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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Hakurei Shrine

    "Okay, where do we go until we're supposed to drop in?", John asked Yuuka.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Hakurei Shrine

      "You're going to fly, high enough so that the enemy can't see you but not too high so you can see the signals." Yuuka explained. You're going to station yourself at the center of their siege position, then just wait."

      Tengu Village

      The Tengus began to murmur... "Outsider..." "Sword... He might cause trouble..." "He looks like he's gonna attack..."
      "Alright everyone, clear out!" A girl with two brown ponytails tied to the sides shouted. This girl seemed to have some sort of power within the Tengu society, as majoity of the Tengus that have gathered began to leave and tend to their business. The White Wolf Tengus stayed, in ready position.
      "Hatate Himekaidou?" Daiyousei greeted.
      Hatate nodded. She had a purple skirt on, along with a white shirt and a Tokin hat. She held an iPhone 8S with yellow-and-black checkerboard pattern case. "You're that fairy of the Lake. Can you please explain to me what this man is doing here, holding hs weapon out as if he is about to wreck something?"


        "I shit you not, I have no. Fucking. Clue. How this got here. I don't even know how to retra-"

        I then retracted it with my mind.

        "Oh... Well there ya have it! Trust me, I'm about as freaked out as you..."

        8S? Pfft, not to brag, but I got the 10S...

        "Anyways, how about you go on home, we move along our merry ways, and forget this ever happened... ^^'"


          Hakurei Shrine

          "Hmm, if that's the case, then I should perform a drop onto one of their tanks, or into their infantry. That should scare them.", John said.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Hakurei Shrine

            "Do the Odysseus Orbit Drop!" Suwako blurted out.
            "What the heck is Odysseus Orbit Drop?" Yuuka asked. Suwako retracted, realizing nobody got the references.
            "It's... It's a Kappa gaming show..." Suwako muttered. "Alright let's go people! Time's a-wasting!"
            "Whatever." Yuuka shrugged.

            "I don't think so." Hatate frowned. "I may not be the Captain of Tengu Defense Team, but I still have to report you to Tenma for excessively violent behavior. Come on you!"
            As Hatate tried to grab HM with handcuffs, Daiyousei jumped in and took the handcuffs instead, her wrists bound by a thick ring of Moriya iron.


              *sigh* that dumbass...

              "For jeebus' sake, we just wanna get to the f*cking shrine!"

              Looks like I have no choice.

              "Hey, listen up. I have no idea how fast you can go, but I can run pretty damn fast. And if I couldn't outrun you, I can camoflauge away. However, Daiyousei has nothing to do with this. She just wants to meet up with her friend. She was gonna kill me for it, as a matter of fact. So here's my deal. Let her go and I'll... I'll deal with the officials myself."

              Yay heroic me, except now John's gonna be pissed...


                Hakurei Shrine

                "Actually, I was thinking of performing an orbital drop at Mach 22-33. All I have to do is go up high enough and adjust my trajectory. The result would be a giant 1,400 pound hyper-sonic bullet. I could destroy a very large area with that, but I've never tried it before.", John said to Suwako in a calm tone.

                It may have seemed that john was joking at first, but it soon became obvious that he was serious.

                "I'm actually a little curious as to what will happen. I've never dropped on top of an enemy before... I'm probably going to do it to one of their fortifications, kind of like a 'bunker buster'. Doing it to infantry would be a waste of energy, and it would be a mess.", John finished.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Hakurei Shrine

                  "If you're going to do that," Suwako mentioned. "Coordinate with me. I have power to manipulate terrains, so we can combine to deal some serious dispositioning."
                  "Okay, seems like John, Isaac, Jason, and the robo-boys are ready." Yuuka nodded in approval.


                    Hakurei shrine

                    After healinng herself, the fox loooked at the group "Im ready for anything, bring it on"

                    Nera agreed with the vixen If you need fighters or or a silent sneak, you tell us"
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Hakurei Shrine

                      "Okay, sounds like a plan.", John said to Suwako as he nodded.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Hakurei Shrine

                        "Right. If everyone is ready, we're heading off!" Yuuka shouted, and a group of Youkais started flying off, as well as a massive army of danmaku-armed fairies. Murasa and Suwako took off as well, holding the Robot Masters participating in the battle.

                        "No, it's fine." Daiyousei looked back. "I'll talk to Tenma. You go on and see if Cirno is still at Moriya Shrine."
                        "But-" Hatate hesitated.
                        "Or perhaps you have forgotten what I truly am?"
                        Hatate paled.
                        "Okay... Follow me please... As for you," Hatate stuttered and faced HM. "You're off the hook."


                          Hakurei Shrine

                          John and Isaac rose into the air.

                          Jason entered his Mantis and spoke to Yuuka.

                          "Yea... How do I get there? I can't fly and my Mantis is 4,000 pounds. Should I just join one of the fronts, or is there a way for me to go with the others?", Jason asked her.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Off the hook... My ass!

                            I grabbed on to the tengus shoulder.

                            "Hey n
                            ow, can't we settle this without disturbing the officials?"

                            I'm not going to go on without you.


                              Hakurei shrine

                              "So what are we going to do Yuuka?" the fox asked
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Hakurei Shrine

                                "Okay, we'll fly by the slowest one here. Anyone whose flight speed is lower than 200?" Suwako asked those in flight.
                                "Renamon, you can probably just follow John." Murasa commented.

                                "Uh, hey tell you what. I'll see if I can..." Yuuka looked around to find the fiery girl wearing red pants? "Hey Mokou, can you help this gentleman fly?"
                                "How am I supposed to do that?" Mokou asked back.
                                "I dunno. Give it a good old kick start?" Yuuka shrugged. Mokou smiled maliciously.
                                "Oh I know exactly how to get the sit-in's dispersed." Mokou grinned, aiming a phoenix blast at Jason's Mantis. "If you don't want to turn into yakitori, better start flying!"

                                Tengu Village

                                "Get your hands off me or I will call the Deity of the Storm to deal with you." Hatate glared, while Daiyousei tried to break the two up with her cuffed hands.
                                "It's really fine. You go on ahead!" Daiyousei insisted.

