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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Inside X's head

    Xemnas continues.
    "Make certain the box's content match what's on the label for you have been chosen".
    Xemnas then leaves.
    "You may think this is a dream, but there you are mistaken. Data does not dream, cannot dream. This is real"
    Young Xehanort then leaves too, leaving X alone in the dark.
    Last edited by Katrix; 06-10-2013, 10:02 AM.
    Born in the light.
    Molded in the dark

    Never Forget,
    Keep Fighting.
    –Don't Forget.
    Always, somewhere,
    someone is fighting for you.
    –As long as you remember her,
    you are not alone.


      Inside X's head

      X was now alone. Alone in the darkness that is his mind... the dark quickly envelops X as he is brought into doubt about his own existence.

      "I'm just a soulless machine... Data, and parts... that is all I ever am and ever will be..." He said to himself as he feels a warm touch on his shoulder. He lifts his head up to see the same image of Dr. Light smiling at him warmly. X just turns his head away in disgust. "Your just data... a prerecorded message..." Said X as the spirit of Dr. Light takes his hand off X's shoulder.

      "X. Do not let them get to you. Yes your memories may be just data, but that doesn't mean that the memories you have created aren't your own." Said the doctor as X looks at him.

      "What do mean?" Asked X as he stands up. He wipes the tears from his face and looks at the kind doctor.

      The doctor turns around and the scene changes to an image of Dr. Light's lab when X was being built.
      "X this is you when I was still creating you." Said the Doctor as the original Mega Man enters the lab. The original Mega Man can be seen helping Dr. Light with making X.

      "Why are you showing me this?" Replied X as Dr. Light turns to look at him.

      "I have told you before. You are the first robot to be able to think, and feel. I created you to help bring peace, and help humanity." Said Dr. Light as X looks confused.

      "But what does this have to do with memories?"

      "The memories you have made may be data, but they are still your own memories. From the moment you awoke, to this very moment. Think X... have you ever doubted your memories before? Have you ever thought that you were not yourself?" Dr. Light said as X's many memories begin playing.

      From the moment X fought Vile for the first time on the highway at the beginning of Sigma's rebellion, to X fighting his friend Zero, to even the moment when X, and Zero's conversation on the Jakob Elevator.

      "Even if we Reploids are destined to join the scrap heap when that evolutionary step does come about... We still have to fight... Not only against Mavericks, but against our own destiny as well." Said the memory of Zero, as the memory of X goes into a deep thought.

      "X. You are yourself, your own being. Not a copy, not a clone. You are... Mega Man X. My creation... no... my son." Said Dr. Light as his spirit fades out of the picture, everything going black.

      "X. Never let anyone make you think that you are just a machine, you are far more than just data and machinery. Take care X..." Said the doctor as everything fades to black.

      X can feel the darkness slowly overwhelm him, but before he is completely consumed by it X finally comes to the realization that Dr. Light is right.

      "Yea... my memories may be data, but that doesn't mean that they belong to someone else. My memories are mine, and mine alone!!! I will continue to make new memories, memories with my friends. John, Yuuka, Renamon, Axl, and even Zero. I continue to live on as my own being. I don't care if I'm a copy! These memories belong to me!" He yelled as his X-Buster pierces through darkness. A bright blue light blasts through and X comes to his senses. A bright blue light fills the city as X looks on.

      "I am Mega Man X, and I won't let anyone tell me otherwise!" He yelled as he comes to a stand.



        "I can't believe I visit the Netherworld when I'm alive." Aya complained as John, Aya, Renamon, and Utsuho (decided to tag along) climbed up the stairs of Hakugyokurou.
        "Don't you come here all the time?" Utsuho asked.
        "T- That's different!" Aya growled, leaving Utsuho to giggle at the sight. "It doesn't count when I'm on my reporting duty!"



          John looked over to Aya.

          "What do you report about?", John asked.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Makai; Komachi

            "Netherworld? I can take everyone there. Or I'll just meet you all there. It's your choice. All we really have to worry about is the Higher Powers. That's where we saw him first, and he seemed native to that land, seeing as how he didn't seem to plan on meeting Hank. But when I meet him, I'm going to fire every danmaku I have. And if I see him on the Sanzu river, I would gladly push him off."

            I noticed I've said too much.

            "But that's if we see him, anyways. Well, who want's to join m-"

            They're gone.

            Oh well. I summoned the boat and headed for Hakugyokurou.

            Home Base, Nevada; Otori

            "Well I wouldn't say he was a cheater more like he was...overpowered...more skilled...has more advanced technology...a sense of improbability...yea, he's a cheater. Let's keep on watching."

            Metal Gear Hangar, Base 2, Australia; Volgin

            "Now, now, don't modify anything yet. You are going to test this thing out first, after all."

            I climbed up the ladder and opened the hatch.

            "Try it out yourself so that you get the feel for what's inside."

            Then I remembered something important.

            "Oh, Gate. Have you seen a paper that I dropped?"



              Aya handed John her newspaper, the front page reading a controversial portrayal of the Taoist, Seiga Kaku. The truthful, almost shameless portrayal was perhaps why the residents of Gensokyo are less than thrilled to see Aya.


                Base 2 - Hangar - Australia

                Gate looks at Volgin and smiles.

                "Thank you." He said as he quickly climbs up the ladder, and into the cockpit. He takes a seat and turns the machine on.

