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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Gensokyo Battlefield

    As soon as he heard that three letter word, John realized who this man was. John remembered how he was told that this man was a game developer. How did he become a sage?

    John's train of thought was soon cut short when he heard that Flandre was in a rage.

    "I can take you there.", John said to Sakuyamon as he opened up a Corridor of Darkness.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Gensokyo Battlefield

      Tircky's train plummeted through the sky at increddible speeds. Tricky tooted the horn.

      "LAW AND ORDER, HERE I COME!" Tricky said.

      What he didn't realize is that he was headed stright for Flandre.

      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


        The Consumer

        X looked on. He was completely shocked at what just happened. His opponent just literally fell for his own trap. "What the heck!? I-I think I just won..." Said X as he looked around the room. "Okay then..." He said as he takes off out of the room, right after Axl, and the others.

        Gensokyo Battlefield

        Meanwhile down at the battlefield the Robot Masters were doing their best fighting the Nucleoids. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" *CRASH* Yelled a familiar black robot. The robot was none other than Bass who had recently been blasted out of the sky. He was in Treble Boost mode during the battle. He had crashed near Daniel.


          Gensokyo Battlefield

          "Dah! Sh*t!", Daniel exclaimed as he jumped away from Bass and fired at more of the oncoming Nucleoids.

          "Hey! It's that guy from Megaman, Bass!", one of the Spartans said via his communicator.

          That's when Gold team saw that there were Robot Masters nearby, fighting the Nucleoids as well.

          "We have reinforcements. We have Characters from Megaman here, so don't shoot them.", Daniel said to Red and Grey team as he continued to fight.

          Six sliced through at least 50,000 Nucleoids by now. It didn't matter whether or not they were Grunts, Wu Lords, or otherwise. Six's weapon simply disintegrated them in a single instant.

          Grey team was now close to the Gensokyan army. Six would then order his squad to assist the Gensokyans as he would speak to their leader.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Gensokyo Battlefield

            Shortly after Bass crashed into the ground he got back up as though it was nothing. Despite his left shoulder being damaged. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!!!" Yelled Bass as he took off back into the sky. He then flew over some of the Nucleoids near Gold Team. Bass aimed his Bass Buster down at the ground. He than fired a powerful purple laser down at the ground. Destroying any Nucleoid in it's path.


              Gensokyo Battlefield

              Daniel looked from the purple laser's blast, to Bass and nodded at him.

              (Looks like we have a powerful ally.), Daniel thought to himself as he continued to fight.

              Many of the grunts tried to shoot Danie, but his SLEIPNIR armor enhancement made him too fast to hit. In a quick blur, Dsaniel was behind one of the grunts and quickly decapitated it with one of his Kukris. He then quickly put it away and pulled out his other .50 caliber pistol and fired at another Nucleoid. The rain of bullets passed straight through their targets and hit the Nuceoids behind their first victims, creating a field of fallen enemies.

              Out in the distance, a huge fleet of Pelicans, Broadswords, Longswords, Shortswords, Falcons, and Hornets flew towards the battlefield.

              "Be sure to check your radars. We don't want to kill any of the locals.", the fleet leader announced over his Com system.

              The ships were quickly approaching, ready to rain death from above.
              Last edited by S121; 10-06-2013, 10:41 PM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                I was killing nucleoids with ease. This suit amplified my cutting power by much.

                "Six, how are you holding up?"


                  Gensokyo Battlefield

                  Near Red team there was a small group of 3 Nucleoids preparing to attack the Spartan's from behind. "Feel my power!" Yelled a familiar Tengu Robot as the Nucleoids were intercepted by Tengu Man who had blown them away with a very powerful gust of wind. The gust of wind sent the Nucleoids flying away at a very high speed. The Nucleoids were flying fast enough that if they collided with a tree their spines would be shattered. "Too easy!" Said Tengu Man as he took off flying at high speeds back to the shrine.

                  ((Last post involving Gensokyo until Wriggle get's back.))


