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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Hakurei Shrine

    John noticed Spark Man pouting and turned to him.

    "What can you do?", John asked Spark Man.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      "Huh? Why, yes. He was quite frightening. His eyes seemed to burn through his sunglasses. If that isn't suspicious then neither is a poor child walking out of a store with pocket-fulls of candy. Why, is there something wrong?"


        Simulated London

        "Damn it... Please tell me he didn't send men after you while you were searching for the vaccine?" Replied Chris. There definitely is something wrong. "If Wesker found out there was a vaccine, and that you have it then we're in some deep shit." Said Chris as he stands up. "Listen here, Wesker is no ordinary man. Trust me... I learned that the hard way..." Said Chris as suddenly a series of flashbacks start to come up. The flashbacks were of the many times Chris had fought with Wesker, the time when Chris and Jill had confronted Wesker in the Spencer Estate, and the two times he fought Wesker in Africa with Sheva.

        "Damn it Wesker..." Muttered Chris as he rubs his throat. The thought that Wesker is still around is obviously frightening Chris, as well as angering him.

        "Wesker is not a human... he's a fucking monster... listen here Gerard. If Wesker confronts you again, and me or Six aren't around I want you to run like hell. You do not stand a chance against Wesker. So promise me that you will not fight him alone..."


          "... You have my word for it. Now then... Are you about ready for ice cream?"


            Simulated London

            Chris smiles slightly. "Thanks..." Said Chris as he turns to Gerard. Chris shakes his head at Gerard's question. "Sorry... I'm just not hungry right now..."

            Hakurei Shrine

            Spark Man looks at John. "I can disperse electricity to!" Said Spark Man as a few sparks come off him, hitting John's shield.

            "Yea, but remember? I can focus and control my electricity far better than you can making me stronger not just in support, but also offense!" Said Elec Man as Spark Man lowers his head. "He got me there..."

            Meanwhile Magnet Man steps forward. "If you may excuse me I can perform stronger EMP's on a larger radius, as well as being good for the offensive with my Magnet Missile." Said Magnet Man as he goes back in the line.
            Last edited by NeoFox; 07-23-2013, 07:11 PM.


              Hakurei Shrine

              "Hmm... Well based on what I've seen, our enemy doesn't use adaptable electronics, meaning a charge of electricity would short them out. They use plasma weaponry. Plasma weaponry has only a couple of exceptions where it has an overcharge function. Other than that, their weapons have specific parameters that are hard-wired into each weapon. We also have people on the team that need somebody to charge us if we lose our shields. I don't know about Samus, but my suit can absorb energy and put it into the shields. My suit has adaptable circuits, they can be overcharged without catching fire or blowing up............ In the end, I think Elec man is the best choice. He's not the strongest, but his skillset is generalized. That makes him adaptable.", John explained his choice to the three electric Robot Masters.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Hakurei Shrine

                Spark Man looks at Elec Man with jealousy as Elec Man steps beside Heat Man. Magnet Man however just shrugs his shoulders.


                Axl had continued to panic. "Oh dear god something happened to me while I was asleep! Please tell me that I was pranked!" Said Axl as he sits down. He obviously has no idea what happened while he was out cold.
                Last edited by NeoFox; 07-23-2013, 07:48 PM.


                  Binary Translator -----> (Click Me)

                  Hakurei Shrine

                  "Okay, that seems to be all for now. I'll be back if I need anyone else.", John said to the line of Robot Masters.

                  John then turned to the three Robot Masters he chose and spoke to them.

                  "I need you guys to wait at the front of the shrine until I get back. I need to find the rest of my group.", John said as he walked off to find Renamon and Nera.

                  John looked all over the shrine, but couldn't find his teammates.

                  (Okay, then I'll just have to call Renamon...)

                  He then began to send a signal to Renamon's Digivice via his helmet.

                  < 01010010011001010110111001100001011011010110111101 10111000101100001000000111011101101000011001010111 00100110010100100000011000010111001001100101001000 00011110010110111101110101001000000110000101101110 01100100001000000100111001100101011100100110000100 111111 >
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    "Well, there wasn't any time for someone to prank you, you were like this when I defeated Lumine."


