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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "Wait they're planning on attacking the Labs right this minute, and Wesker is leading them!? DAMN IT!!!" Yelled Chris as he hit the brakes, causing Vergil to fly off the hood. "We're almost there, it's about a mile away!" Said Chris as he turns to Six. "Six, things have gone from bad to worse just now." Said Chris as he turns his attention to Gerard. "Gerard I want you to be careful! Six and I are going in." He said as quickly drives around Vergil, and to the labs.

    Sector 3-Prometheus Labs

    Wesker had felt himself growing weaker by the second. His body was giving out on him. As the turrets shots hit him he was thrown back. He was injured, but not severely. Thanks to his near indestructible skin, muscles, and bones he suffered some pretty bad injuries but nothing too fatal. "Damn... at this rate I won't be able to last much longer... I need the serum!" Said Wesker as he struggled to stand. His wounds were healing, but at a much slower rate than normal. He then took out a small syringe and opened it. He then quickly injected it into his neck as the warthogs continued to approach. As the serum began to make it's way through Wesker's bloodstream he felt his power slowly coming back. His wounds were starting to heal at a slightly faster rate.

    The tyrants had continued to fight back, but were getting destroyed. The Nemesis T-Types weren't fairing to well either.


      "Right, I'm on my way!"

      I went outside of the office.

      Base 4; Alfred

      I walked down the halls, a maid doll following me.

      Now that's interesting... old man Volgin finally got the nerve to blow that base up. Honestly... I never really liked the guy, anywho. Nor that other one... what was his name again? Ah, yes, Wesker. His arrogance always clouded my glasses, and Volgin always tries to torture me with his little sparks of electricity. Sadistic bastard... I should cut him up. That would teach him a lesson.

      I went outside with nothing but my standard attire. A man awaited me by a chopper. This week is my break.

      "Sir! Where would you like to go?!"

      "To where to you think?! Hurry up, take me to America! I need to see something before I go wondering the wonders of the world!"


      I boarded the plane with my maid doll.

      "Ah, looks like we're going back there, eh...

      Last edited by wonderweiss; 08-11-2013, 05:58 PM.



        "Damn! Who's this Wesker guy?", Six asked as he readied his MA37 Assault Rifle.

        Sector 3-Prometheus Labs

        In a matter of seconds, the 40 Spartan-IIIs swarmed the Nemesis T-Types and began slashing, shooting, and beating them.

        Meanwhile, 4 of the 8 Mantises were destroyed by the gatling fire and Tyrants, but they managed to kill most of the Tyrants.

        As the serum began to affect Wesker, the Warthogs were able to aim all of their M68 ALIM Gauss Cannons at Wesker. At that moment, they all fired in unison.

        The Scorpions waited, ready for the possibility of Wesker surviving.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



          Chris kept driving to the Laboratory as he turned his attention to Six. "Just the worst guy I've ever met. The one behind everything here in London. He's an absolute monster..." Said Chris as he kept driving. As they made it there Chris quickly stopped his car, and hopped out. He had his weapons armed and ready. As Claire exits the vehicle Chris turns to her. "Where do you think you're going Claire?" He said as Claire turned to him. "I'm going to help you of course!" She said as Chris just shakes his head. "Claire, listen. It's too dangerous. With Wesker in there, then there is no telling what will happen. I want you to stay here." Said Chris as Claire just rolls her eyes. "Fine..." She said quite bluntly as Chris hands her a small hand radio. "Look. If we need you I will give you a call Claire. I just don't like the thought of something happening to you..." He said as he pats her on the shoulder before turning to Six. "Let's go Six!" He said as he ran through the now wasted courtyard. Everyone was dead, on both sides. It was an absolute massacre.

          Prometheus Labs-Sector 3

          As the Gauss Cannons were fired at Wesker it seemed as though they connected, and killed him. However the serum has gone through his bloodstream mostly, and his strength was quickly returning. Suddenly out of the smoke Wesker can be seen charging headfirst at one of the Warthogs. As Wesker reached the front of the warthog he performed a heavy Rhino Charge into the front of the vehicle. His hand pierced through the front and into the engine. Wesker than began to pull out some of the crushed parts of the engine. As Wesker dropped the broken pieces of scrap metal he turns to the tanks and grins. "Play time is over! There is no chance that you will live very much longer!" He said as he dashed to the tanks.

