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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "I.. I donīt know what to think" Renamon said in a confused tone as she was trying to assimilate that first: Rika was here in the middle of a war, second: some grunts called her general making her a possible enemy and third: why the digivice could turn into red since Rika said Takato and Gulmon were there yet she couldnīt see them

    Nera got close to her partner and slapped her face "Look, you have to focus in my eyes and look at me, I understand you are confused and it is hard to assimilate it, but right now we donīt even know if she is with us or is a spy of the devourers so calm down, ok? she said to the shocked fox who then answered "Ok, Thank you for taking me back on track"

    Then the jackal looked at the tamer "And you, you may have shared important times with Renamon, but right now we canīt just trust you from comming so suddenly in the middle of a war" she warned
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




      "It's time for some hazard pay!" Stacker shouted his favorite quote, drawing his BR55 battle rifle.
      "You would really betray us, General?" A Grunt appealed to Stacker.
      "Hasta la vista." Stacker said to the Grunt, who nodded and smiled as he was shot in the chest by Stacker. "Lay waste on 'em, Chief!"

      "...very well." Rika nodded, obviously hurt. "I can't believe you've betrayed me for this... This beast. I knew you digimons aren't worth the effort from the start!"

      The shield proved useful for Aeneas as he blocked the bullets. As he landed, Aeneas pushed Mantis back, the 4,000 pound super gear swaying to and fro by a mere man. This was the General's power: overwhelming strength.



        "Beast? Im a jackal and-" Nera was interrupted by Renamon

        "First of all, Nera is my partner and I trust her with my life as I did with you but I canīt believe what my ears are hearing, you are saying I betrayed you? what about our fight against the devas, the rouge digimons and the D-reaper? we fought together to save both worlds from being anihilated, I put my full body and soul on your hands and you are calling me traitor? Im trying to stop this madness of war, and you have to understand that appearing as one of the generals of my opposing side puts you in a difficult position Rika, so I am asking you to trust me and explain me honestly why do you have Takatoīs digivice and how did it got broken?" Renamon said with honesty on her voice
        Last edited by Kristia; 07-29-2013, 02:43 AM.
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




          John nodded to Stacker then spoke.

          "I think it's about time to show you what I've gained since our last encounter.", John said as he then unleashed a laser that was 30 feet in diameter.

          john swayed the "Spartan-Light Laser" to and fro, incinerating everything in his frontal arc, killing everything and anything in his general direction.

          Nucleoids screamed and tanks exploded as the super-heated beam destroyed everything in it's path.

          Jason felt Aeneas sway the Mantis, so he decided to do the same to him.

          The Mantis stomped on the ground, sending Aeneas to the ground.

          Once that happened, Jason began to unleash a barrage of bullets and missiles straight on top of Aeneas's position.

          He then followed his storm of metal with another stomp, this time stomping on the General.

          "You want blood? YOU GOT IT!!!", Jason yelled through the intercom at the cloud of dust Aeneas was submerged in.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



            "Why are you stomping on the ground?" Aeneas asked, aiming his spear at Jason's head. "You look like Xerxes that has wet his pants... Sorry, I meant her skirt."
            The spear is flying, straight and true, towards the head of the pilot.

            Gap World

            Yukari was watching the battle unfold through a small gap, unnoticable by any. She was paying especially close attention to John, worried that anything might happen to him, but too angry to do anything about it.

            Suddenly the TV turned on by itself. It revealed a man wearing a nice looking black tuxedo that was a bit larg at the collar. The shirt was unbuttoned a little, and revealed a hole in the chest where his heart should be. The man also had his hair entirely silver, covering his right eye. He had wings of the devil, stretched far and wide.

            "Greetings, Miss Yakumo." The man spoke.

            "Who are-" Yukari asked, but she realized... She recognized this man... "The Devourer."

            "The very man." The Devourer scoffed. He was younger than expected, looking as if he was barely 30.

            "What do you want." Yukari... That was not a question, that was an order. Yukari was murderous.

            "A negotiation." The Devourer answered with a hearty grin. "A sort of... Compromise."

            "I have no reason to compromise with a man like you." Yukari shivered. "No... A devil... Like you."

            "Oh, I'm sure you will find the terms quite..." The Devourer smiled again, stepping aside to show Yukari something she will not believe. "Irresistable."

            It was Ran, the same Ran that Yukari made sure to be rescued. She was covered with whip marks, bruises, and blood. She was stripped down and chained up, beat up and put down on. Her ears flopped to sideways, her eyes cast downwards, lack of that same luster of a proud Gumiho Yukari knew.

            "What have you done to her!" Yukari shouted demandingly, reaching out to gap Ran back to her... But her ability was not working wherever the other side was. For once in her lifetime has her ability failed her. "How is-"

            "That Ran you rescued was not true Ran." The Devourer revealed. "But anyway, I must punish you for launching an attack on my base in the Mountain... Through your shikigami, of course."