                    Gensokyo Battlefield

                    Jack noticed the robot, but kept fighting. Thanks to Daniel's message, he knew that it was an ally.

                    "Six, how are you holding up?", Gerard asked Six.

                    "Good.", Six said as he used his THOR module to fire a giant bolt of electricity through a group of Nucleoids as he vaporized another group with his LAEVATEINN atomic bond splitter.

                    "How about you?", Six asked Gerard.

                    Grey team was now seconds away from the Gensokyan army. Surely, they would now be noticeable to the local army.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      "Fine, just... I get this odd feeling that... someone's here... That I want to see... And for some reason, I know in my heart that it isn't John this time..."


                        Gensokyo Battlefield

                        Robin charged through the Nucleoids with the sword, cutting down and blasting with magic any that got in his path. Any allies near him felt the effects of Rally Spectrum and Solidarity. He watched as the reinforcements approached.
                        "This is almost too easy..." Robin said through the communicator. When he did, a Nucleoid snuck up behind him, but he dodged and answered its attack with a bolt of Thoron. He then turned to an onslaught of Nucleoids coming towards the group. "Let's see if they can take the heat!" A burst of Energy and flower petals seemed to flow through the air near Robin. His passive ability called Ignis activated. "BOLGANONE!" A fire ball formed in the palm of his hand and he thrust it into the ground. Then, the area underneath the Nucleoids erupted in a massive column of Lava and fire, surging with immense power from his skill. When the fire settled, the charred remains of Nucleoids remained as the flower petals seemed to burn in the air.
                        He turned, looking for the rest of the squad and the Gensokyian army.


                          Gensokyo Battlefield

                          Some of the grunts seemed to now fear Gold team as they ripped through their countless numbers, ignoring their quantity and easily overpowering them.

                          "Haha! Nice!", Daniel said to Robin as he pulled out his combat knife and quickly slashed a grunt's neck 6 times in a single second, killing the grunt and scaring off some of the ones around him.

                          Soon, the air support had arrived. Pelicans, Broadswords, Longswords, Shortswords, Falcons, and Hornets flew overhead, raining down explosives and bullets, killing hundreds of Nucleoids in seconds. The constant bomming of the Longswords' 110mm Rotary cannons muffled the sounds of the Hornets' GUA-23/A Heavy Autocannons. THe Pelicans began to blow up all nearby tanks with their Spartan Lasers. Some of the Pelicans dropped Scorpion Tanks and Mantises on the ground, far away from the battlefield. Despite their distance, the Scorpions and Mantises could easily hit their targets with their main guns and missile launchers. Shortswords began to carpet bomb the areas where only Nucleoids were present with Mark 208 Bombs. Falcons flew overhead, killing groups of Nucleoids at a time with their dual MG460 Automatic Grenade Launchers. Broadswords made passes around the army of Nucleoids mowing them down with their M1075 ASW/AC 35mm MLA Autocannons.

                          It was obvious that The Spartans had the advantage. Their firepower was a sight to behold.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            After everything was set up, Volgin looked at the empty hangar where we fought

                            "Snake... Whaddya think? Kinda looks empty without the Shagohod. That was destroyed earlier. I plan on making the metal gear Ray. Come on. Let's go." He said as he took off his coat, revealing the red undersuit.

                            "Alright. But don't go easy. No weapons."



                              Reactor Labs-Sector 4

                              As the Dark El energy began to transfer to the Disfrozen Portal Chung stands back. After about five minutes of waiting for the pure El Energy, and Dark El energy to mix and in turn stabilize Chung quickly charges toward the table and quickly takes his Guardian Stone out to take the Dark El shard back. As he does the table stops shaking, and the Disfrozen Portal began to activate. Now the energy inside the core was stabilized, and it should started generating El Energy like it used to. "Okay... I'm done for now..." Said Chung as he falls down to his knees. His breathing was heavier than before. Trying to fight the Dark El energy took a lot out of him.


                                Reactor Labs - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                                The scientist gave Chung a slightly concerned look and walked over to help him up.

                                "What was all that?", the scientist asked as he helped Chung back to his feet.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