                "This is very interesting indeed. It is just like the Ride Armors from where I come from, but much larger in scale. Also a lot more controls as well." Said Gate as he begins scanning the systems by placing his hand on the control panel. "This is definitely what I thought it would be like in the cockpit. It's power is truly great. With this I'm sure we will be able to stop anyone who stands in our way. Along with my creation of course."

                Gate's focus is quickly broken and he turns to Volgin. "Oh yes I have. It's on my computer desk in my office. It should be the paper on the very top. I haven't even done anything with it yet. I thought it was one of the papers you wanted to give me so I put it in the pile, but I ended up getting distracted with a more important project I have been working on. Aside from my Nightmare Zero of course." Said Gate as he hops out of the cockpit.


                  Metal Gear Hangar, Base 2, Australia; Volgin

                  "...Good. You didn't...see what it was, did you?"

                  Hakugyokurou, Netherworld; Komachi

                  I got to the palace and saw Yuyuko eating her rather big lunch.

                  She greeted me during lunch. "Ah, hello Komachi. How did your battle go? Did anyone die?"

                  "Well yes and no. You see, before we got the chance to defeat him, he took Hank- the arm-less floating hands guy- somewhere and disappeared, most likely back to Nevada."

                  "Nevada... isn't that a place in another world?"

                  "Yes. How did you know?"

                  "Well, it didn't seem from Gensokyo, so I'm guessing it's from another realm."

                  Of course.

                  "Well, miss Yuyuko, some others are coming this way. John, Utsuho, Aya, and Renamon."

                  "Oh, John and Renamon? At least they didn't die. How's Shikieiki?"

                  "She's back at Shinki's palace waiting for Shinki."

                  "Ah. Well then, I'll be waiting."
                  Last edited by wonderweiss; 06-10-2013, 11:49 AM.



                    "Welcome back." The group was greeted by Youmu in front of the gates. "And what's a Tengu doing here?"
                    Aya was enraged at Youmu's condescending tone of voice, but she kept her calm; opening fire would result in them fighting one of the most powerful Youkai in Gensokyo.
                    "We're not here to pick a fight, you freak." Aya gritted her teeth. "We're here to meet Yuyuko."
                    "Right this way." Youmu opened the gate and led the group to Yuyuko's chamber.

                    Lisborn, Australia

                    "We're here, mates." Sniper announced. "Go take your potty break."
                    Lisborn was a very small town with only a few residential houses and shops, surrounded by the wide wilderness of the Australia to the west and the broad Pacific Ocean to the east.



                      Finally reaching the palace, the fox asked "What are we looking for in this place?"

                      As she kept walking, Renamon felt a pressence, the pressence was faint. but constant, it was watching her ("Guess I found the person Im looking for, lets see how it goes" the vixen thought

                      Meeting again the ghost girl, the fox greeted her "It is nice to meet you again lady Yuyuko, I hope this time we have a no uneccessary sparrings like our last meeting" she said gesturing the battle they had with the higher power
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Lisborn, Australia; Snake

                        I got out of the van and decided to wander around. I say a strange man with an arm cannon. He might be with the enemies. I'd better go make sure.

                        "Hey! Who are you?!"

                        Hakugyokurou, Netherworld; Komachi

                        I saw the door open to reveal everyone coming in.

                        Yuyuko said, "Why hello everyone! John, Renamon, Aya... Utsuho?"


                          Base 2 - Australia

                          "Sorry I did not. Did you need me to take a look at it?" Said Gate as he walks up to Volgin.

                          Lisborn - Australia

                          Dynamo who was trying to get his arm cannon unstuck because of a stupid rock that was lodged in it looks up at Snake. "What's it to ya?" He said as he finally manages to get it unstuck. He stands up and transforms his hand arm cannon to it's normal hand mode. "Sorry bout that, the name's Dynamo." He said as he looks at Snake.
                          Last edited by NeoFox; 06-10-2013, 01:05 PM.



                            "Why hello everyone! John, Renamon, Aya... Utsuho?", Yuyuko said.

                            "Hello.", John replied.

                            After reading the newspaper, John began to think.

                            (Perhaps this is why...)

                            "Ah, so that's why. Is it true?", John asked Aya.
                            Last edited by S121; 06-10-2013, 01:16 PM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                              "Well I try to write whatever is the most truthful." Aya smiled as the group was led to Yuyuko. Komachi was there as well.

                              "Why hello everyone! John, Renamon, Aya... Utsuho?"

                              "Yeah... an odd mix, isn't it?" Aya giggled, scratching her head. "Hello, milady."


                                Hakugyokurou, Netherworld; Komachi

                                I spoke up. "So, guys, what are we here for? Are you getting supplies for the bridge?"

                                Yuyuko seemed confused. "Bridge? What bridge?"

                                Lisborn, Australia; Snake

                                I decided to trick him into telling me whether he is part of the enemies. I put on the mask sigint made; the one that can blink.

                                "I got a question: Did you see where the crew of rebels go? They were headed this way."

                                Metal Gear Hangar, Base 2, Australia; Volgin

                                "No. It is best if you kept your eyes off of this one. It is top secret and I accidentally dropped it. At least you didn't read it. I'm sorry, I would let you see it, but I have some... trust problems regarding an officer that betrayed my trust...Ocelot..."

                                I closed the hatch.

                                "Alright. I am going to open the test driving lane. You are to maneuver your way outside."

