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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Moriya Shrine

    "Well, aren't you going to pay respect to the gods? It is common courtesy to follow the "two-bow, two-claps, and one-bow" tradition.", Suwako said.

    (What!?... Geez, I'd better do it. I don't want to offend anybody...)

    Trying to be polite, John bowed twice, clapped twice, then bowed once more.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Moriya Shrine

      "May the gods bless you." Suwako blessed John. "Or was it: May the Gods be with you"... Whatever you get a blessing!"
      "Good call." Aya whispered to John. "Even though she looks like a child, Suwako can bestow curse on you thay can outmatch your extremely good luck any day."
      "So, what brings you two here this evening?" Suwako asked.


        Moriya Shrine

        "So, what brings you two here this evening?", Suwako asked.

        "You see, Old Hell got attacked by this organization of darkness, but we defeated them. The only problem is that the bridge that connects the Ancient City to the Dark Blowhole was destroyed in the process. I am here because we need materials to fix the bridge. Would you be willing to spare some?", John asked Suwako.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Moriya Shrine

          "Ayayaya, we need some Moriya Divine wood. Can you spare us some?" Aya pleaded.
          "Yeah, I don't see why not." Suwako said, getting up. She really was no taller than John's waist area. "Follow me, I'll show you where the trees are at.

          "Here we are." Suwako said. "Moriya Forest."
          Moriya Forest was a set of few trees so large, they covered the evening sun with their branches, making it completly dark under them.
          "You can take one or two." Suwako permitted. "But be sure to pray for the tree you cut, or he spirits inside the tree will place a curse on you."


            Somewhere in Nevada

            Hank watched as on the screen he blasted through the Sheriff's men, including Tricky. He reached the office, and was promptly shot in the head with a Desert Eagle from Jesus.

            "Heh. First time I died. Think I lost a few brain cells from that." Hank joked.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              Australia, Desert

              Vergil quickly runs up to Snake as the robots were defeated. "Now where is the Yamato? You must hand it to me before it consumes your very soul." Said Vergil
              Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...



                A young person opens a Corridor of Darkness to the very spot Zero was destroyed and begins gathering the remaining pieces of him before leaving again.

                Where nothing gathers

                "Our plan is going excellent so far. However we have not yet provided the root to my position in the human world."

                Xehanort looks at Young Xehanort and gives him some instructions on what to do and how to write a report on other worlds and their connection to this world.

                1 year ago - Dark pathway

                Young Xehanort arrived just fine. He immediately begins writing the report just as instructed.
                When he is done he finds his target.

                An old bald man with a silver goatee. He is wearing a black and white coat.
                Young Xehanort moves in and strikes him down.
                Looking at his face he have yellow eyes and pointed ears.
                "Sleep well old man". Young Xehanort then proceeds to lock his memories away, everything except the name Xehanort.
                He then summons a Corridor of Darkness and carry the old man with him in.

                Research facility somewhere
                Young Xehanort and the old man arrive at a Research facility researching other worlds.
                Young Xehanort changes the old man's clothes to get rid of any suspicion. He than places the rapport in the old man's hand.
                "Deliver it just as we planned, together"

                A few guards come out of the building, but they just get a small look at Young Xehanort before he walks into another Corridor of Darkness.
                Last edited by Katrix; 06-08-2013, 11:47 AM.
                Born in the light.
                Molded in the dark

                Never Forget,
                Keep Fighting.
                –Don't Forget.
                Always, somewhere,
                someone is fighting for you.
                –As long as you remember her,
                you are not alone.


                  Moriya Forest

                  "You can take one or two." Suwako permitted. "But be sure to pray for the tree you cut, or he spirits inside the tree will place a curse on you."

                  John turned his head to Suwako.

                  "What do we say in the prayer? I'm not very experienced in things like this.", John asked Suwako.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Moriya Forest

                    "A simple appreciation." Suwako said. "Even 'Thank You' pleases the Gods of the forest, if your heart is sincere and your purpose is true. Sometimes you may leave feeling rejuvenated even after a long period of exhaustion: a gift and a blessing from the spirits."


                      Moriya Forest

                      "Even 'Thank You' pleases the Gods of the forest, if your heart is sincere and your purpose is true. Sometimes you may leave feeling rejuvenated even after a long period of exhaustion: a gift and a blessing from the spirits.", Suwako said.

                      "Ok.", John said.

                      John walked up to a tree.

                      (Okay, a prayer. How about... Thank you tree for your bountiful woo- NO!... Maybe just something simple. Suwako said that it could be just as simple as a "thank you".)

                      "Thank you tree for providing for us as we use you to repair Parsee's bridge.", John awkwardly said.

                      John then realized one more thing.

                      "Great... We're here, but we don't have anything to cut it down with.", John said to Aya.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Moriya Forest

                        "Do not worry, son of the future." A voice was heard from all around. "You need not bring your saw, nor your axe. We will provide the necessity of cutting the tree."
                        Then, the huge tree fell by itself. Unlike axes and saws that cut the tree trunk with wicked, human-like slash mark, the tree was cut in a neat, straight line.

                        "We are the elders of the forest." The voice boomed. Then, a large maelstorm of sensation hit John from all sides, as if the forest was sweeping John around. "You have called for us to provide one of us to your use."
                        "We wish to ask the purpose." A similar voice echoed. "What is your purpose of using the Divine tree of the Moriya?"
                        Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 06-08-2013, 06:27 PM.


                          3 years ago - Old mansion

                          Young Xehanort arrived just fine, he changed his clothes to something more normal before visiting the master of the mansion.
                          "Hello my name is Xehanort. You may have heard about me. I am from a game. More specifically the Kingdom Hearts game series.
                          This may seem weird for you, but I assure you, in a few years it will be completely normal."

                          "I'm sure you have heard about the Atlas project. In a few months everything will go wrong.
                          Characters from games will be born out of nowhere. You can take advantage of this"
                          Born in the light.
                          Molded in the dark

                          Never Forget,
                          Keep Fighting.
                          –Don't Forget.
                          Always, somewhere,
                          someone is fighting for you.
                          –As long as you remember her,
                          you are not alone.


                            3 years ago, Old Mansion

                            "Xehanort... was it?" The master drank his tea as he glanced at Xehanort, young and proud. "Yes, I have heard of the Atlas Project. Pathetic use of a fine technology, if you ask me."
                            "Sir, this... game character... said something about everything going wrong-" A butler from beside the master said, but was interrupted when he suddenly grasped his throat, being choked by an unseen hand.
                            "Everything going wrong? As long as I'm here, NOTHING will go wrong." The master growled, and the butler let go of his throat, gasping for breath. A giant of a man standing at 6 foot 5, doubling over. "Xehanort, I welcome you. Please make yourself at ease, and tell me your purpose of visiting me."


                              Moriya Forest

                              "We wish to ask the purpose." A similar voice echoed. "What is your purpose of using the Divine tree of the Moriya?"

                              "A group of evil Characters attacked the Ancient City. We managed to scare them off, but the bridge that connects the Ancient City to the surface was destroyed. We need the tree to repair it.", John said.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Moriya Forest

                                "Can't you use other trees, young one?" The voices whispered. "Why must it be the divine tree of the Moriya?"

