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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Prison Sector - The Consumer

    "Oh my." The caped Nucleoid smirked. "Aren't you feisty, killing off all my elite Grunts. Well they're Grunts anyway."
    The caped Nucleoid drew his sword, a being of energy gleaming with power. "And bad boys need to be punished."


      Prison Sector - The Consumer

      "My thoughts exactly.", John said.

      John lunged at the caped Nucleoid and slashed down with one Energy Sword as he stabbed at the Nucleoid's chest with the other.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Scarlet Devil Mansion

        "Well the General in charge of this mansion is gone, dead. It's already taken back." Submos answered, his eyes on the telescope looking over at the siege position. "But we can bloody hell go help those in that mountain over there yonder."

        Kappa Village

        "Well, Nitori was kinda treating you and all that. You're at what EVE has registered in her database Kappa Village right now." ABEL responded. "The last time I saw, she was running towards the exit."

        Prison Sector - The Consumer

        "Ah, boy, when you battle one another, you must properly introduce yourself." The caped Nucleoid stopped the Energy Sword with his bare hands. "As always, naughty, and overly eager."
        The caped Nucleoid delivered a slash through John's power armor, but the shield held. Seemed like the slash was only for parry and counter, and was designed to knock John back.
        "My name is General Vladimir Sanguinos." The caped Nucleoid introduced himself, his sword starting swirl with red blood, not of his or John's, but of the fallen Grunts nearby. "You shall be coated with red blood."


          ... heheh... yonder... who says that anymore? Ah well.

          "Alright, sure, I'm game. I just want to kick some ass. And on the way, I'd like to find Dai's friend. Ya seen her? Blue dress, blue eyes, blue hair, blue wings?"


            Battle Music:

            Prison Sector - The Consumer

            "That's how I always am.", John retorted back to General Vladimir Sanguinos in a calm tone.

            John pulled out his Gravity Hammer and spoke.

            "My name is Master Chief Petty Officer Spartan John-117, Green Demon, Chief, Spartan, Reclaimer, John,.. but you can call me death.", John said in a calm tone.

            John swung his Gravity Hammer at the General.


            John didn't hit the General. Instead, John sent him into a nearby wall.

            John sprinted at General Sanguinos and launched another attack.
            Last edited by S121; 07-24-2013, 09:25 PM.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Kappa Village

              At the mention of Nitori running off somewhere Zero quickly hops off the table and turns to EVE and ABEL. "Now listen here. I'm going to go find Nitori and bring her back here by force if I have to. Last I remember she's injured." Said Zero as flashbacks of Iris dying in his arms fill his mind. However Zero seems unfazed by the flashbacks. He then quickly takes off out of the tavern hoping to find Nitori.
              Last edited by NeoFox; 07-24-2013, 09:38 PM.


                Scarlet Devil Mansion

                "Uh... blue fairy... blue fairy..." Submos ran through his memories. "Oh, she's at that one Shrine place... I forgot the name. Heard it had three gods or something."

                Prison Sector - The Consumer

                "Gravity, huh? Trying to cripple me?" Vladimir laughed as he slid to a wall. He thrived for battle. His world before was reeking of peace, and Vladimir hated that. He loved being in the battlefield, clash of steel against steel, mighty scent of the iron in the blood being spilled, and the cold, sharp pain received with each glorious scars of combat...
                Vladimir used his agility to sharply turn to the right, dodging John's hammer attack. He didn't stop there, as his sword sliced through the air, aimed at John. The shield absorbed the hit, but it was enough to push Vladimir out of John's range.

                Kappa Village

                "I'll follow you, just in case she needs quick healing!" ABEL shouted, formed into a tiny spider and hopping onto Zero's back.


                  I turned to Daiyousei.

                  "Whew. Ya hear that? Your friend is safe. You no longer have to partake in this any more. You can go to your friend and stay there in safety."

                  At this point, I was worried about her. God knows how much battle experience she has. Plus, it's true. Now that her friend is safe, she has no reason to put her life in danger.


                    Kappa Village

                    Zero doesn't say a word as ABEL hops onto his back. "Hang on tight. I'm going to be running at full speed." Said Zero as he takes off running as fast as he can, his top running speed at 40 mph.


                      Prison Sector - The Consumer

                      John destroyed the wall of the room and turned to see that Vladimir escaped the attack.

                      John put away his Gravity Hammer and switched out to his Energy Swords again.

                      (Don't get hit so often John, the sword could pierce your shields.), John thought to himself as he raised his overshields to four shields.

                      (Let's try this. Once he counterattacks, I'll have an opening, thanks to that oversized weapon.)

