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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "She better hurry then, before more show up. The Nucleoids are probably on high alert.", John said.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      "Right. I'll be back as soon as I can."

      I exited and made my way to the car.

      "Where's the prisoner?"

      "The poor fool couldn't handle my torture. He passed out. Take me to the cite."

      I made it to the cite and went in. I was looking all around for a secret lab, but so far, there has been no luck.


        Research Lab-London

        In the research lab there were many agents being led by none other than Albert Wesker. Agents were running up and down the halls getting ready for something. Wesker who was walking went into the B.O.W laboratory where a few scientists were preparing a Tyrant T-Type for a mission.

        "Is the Nemesis ready?" Asked Wesker as one of the scientists turned to Wesker. "Yes sir, it's almost ready... once it's geared up we will send it after the one known as Chris Redfield." Replied the scientist as Wesker smirks. "Good. With Chris Redfield around our plans will be in danger." Said Wesker as he goes to leave the lab while the Nemesis is being fitted with a Gatling Gun.


          I saw an agent running past me in a hurry.

          "Stop." I said in a booming voice. This, for anyone that knew me in this state meant either stop or face pain.


            Research Labs

            The random agent stops and salutes to Gerard. "What is it sir?" Said the agent. He knew Gerard was recently promoted to Commander. He also knows how Gerard can be quite... terrifying.



              "At ease, young man! Now then, that was quite a bit of scurrying you were doing. May I ask why? I mean, I already recovered the stolen information and tortured an intruder out cold. I hope it's not a party! Is it?! I bet it's a party!!!"


                Research Labs

                "Uh no sir... we are actually prepping one of the Tyrant's to hunt down one of the intruders from earlier." Said the agent as he sees Wesker walking towards them.

                As Wesker walks by he looks at Gerard, Wesker's eyes can be seen glowing a bright orange from underneath his sunglasses. Wesker doesn't say a word, however he just keeps walking on by to his office.


                  He looked... Odd...

                  "Oh, well no need for that, I've actually captured him myself! So I would like for you hard working men to stop the search."


                    Research Lab

                    "Sorry, but we are under strict orders from the leader of the Neo-Yakuza base here. Besides if you captured him why don't you just bring him in?"


                      "A base commander? Who might that be?"


                        Research Lab Halls

                        "No one knows his name for sure. He has kept his name a secret. He runs this entire lab, and the Neo-Yakuza base that is connected to it. He was that man that just walked by too. If you want to go talk with him you better hurry and catch up with him."


                          "Ah, right! Continue to hard work, don't get eliminated!"

                          I began running to the strange man.

                          "Please, wait up, sir!"


                            Research Labs

                            Wesker stops and turns around to look at Gerard.

                            "What is it you need?"


                              "Oh, yes, I'm sorry to intrude in your work, but may I ask why you have so many people running around?"


                                Research Labs

                                "Because. We are preparing the missile. We plan on detonating it soon. We are just waiting for the finishing touches to be put on it." Said Wesker as he begins walking again.

