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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Where Nothing Gathers

    Xehanort sits in a coucil room with the rest of the organization planning."You have all done a spledid job so far. However our job is far from done. We found a few potentals for lights in Hawaii, but we need more.
    I heard that there is a second group of adventurers in a world called Gensokyo that was not destoyed right now. Check them out"

    "I'll do it" a person looking like Terra, but with gray hair answers.

    Entrance to the Blowhole

    A person looking like Terra come walking onto the bridge.
    Last edited by Katrix; 06-06-2013, 03:29 PM.
    Born in the light.
    Molded in the dark

    Never Forget,
    Keep Fighting.
    –Don't Forget.
    Always, somewhere,
    someone is fighting for you.
    –As long as you remember her,
    you are not alone.


      Blowhole Entrance, Old Hell; Shiki

      "John... She's right, unfortunately. She's the one that keeps the peace around here. Reimu, listen. Thank you for doing your work, but please try not to kill someone, and clean up the damage afterwards. And about that apology, I would say that you may owe her one. She was in a docile state after eating that ice cream, you know."

      Desert, Australia; Snake

      I kept looking on at the metal gear. It didn't seem to do anything for a while.

      It began deploying little flying robots and they began firing at us.

      "Take cover!!!"

      I dived out of the car and into the sand, covering my nose and mouth.
      Last edited by wonderweiss; 06-06-2013, 10:23 AM.


        Somewhere in Nevada

        "Step on through. I'll manage it thorugh here. We can't do an outside area, but we'll make it hot in there to compensate. Your goal is to get to the end of the course and kill a certain target. Enemies will be armd, but they will fire non-lethal darts at you, that can knock you out if too many hit you. Good luck." Deimos said, the door slowly opening.

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          Wilderness, Australia

          "Hide behind me!" I couldn't find an adequate cover for myself, so I drew my null-magic mantle to block the energy bullets. Worked like a charm.
          "Let's fight!" I unleashed a battle roar, strengthening my defense. Oh, but my ferocity?
          "Which one of you goons want to take me on?" I growled, sharpening my claws, ready to unleash ferocious savagery.


            Danger Zone, Home Base, Nevada; Otori

            Alright. Time to go out for some action.

            The door opened and I felt a wave of heat. I'd better bear with it. I ran inside.

            The enemies started shooting. I'm good at predicting moves. I jumped and ducked to avoid the darts, and those that I knew wouldn't miss, I would let the bat take the hit, blocking me.

            Now it's time for the offensive. I realigned the darts on my bat to a line and when I swung my bat, the darts flew in several directions to take out the enemies. Any survivors had their heads ripped off.

            I kept on doing this. But lately, I've been feeling drowsy. I looked at my leg. I found two darts attatched to it. "Shit..."

            I kept on going. I got to the end of the course. I only saw the regular enemies. "Hey, guys, where is this 'certain target?'"


              Australia - Wilderness

              Commander Yammark lands on the ground and looks at his new targets. "Since I am already here I will challenge you." Said the Dragonfly Reploid. "I shall defeat you... no kill you." He said as he takes off flying high into the clouds, using them for cover. As he does he begins summoning a large army of robotic dragonflies. The robotic dragonflies rain from the sky and open fire.

              (This is just the 1st wave. After this wave he will come down and fight on his own.


                Somewhere in Nevada

                The wall behind Otori suddenly was smashed, a large robotic version of the heavily armored MAG Agent V5 standing in it's place, a large baton shocking with electricity in it's massive armored hands.

                "Right there." Deimos said over the speakers. "Hank told me to see how you could handle a MAG."

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  Desert, Australia; Snake

                  Why doesn't he want me dead? They must want me. They're gonna get me, but not in a bag.

                  I took out a PKM and opened fire on the masses of dragonfly-like robots. This reminds me of the battle against chrysalis. This guy doesn't seem to be too fast. Better take him out of the sky.

                  Danger Zone, Home Base, Nevada

                  A giant came out of no where. "What the hell?! You expect me to take that thing on?!"

                  It swung at me, and I rolled out of the way. While I was dodging it's attacks, I was thinking of different scenarios to disable this giant.

                  I got it! I began running around and jumped on a wall. When the baton struck the ground, I jumped on it. I was being shocked. But that didn't matter. I kept on moving, feeling the electricity surging through my body.

                  I reached his shoulder. The giant reached for me with his hands with freakishly long fingernails. I crawled around to his back and struck hard on his neck. He went down. I took this chance to crawl around his helmet to his face. He got back up and reached for me. I jumped and grabbed onto his goggles. With one hand, I struck his goggles open.