                      John sprinted at Vladimir, ready for him to counterattack.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Scarlet Devil Mansion

                        HM turned to see Daiyousei. One might expect a fairy like Daiyousei to only think about the goal in ahead of her: finding Cirno. But no, Daiyousei was actually looking crestfallen.
                        "No..." Daiyousei trembled, then looked up to HM, determined. "No, it's not OK!"
                        Daiyousei then pointed at the Mountain where the battle raged on. "You think I'll stay idly by while the people that's living on the same ground as I am is being attacked? I'm gonna help them out, even if I have to do it alone!"

                        Then, she flew ahead to the mountain, her guns and weapons in hand.

                        Kappa Village

                        "Mitori!" Nitori shouted as Lady Kimehana created a net to save Mitori from being crushed by the diamond-clad Nucleoid.
                        "Go, help Mitori out." Lady Kimehana nodded at Nitori. "I'll take on the big guy."
                        "Oh, okay!" Nitori said, running towards Mitori who was knocked out unconscious. The diamond-clad Nucleoid saw Nitori, and was about to stop her when-
                        "Trap Sign - Body-Binding of Houdini."
                        A rope out of nowhere tied the diamond-clad Nucleoid, leaving Nitori clear to tend to Mitori. Nitori carried Mitori on her back, despite her grave injuries, and left the battlefield.
                        "You are an annoying lady." The diamond-clad Nucleoid growled. "Who the hell are you?"
                        "Misako Kimehana," Lady Kimehana smiled. "Former deva of the Lake."
                        "Damente Silverback." Damente snickered. "You're going down, deva!"

                        Prison Sector - The Consumer

                        Vladimir saw the sprinting and hopped up; the unusually high ceiling of the dungeon helped. In clear of any sort of attack, Vladimir gathered blood from the corpses nearby, and shot it in a barrage around him. As small as the blood bullets are, they were enough to leave markings on the stone floor and walls.
                        "I don't just swing swords." Vladimir snickered. "I'm also a skilled hemomancer!"


                          Prison Sector - The Consumer

                          (Very well then.)

                          John pulled out his Punt Gun and fired a 2-gauge hell at Vladimir.

                          (That should hit him, but if it doesn't kill him, then I always have more weapons.), John thought to himself.

                          He then pulled out his AA-12, just in case Valdimir survived.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Kappa Village

                            Zero wandered the village looking for Nitori. Luckily for him he found Nitori. As he spotted Nitori he quickly ran up to her. "Nitori you idiot!" He yelled at her in quite an angry tone. "What were you thinking going out there with those injuries!?" Yelled Zero, he was obviously angry with Nitori.



                              Heh. a strong one. She knows the right thing to do, not the smart thing. A good kid... fairy...

                              I rushed to the mountain and ran next to Daiyousei.

                              "Hey, Dai! Think you're hot stuff?! Then let's have a little competition! I bet I can kill more aliens than you!"

                              I smiled at her and rushed at the mountains.


                                Prison Sector - The Consumer

                                "Petty!" A voice from behind John. As the barrage commenced, Vladimir himself turned into a pool of blood and glided behind John.
                                "Bloodbath." Vladimir said, slicing around him maliciously and wildly with his sword as if his weapon weighed nothing.

                                Kappa Village

                                "This is my village, and I have to defend it!" Nitori shouted, Mitori still on her back. "Now, I gotta bring Mitori back to the infirmary. ABEL, follow me!"
                                "Of course." ABEL beeped, hopping from Zero's shoulder to Nitori's shoulder.

                                "Graaaa!" Damente charged. Lady Kimehana created a pit in front of her, which made Damente trip and fall. "Not again!"
                                "Trickery is one way to win battles." Lady Kimehana smiled. "Now, get up!"
                                "It's about brute strength!" Damente rose from the pit and charged at Lady Kimehana again, who this time created a tripwire. "Gah!"
                                "You fall for it again." Lady Kimehana sighed, backing away from Damente. "It's tiring. May I end you now?"
                                "I'll end YOU!" Damente ripped the ropes tying him and charged once again, his bright diamond armor aimed at the opponent. Lady Kimehana didn't move an inch. She merely used a spell card, her forehead and palms burning with aqua-blue H.
                                "Submission Sign - Kobashi Hold of Infernal Grip."
                                "MY SPINE!"

                                Daiyousei landed near the mountain base first. A group of Grunts, noticing her, started firing their plasma speargun.
                                "I practiced under Reimu herself. I can't be hit by bullets easily!" Daiyousei shouted, performing sommersaults and pirouettes as she fired Barratta at the enemies. Even with such dynamic moves, Daiyousei's shots hit most of the Grunts dead on.

