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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Youkai Mountain

    "The government has received info that Zero has suffered almost lethal damage. They classified him as an Invalid, meaning that he will not be able to serve in the governmental aspects."
    "What?" Nitori stood up in outrage. "Do they even know how many things Zero has done to serve the government?"
    "They are very grateful for what Zero has done, but as long as you're a Character and you're marked Invalid, you have to oblige and exit him or herself out of the government. Which could possibly mean that his entire database might have to be wiped out."
    "That's ridiculous!" Nitori shouted in protest, her voice growing louder and louder until it was almost painstacking to hear. "Zero was encased in the government cell for however long he was in, and then for the short time that he was in Pentagon he has performed more tasks than any other Character would've been able to do. Are you telling me that the government abused him, and now that Zero has reached his maximum potential, they're casting him out like a- like an exile?"
    "Nitori, you might want to have a seat..." EVE advised, but Nitori didn't listen. Instead, she kicked the door open and left with ADAM the transportation drone.


      Honolulu, Hawaii

      "Do they know who we are? We'll be able to fix him. Unlike a human, machines will always be able to come back, so long as you have people able to fix them.", Isaac said.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Honolulu, Hawaii

        "This happened to soldiers in previous wars. In Vietnam war, injured soldiers were given their Purple Hearts and were discharged. Unfortunately, I think Zero wouldn't be able to receive anything more than welfare checks."

        Nitori stormed out of the hotel, both in anger and in depression. She used ADAM (transformed into a slick black Jaguar sedan) to cruise through the untouched part of Honolulu, the part closer to Waikiki Beach. As she cruised through, she thought about Zero, how his entire memory might be wiped out... How unfair the US government could be to an individual.


          The Inventory

          About thirty minutes passed for Mima and Marisa as they played a game of pool against one another, while Marisa was somewhat intoxicated, Mima was unphased.

          "I told ya, i'm fiiinne, ze." Marisa drunkenly said, burping.

          "You're drunk, Marisa." Mima took Marisa and put the witch on her shoulder, while she banged on Mima's back.

          "Let go of me, ya crone!" Marisa yelped.

          "I'll simply take that as the liquor talking." Mima waved goodbye to Winslow, and headed out of the Inventory, while Nitori passed by.

          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


            Youkai Mountain

            John kept walking up the mountain until he saw a large village.

            John knew how territorial Tengu were and quickly turned around.

            (NOPE! Wrong way!)

            John snuck back into the shadows and hoped nobody saw him.

            He then began to go to the other side of the mountain, running at a good pace, to try and put some distance between him and the village.
            Last edited by S121; 06-13-2013, 10:17 PM.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Honolulu, Hawaii

              Nitori silently drove around the city with her jet-black Jaguar until she met across familiar faces.
              "Hina! and... Dansu!" Nitori shouted to the two walking down the streets. "Get in the car, let's go for a ride!"



                Mima slowed down as she saw Nitori.

                "Well, I am trying to get my friend here back to our little ship." Mima said. Marisa at this point had passed out.

                "But I believe you are mistaken in names." Mima said.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  Hotel - Honolulu, Hawaii

                  "This happened to soldiers in previous wars. In Vietnam war, injured soldiers were given their Purple Hearts and were discharged. Unfortunately, I think Zero wouldn't be able to receive anything more than welfare checks."

                  "Even if we get him into perfect shape?", Isaac asked.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Hotel, Honolulu - Hawaii

                    Lt. Trelawney was crestfallen. "Yes, it would seem so. The folks at Vietnam War was fixed up, but they never went back to war."


                      Hotel - Honolulu - Hawaii

                      Lt. Trelawney was crestfallen. "Yes, it would seem so. The folks at Vietnam War was fixed up, but they never went back to war."

                      Isaac sat there and thought about it.

                      "*sigh* Fine. There's nothing left to do about that then.", Isaac said in resignation.

                      Isaac then turned towards EVE.

                      "Okay, now I need you to fuse the boards together with the molecular bonder. From there, I will need you to bring up Zero's databank schematic, then make some nano-processors and power nodes.", Isaac said as he gave EVE his blueprints for power nodes.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Hotel - Honolulu, Hawaii

                        "Databank schematic, I already extracted." EVE reported. "I'll have it uploaded to the holographic screen in just a moment, let me go ahead and fuse the boards together right now... and there, I uploaded it."
                        Next to EVE rose a holographic monitor with Zero's databank schematic drawn on it.


                          Hotel - Honolulu, Hawaii

                          Isaac looked at the schematic and noticed that the scan revealed a strange file labeled "W ∞".

                          "EVE, can you open that file, file W ∞?", Isaac asked.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Hakugyokurou, Netherworld

                            As the trio walked around the place, Renamon noticed that both the Jackal and the ghost were worried about something "Is something wrong?" she asked

                            "We have been wondering how you are up like nothing happened, your soul just lost parts of it and it took a lot of your energy Renamon, how are you ok?" Nera said worried about her mate

                            "Oh I do feel weak right now, my body aches from almost everywhere, even the sparr I got with Mara taxed me out" the fox explained "Oh.. Sorry about that, I should have known, then you could have rested instead of fighting me" Mara apologized.

                            "It´s alright, in fact, the snow calmed my body, so I should be thanking you" the vixen said

                            "Ok then, so what is the plan now?" The jackal asked when they reached another courtyard

                            "We are going where the others are at the moment, we still got things to do" Renamon said looking for Yuyuko
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              Hotel - Honolulu, Hawaii

                              "Let's see here..." EVE applied some commands. A huge red letters that read: ACCESS DENIED popped up.
                              "Ooookay, let's try de-encrypting that..." EVE mumbled, applying more commands. The ACCESS DENIED still popped up. "...huh."


                                Hotel - Honolulu, Hawaii

                                Deep within his databank's there is an odd message W∞. Without any word the hologram quickly changes to that of an old man in a chair, a large machine is attached to his back. Probably a life support machine of sorts.

                                The man coughs before starting to talk.

                                "Greetings... my name is Dr. Albert Wily. The creator of Dr. Wily Number ∞ also known as Zero. I have designed Zero to be the ultimate, unstoppable fighting machine. I have programmed him to fight and destroy the one known as Mega Man. Sadly he is uncontrollable at the moment as such I have sealed him away."

                                Said the message of Dr. Wily as he begins coughing again. When he mentioned the original Mega Man an image of Mega Man can be seen before going back to Wily.

                                "Zero is too strong too be controlled. His will is too powerful, his strength outmatched... Zero is a dangerous machine. I am beginning to have doubts about creating him. Be warned if he is released there is no telling what kind of damage he can do. He is my greatest creation, yet my greatest failure..."
                                Throughout the message it cuts to clips of Zero utterly destroying Metal Man, Tengu Man, Wave Man, Heat Man, and finally Bass. Robots that belonged to Dr. Wily.

                                "I leave my warnings in this message. Whoever finds this... be warned of his power." Said the message of Dr. Wily as the final clip is that of the original Mega Man having a stare down with Zero. In the clip Mega Man can be seen charging at Zero, and vice versa. Though before the scene can continue the entire message ends with purple static.

                                The message had deleted itself through some unknown means. As though someone had deleted the message right then and there.

