Deimos. I've decided in helping you take down Tricky and his fiends. Give me a job and I will happily assist you."

                    I felt the same way I did when I first joined the Neo-Yakuza. I just hope that they don't end up lying to me.


                      Shinki´s palace

                      Renamon took a seat in the room and thanked Youmeko as she gave her some tea "Thank you" she said taking a sip.

                      "I come here for a request, as you may remember, you and some other beings saved the ife of one of the guards who died when we accidentally entered your realm, my request is that if you can help me resurrect two people" The fox asked and exlpained

                      "They are two creaures who in my past gave me their life energies to save mine, now I have recovered my own life essence and have talked with my friends who live inside my mind, the only drawback of this is that their original bodies are long lost, but with this" the fox put her digivice on the table so Shinki could see or examine it if she wanted to.

                      "With this machine I can create husks of their bodies and the spirits are intact, so I come here to ask, Can we revive my friends?"
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Shinki's Palace - Pandemonium, Gensokyo

                        "Ah, you're back." Shinki greeted John who entered the room. "You can go see Yumeko or Sara if you want to help out."

                        "It takes a lot of effort to revive a lost being when the being has died recently." Shinki stated. "Furthermore, a corpse with life energy that has left the body for a long time is almost impossible to revive..."
                        "Unless... if this legend is true."

                        Joe Greasy's Hoff bar, Abercrombie River National Park, Australia

                        "You said something about boss and all. Could it be that you're being chased by the Neo-Yakuza too?" I asked. This man didn't look like he would be a Neo, but you can never assume something until you've seen the truth.
                        Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-26-2013, 12:08 AM.


                          Shinki's Palace

                          X was trying out what humans call 'meditation' when John called for him. He stands up and runs to John's location only to see Axl there. Axl gives X a big smile and wave. X's face lights up with joy as he sees Axl. "Axl I can't believe it's you! Where have you been?" Asked X as Axl holds his hand in the air for a high five which X returns. "I've been in Nevada acting as a Mercenary for Hire to keep a living. I say it's hard handling missions on your own." Said Axl with a bit of a laugh. "And you?" Axl asked as X looks at Axl. "I've been working with the military, but currently I'm helping my friends stop the Neo-Yakuza." Replied X as he walks off with Axl. They have a lot to catch up on.


                            Shinki's Palace

                            "You can go see Yumeko or Sara if you want to help out."

                            (Wait, who's Sara again? Oh well, I'll just go see Yumeko. Maybe I can also ask her what she was so embarrassed about...)

                            John followed Shinki's advice and went to find Yumeko.

                            Eventually, he found her.

                            "I was told that you had something for me to do."
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Shinki´s palace

                              Renamon heard The goddess words and asked "What legend it is?" If I have to so somewhere or meet someone I´ll do it, all for the sake of my friend and mate" the fox said with honesty
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Shinki's Palace

                                "Gah! Oh it's just you." Yumeko gasped, and sighed as she found out it was John. "Yeah, we need more people to lift these stones up the stairs to the ceiling. We have an entire tower down, so we have to fix that.

                                "Have you ever heard of a mad monk by the name of Rasputin in an outside world country called Russia?" Shinki asked.