          Meanwhile the Nemesis T-Types began to mutate along with the Tyrants. As the T-Types mutated into their second form a large fury of tentacles burst from their body, creating a heavy barrage of razor sharp spear-like tentacles. The tentacles were preventing anything from getting too close.

          As the Tyrants mutated into Super-Tyrants they let out a loud roar and charged into the Mantises legs in an attempt to knock them over.


            I headed outside. I forgot to ask Chris for locations, but there was no need for that.Not to mention that he may not even know himself where the lab is. I rushed to the source of the last communication. Then I can try and find out where he went from there.



              Six looked around the courtyard and tightened his grip on his gun.

              "Son of a b*tch...", Six said under his breath as he looked at the ground around them. There was not a single clean spot on the ground, all of it was blood, bodies, and bullets.

              Just then, Six turned his head over to Chris and spoke.

              "Chris, I need you to tell me what exactly this guy is capable of.", Six said in a serious tone.

              It was very unusual for Six to sound so serious, but if Wesker had done this, then Six couldn't go in unprepared.

              Prometheus Labs-Sector 3

              As Wesker dashed forward, a storm of 90mm TUNGSTEN Armor Piercing Ballistic Capped Rounds and armor-piercing 7.62mm rounds flew at him, ready to lay waste to their target, while the Warthogs fired from behind.

              Meanwhile, the Mantises switched over to their M5920 35mm SGML/AM missiles and fired at the Super Tyrants, creating shockwaves in the area, due to their combined energy.

              7 Spartan-IIIs were mercilessly impaled and ripped to shreds as the Nemesis T-Types burst into their second form. The 33 Spartan-IIIs quickly backed off and began laying down fire with their armor piercing weapons. Some of the Spartans pulled out grenades and rocket launchers and began laying down a hail of explosives, trying to destroy their target.
              Last edited by S121; 08-11-2013, 06:56 PM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                I reached the location. No signs of them. Damn. This went a little worse than expected... Who's that? I went up to the girl standing nearby.

                "Excuse me, but who are you and why aren't you affected by the gas?"


                  Human Village

                  "Oh, I had something for you but I forgot it in the village." Nitori claimed. "I'll have ADAM transport it here, can you hold on for 5 minutes?"



                    Chris looked at the many dead bodies. It was a literal wasteland here. He turned to Six, Chris's face was that of intense fear... and pure anger.
                    "Wesker... he's capable of doing things that no human is capable of... He has the speed and reflexes to dodge gunfire, even rapid gunfire at point blank range with little to no effort... Even then he does not need those reflexes. His body... his skin... muscles... and bones are like solid steel. Trust me one time I punched him as hard as I could... the result was him just standing there laughing, and me clenching my fist in pain. I've also seen him rip through normal men with ease." Said Chris as he kept walking. "I've fought with Wesker several times, and each time I almost died. If it wasn't for my partners in the past I would have died by his hands. Wesker is someone that you should not take lightly. He is a sadistic son of a b*tch... he will do anything for power, and I do mean ANYTHING." He said as walked into the labs. The memories of fighting Wesker still haunt him. He is the only man the Chris truly despises, and truly fears...


                    Claire was waiting around when she saw a man walk up to her, his leg was injured and he looked quite serious.

                    "My name is Claire Redfield, I'm Chris's sister. I'm assuming you're Gerard? As for the gas... it dissipated a while ago. Why you ask?" Said Claire as she looks at Gerard.

                    Sector 3

                    Wesker had continued to avoid the gunfire from the vehicles. Now that he is at full power this is more like a mere game to him. "Is that all you got!? This is child's play!" Yelled Wesker as his laughter echoes throughout the entire laboratory. As Chris heard it a shiver went down his spine. Wesker continued to dash towards one of the Scorpion Tanks. As he reached one of the tanks he quickly leaped on top of the barrel of the tank. He then took out a small communicator. "I repeat, deploy Experiment Beta! ! I repeat, deploy Experiment Beta! I want to see these people's faces twisted in agony!" Said Wesker as meanwhile at the Research Labs a large plane carrying a large beast the size of a two story house leaves the Research Labs. It's destination, Prometheus Labs.