                  Ugh, he has no eyes? Nevermind that. He tried clawing at me. I kept on striking his forehead. After two minutes, effects started to show, he was slowing down. After five minutes, he stopped. He fell to the ground in a puddle of blood.

                  I jumped off. "Is this what you deal with?! Giant freaks?!"


                    Above the clouds - Australia

                    Commander Yammark continues to summon dragonfly after dragonfly until he stops.

                    He then flies below the clouds making himself visible again. "Shield Formation!" He yelled as he summons 20 more dragonflies that surround him forming a protective shield. He then performs a dive bomb aimed at snake. The razor sharp wings of the Dragonfly robots acting as a very sharp bladed tackle. If Yammark's attack connects, Snake will be cut to shreds.


                      The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

                      Renamon was silent as she heard the guard´s story "I understand why your people were sent to this place, some of the causes are true, but what matters is the present, you don´t know what may happen the next day or the next five minutes, thats why I don´t look at the past as a burden of my life. People may hold that grudge for countless years, but they do it because their hearts are clouded with anger and fear, others may have forgiven those incidents." she said trying to calm the bridge princess

                      Then the fox explained "What you feel towards Satori is jealousy, not because of how she smiles, but because her soul strenght, she took the blame for all of you, what you feel may be guilt of the burden she had to face, but her heart is honest and Satori wouldn´t have done that if she didn´t care for you. After 700 years of feeling that guilt of drowning those couples, try praying for their souls to be at peace and move on, let it just flow and live the present Parsee, I see a princess who protects a city where her friends live and I know you have that feeling of protection towards them" the fox gave a small smile to the guard.

                      Stretching her neck the vixen finished "If you still feel guilt towards Satori, I suggest you to talk with her, there is no embarrasment to speak with a friend" she said looking at the entrance if the city.
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

                        A person walk onto the bridge on towards the group.
                        "You there, tell me your name! I am looking for someone"
                        The person studies each person individually. ("So these are supposed to be our lights. They wont even last two seconds")
                        Born in the light.
                        Molded in the dark

                        Never Forget,
                        Keep Fighting.
                        –Don't Forget.
                        Always, somewhere,
                        someone is fighting for you.
                        –As long as you remember her,
                        you are not alone.


                          The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

                          Seeing the man, Renamon felt some little danger, but nothing mortal yet, so the fox answered with another request "Before saying my identity, I must know first yours stranger, then we will start with your question"
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

                            A person bowed for the group. "My name is Xeh..." ("No")
                            "My name is ...". The person the grabs for his head, looking like he is having a immense headache.
                            "Aaaaahhhhh. Get out out off my head!". The person then looks like he is coming together again.
                            "As i was saying, My name is Xehanort"
                            Born in the light.
                            Molded in the dark

                            Never Forget,
                            Keep Fighting.
                            –Don't Forget.
                            Always, somewhere,
                            someone is fighting for you.
                            –As long as you remember her,
                            you are not alone.


                              The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

                              There was something obviously wrong with the person in front of Renamon, yet she followed the play making false things"Hello Mr. Xehanort, the name is Denara, who is this person you are searching for?" she asked

                              Her paw on her paw darted on the digivice´s buttons searching for a comunicator she remembered Rika was using during the Tamers adventure, hoping she could find John´s signal, the fox started the comunicator option.

                              Also the vixen examined the man with her smell and hearing senses, the man smelled like Aqua´s friend, yet his heartbeat was too fast to be calm.
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                                "John... She's right, unfortunately. She's the one that keeps the peace around here. Reimu, listen. Thank you for doing your work, but please try not to kill someone, and clean up the damage afterwards. And about that apology, I would say that you may owe her one. She was in a docile state after eating that ice cream, you know.", Shikieiki said.

                                All of a sudden, John's helmet detected someone on his helmet's frequency. His helmet pinpointed the signal, it was on Parsee's bridge.

                                (What? How could anyone here contact me? Nobody has the tech to do that... What about-? Renamon.)

                                John snapped his attention to the people in front of him.

                                "I think something's wrong, Renamon must have found my helmet's communicator frequency. She wouldn't be trying to contact me unless it was an emergency."

                                Right before entering the Dark Blowhole, John turned to Reimu and said, "You wanted to resolve an Incident, now is your chance."

                                John jumped down the blowhole, smashed into the ground below, and readied his rifle.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