            The Devourer walked over to Ran, who shot a fierce look; Devourer laughed at the sight of this, and drew his thin katana.

            "Don't you dare-" Yukari first thought the Devourer was going to kill Ran... But he was going to do something much worse... And Yukari realized it. "Don't you dare..."

            The Devourer, with a quick hand technique, has cut Ran's tails, separated that golden, divine fur from Ran's body.

            "No!" Yukari cried. "You will pay... You will pay for that!"

            "Return all troops from the Youkai Mountain and cease all actions of rebellion this instance." The Devourer demanded. "Otherwise, you, the residents of Gensokyo, and all outsiders who have helped you, shall not even be part of my army."

            The TV was shut, leaving Yukari guilty and suicidal, all alone without anyone to support her.


              "What a bother. Did I miss? Don't worry. It won't happen again."

              This time, while Jason and the general were fighting, I charged my laser. I aimed the LAYZOR at the general and fired again, this time faster and more powerful.



                Jason saw the spear heading for the head of the Mantis. Jason jumped out of the way and fired another volley of missiles at Aereas.

                "You know, I never imagined that I would find myself fighting an old Spartan. My idol is a Spartan. It's funny how these things play out, huh?", Jason said.

                John continued to destroy everything in his path. His armor and body were coursing with light and darkness. It seemed that the more John used his powers, the more powerful he became, as if he was somehow adapting to their use. John had already killed 20,000 Nucleoids, thanks to the flat terrain, and he was still ready for more.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                  "Yeah? How's this, Petty Officer?" Stacker began doing some weird hand motion. The Grunts around him began to float, unknowing why they were being choked.

                  "Kinesia!" Stacker shouted, and you could hear the bones crunching, the bones of the Grunts being lifted up.

                  "It's no use, Rika." A red dinosaur appeared. "She has passed the other side."
                  "No, she hasn't, Guilmon!" Rika argued the red dinosaur. "Just because you are so capricious, does not mean Renamon is!"

                  "Phallanx Shield!" Aeneas shouted, putting his shield above him and crouching to form a near-impenetrable barrier that blocked Jason's barrage and, accidentally, HM's LAYZOR.


                    I leaped up into the air towards the general, now flying from impact.

                    "Jason! Shoot me with the biggest and most smoke producing rockets now!"



                      Jason now saw his chance.

                      It would take thee General a split second to move, so he had to act fast.

                      Jason fired a barrage of bullets at Aeneas's shield, to keep him blind.

                      Then, Jason had the Mantis jump into the air and land onto the General.

                      Jason didn't know if he killed the General or not, but he was sure that he at least hurt him.

                      He then did as HM said and covered him in his missiles explosion, allowing him to hide in the smoke.

                      John saw Stacker's new abilities and nodded.

                      "Looks like you got some new stuff too.", John remarked as he continued his rampage.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                        "Growlmon! oh thank the gods you too are ok and where are Takato, Terri, and Terriermon?, please explain me what is going on, I just want to talk and stop this war, billions of inocents will die if this madness continues" Renamon asked honestly worried about the situation
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          I hid in the cloud. Then I emerged at a fast rate. "It's time for you to go!!!"

                          I unsheathed the sword and went for the slice. Then, I swung at him.

                          There I was, suspended in air as if time had flown slower, waiting for the result.



                            "The Devourer has a lot of books in the ship library." Stacker said, grinning widely. "I never was a bookworm, but this art of crushing bones fron distance intriguied me."

                            "Ah, so it was 2 versus 1." Aeneas snickered while blocking Mantis with his shield. His left arm was slightly dislocated, and his knees were bloodied from grinding the dirt ground. With a push, Aeneas pushed Mantis away, and looked at HM. "You are a bothersome one. You'll have to be eliminated."

                            Suddenly, a hot blade cut through HM's throat. Out of nowhere, an assassin has slain HM.
                            "NO!" Daiyousei shouted, who saw the blade go through. Her shots killed the assassin, but it was too late...
                            Or was it?


                            "Are you awake?" A strange woman asked HM... or to be exact, the spirit of HM.


                              "...ngh... Wha... What the... Who're..."



                                "Enemy!" A Grunt shouted, but Guilmon's glare forced him to back away.
                                "This isn't a good spot to talk." Guilmon sighed. "I'll bring Takato. Rika, take Renamon to that hole place we found near the Mountain. The, ah, Lucario, can go with Renamon too."


                                "Welcome to the everlasting rest area for the dead." The lady smiled warmly. She was wearing a silver tiara and a thin white dress. Her hair was lavender, and reached her waist. She resembled a goddess. "My name is Isadora, and I command this land."
                                Everywhere HM could look was white with cloud. There were several people... Or spirits of people, resting and eating spirits of fruits and drinking spirits of wine. HM and Isadora was standing in a Romanesque Forum.