                    Human Village

                    Zero quickly butted in and turned to Nitori. "Nitori I need to talk with you. I need to see if you can upgrade my systems as well." Said Zero as he turned to her.
                    Last edited by NeoFox; 08-11-2013, 07:16 PM.


                      Human Village; Yuyuko

                      I came from behind John and saw Nitori.

                      "Ah, Nitori! How are you today? Listen, I'm looking for Yukari and the others. I want them to know that I'm ready for action. Do you know where they are?"

                      "Yes. So Chris has family? I never would have guessed. In any rate are you good at combat as Chris is?"


                        Courtyard - Prometheus Labs

                        Upon hearing Chris's words, Six smiled a sadistic smile inside of his helmet. Six was angry at Wesker, angry at him for killing his fellow Spartan-IIIs. If there was one thing Spartan-IIIs had in common, it was their closeness to one another. They were brothers-in-arms, and seeing the dead Spartan-IIIs angered Six.

                        "Then it sounds like a job for me. Luckily for me, I can punch through even solid Carbon Titanium. This guy sounds similar to a Spartan-II, but I can take Spartan-IIs, just because of my skill. I'm going to make this guy pay for killing the others.", Six said in a slightly emotionless tone. The only emotion that leaked through was slight anger.

                        Six readied his assault rifle and headed for the inside of the building.

                        Sector 3

                        The Spartan-III inside of the gunner seat of the Scorpion tank leaped out and tackled Wesker off of the barrel and onto the floor. Once there, the Spartan pulled out a combat knife and tried to stab Wesker.

                        The Mantises were quickly destroying the Super Tyrants, but 2 more of the Mantises fell to their assault, leaving only 2 left.

                        The 33 Spartan-IIIs were now brought down to 30 Spartans, but they managed to keep their distance and temporarily kill the Nemesis T-Types.

                        Some of the Warthogs turned around and began assisting the Mantises by firing their Gauss cannons at the Super Tyrants, sending their ammunition at around Mach 40.

                        Human Village

                        John was in a hurry, but he waited for ADAM.

                        "So what is ADAM bringing?", John asked Nitori.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Human Village

                          "You'll see." Nitori answered as she waved at Zero. "Let me make a call real quick... EVE?"
                          "Bonjoir, Mademoiselle, welcome to Lamé Library. If you wish to borrow a book-" EVE's voice echoed from Nitori's earpiece.
                          "Yeah, I need ADAM to bring me the package." Nitori ordered.
                          "Wait... THE package?" EVE stuttered. "But those are prototypes!"
                          "Ahem." Nitori coughed.
                          "Ugh, fine." EVE sighed as several beeping noises were overheard. "There, ADAM'll be there in 2 - 3 minutes."
                          "Thanks, EVE!" Nitori cheerfully ended the call.

                          "Ah, Nitori! How are you today? Listen, I'm looking for Yukari and the others. I want them to know that I'm ready for action. Do you know where they are?"
                          Nitori turned to find Yuyuko.
                          "You're in SOOOOOO much trouble." Nitori smirked. "Go find the army near the Road of Liminality. Yukari is at the front. But you, are in a LOT of trouble."


                            Human Village

                            "Very well... I hope whatever you have in store for us will be worth our while." Said Zero as he leans up against a wall.


                              Human Village

                              John stood there and took slow, deep breaths, almost as if he was preparing himself for something. John had gone on many suicide missions, but this one felt different. This one was almost exactly like when he lost Cortana. It was not an experience John liked to think about, but he had little choice. This was what Cortana saved him from, yet here he was, in the exact same situation as before.

                              It was almost as if John was reliving the previous suicide mission.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                "I see. Thank you. See you later, Nitori. And you, too, John."

                                I flew in towards the army. There I found Yukari. "YUKARI! I'M HERE!"

                                I landed near her.