                      The extractor

                      The door blasted open as Nera punched it with a force palm, it landed close to what looked like a portal "Would you look at that, we found our ticket to the devourer" Renamon said looking at the room examining it just in case of any hiding guard

                      "The assault will be soon, our chances to save Ran are getting smaller so I suggest we go to through the portal, donīt know how much it will stay open" the jackal said getting closer to the portal, it had a strange light covering the frame of an oval arc.

                      The fox nodded and then felt her digivice vibrating "John is trying to contact us, but unfortunately we will anger him" she said preparing her message as the jackal laughed a bit

                      010101110110010100100000011000010111001001100101 .. -. / - .... . / . -..- - .-. .- -.-. - --- .-. 01001000011001010110000101100100011010010110111001 100111001000000111010001101111 -.. . ...- --- ..- .-. . .-. / .- -. -.. 011100100110010101110011011000110111010101100101 .-. .- -.
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Hakurei Shrine

                        John was confused as to why Renamon mixed her message, but he easily managed to decipher it.

                        John slowly read the text as it formed on his HUD.

                        (We are ...)

                        "WHAT!?!?", John shouted out, startling everyone around him.

                        (Are they f*cking crazy!? Why are they there!?)

                        John then began to quickly decipher the rest of the message, trying to make sense of Renamon and Nera's actions.

                        (We are in the Extractor. Heading to Devourer and rescue Ran.)

                        John's heart sank to his feet as he read the last words of the message. Many thoughts ran through his head.

                        (Ran's been kidnapped? How? How did Renamon and Nera enter the Extractor? Don't they know how dangerous it is? If they get caught, they're going to be imprisoned and tortured! What about Ran? They're probably doing the same to her as I stand by and do nothing! F*cking damn it Renamon! If the Nucleoids don't kill you, then I will...)

                        John quickly traced Yukari's energy reading, fired up his thrusters, and flew off to Yukari's house as fast as he could.

                        (Please... If I ever needed my luck, now would be a good time... Please be safe...)

                        John recalled what Kanako had said to him, the morning she gave him his upgraded Onibashira spell card.

                        ("Alright, try this. Difference: Instead of one onibashira, you shoot 4 in a cardinal location. The cooldown is increased to 6 hours instead of 3, though.")

                        ("Thank you. Is there a way I could repay you? You have helped me a lot.")

                        ("Just make sure to keep everyone safe. You don't have to do anything. Consider it a gift.")

                        ("Thank you. I will keep everyone safe, I promise that.")

                        John remembered the promise he made to Kanako and he was not going to break it, not for his sake, but for the sake of his friends.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          The extractor

                          "Having no answer from him would be the response then, we are going to be scolded later Nera" Renamon said as she rigged some comunication signals like time bombs, when a desired time would be reached the signal would get jammed and no comunication would be even understandable at all

                          Nera laughed but then got serious "The moment we get there, we will be in middle of hell, what are our odds? i donīt know so are you ready for another adventure golden fox?"

                          The vixen nodded "Im ready as always cerulean jackal, lets go"

                          Both beasts jumped intop the portal

                          The devourer

                          Crossing the portal took less than a second as they crossed it and were greeted by two surprised guards "We got intruders! send the sig- aghh!!" the guard was interrupted as the fox plumeted his face with her knee, the second guard was about to press the emergency alert when a bonse staff impaled the wall in front of him and crashing his face with its side.

                          "Alright, we got next to nothing chances to avoid these guys, move out quickly and stealthy, the moment you get seen, put their light out" Renamon said looking at the monitors as they had cameras in many corridors and luckily, one of them showed a glimpse of some tails on its edge.

                          Nera opened the door and noticed the corridor was free to go, yet both of the the beast duo went silently watching every corner
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            Yukari's House

                            It only took John a couple of minutes to reach Yukari's energy signature, but nothing was there.

                            "Yukari, this is important! Where are you?", John yelled out in a tone of urgency.
                            Last edited by S121; 07-23-2013, 11:27 PM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              The Devourer

                              "Yay! I finally became a Grunt!" A tiny Nucleoid girl was running in a chamber, towards the portal room.
                              "Be careful!" An Exemplar guardian of the Nucleoid girl looked after her as the girl ran around the corner and bumped into Nera.
                              "Uwaa!" The Nucleoid girl fell on her butt, crying.


                                I crouched down.

                                "Come on. We'll get there faster this way. That is, unless... You think you're faster than me?"

                                I gave a smirk. This should really lighten the mood after what happened.

