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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Sector 2-Prometheus Labs

    Wesker as slightly annoyed about the Operator spitting blood onto his face. As Wesker turns to the grenade he quickly performs a kick to the Operator's stomach, followed by him smashing the operator into the ground before the grenade detonated.

    Meanwhile just above Sector 2 the choppers carrying the B.O.W.s have arrived. The four Tyrants and 2 Nemesis T-Types jump down, and crash through the ceiling. The Nemesis T-Types where both armed with a Gatling Gun each. As they landed they quickly began to open fire on all of the men in the room. While the four new Tyrant-103's began attacking some of the men. Meanwhile the small army of 40 Lickers also dropped down. Wesker's backup has arrived.

    Hakurei Shrine

    "I didn't mean to do this! Well I could have transformed before, but before I needed to hit something with the copy shot! This time I just transformed for no reason!" He said as he examines himself in the mirror. He looked like a perfect copy of Yuyuko right now. He even sounds like her to. However this transformation was not perfect as he did not have all of her abilities.
    Last edited by NeoFox; 07-31-2013, 10:10 PM.


      "Well... Can you change back?"


        Sector 2-Prometheus Labs

        The guards and Spartan-IIIs tried to kill as many creatures as they could, but they all died in the frenzied assault of the Lickers.
        Wesker had won this fight with little casualties; 7 Lickers.

        The room was littered with bullet casings, shrapnel, blood, and bodies.

        All of a sudden, the squad leader jumped out from behind cover and prepared for a final assault.

        "AAAAAHHHHRRRGH!!!", The Spartan-III yelled as he charged at Wesker with his Rocket Launcher.

        The squad leader fired both rockets at Wesker in a desperate attempt to kill him before dying from the horde.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          The Gates of Heaven

          "You do not have to worry about that." Duncan laughed, as a blue door opened out of nowhere. "Shall we...?"

          Human Village

          "Well that came to a nice end." Keine undid her EX form, sighing. "Good thing we evacuated all the villagers out safely before the entire fiasco."
          "Now, I think you need to run off to Satori. She must be worried." Keine turned to Koishi.

          Eirin's Medical Tents

          "There. That took care of all the poison." Eirin sighed in relief. "Couldn't you have brought him earlier?"
          "I flew as fast as I could. I'm not Aya." Yuuka frowned.
          Eirin got up to get a cup of water. "Well, whatever happened today was too close. We need a way to ensure John and the others to be protected when we attack the enemy's ship directly..."
          "I talked to Shimamura. He asked you to come to his house at the edge of Forest of Magic in an hour." Yuuka reported.
          "What is it about?" Eirin wondered.
          "I don't know, but it seemed to be interested, seeing what kinds of Youkai are attending." Yuuka replied. "Patchouli, you, Kanako, Byakuren, Yumemi..."


            Human Village

            Koishi got up, pushing her seat in, and ahdning in her cards.

            "Okay! See ya guys later!" Koishi bowed a little, and went off towards the Ancient City.

            "She really is an odd bloke, ain't she?" Mr. Foster asked.

            "Well, at least she ain't insane, like that Scarlet sister." Marisa commented.

            "I like girl." Heavy Weapons Guy said, making the others look at him funny.

            "Vhat? Heavy just says she is comrade." The Heavy said.

            "She definately knows who to make a good milkshake though." Sam said, slurping on a milkshake.

            "Yep." the others said.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              Sector 2-Prometheus Labs

              Wesker was mostly unharmed from the grenades explosion, any injuries he did receive were already starting to heal. He turned around to see a Spartan-III firing rockets at him. Wesker using his enhanced reflexes grabbed one of the rockets with both hands, being unable to dash out of the way due to the close proximity, however the second rocket hit him nearly dead on causing both rockets to detonate. However this momentarily stunned Wesker as he can be seen still alive after all the smoke cleared. His black coat was completely burned. Wesker stood up and took off his coat, he then proceeded to pull out his Beretta custom Samurai Edge handgun out. As his wounds were starting to heal he turned to the Spartan and grinned before pulling the trigger of his handgun.


                "Very well."

                I stepped through the blue gate...

                The body woke up. The eyes suddenly shot up blood red with a snake's eyes. I lifted myself up. Here... It...


                My laugh howled theough the night like a wolf.


                  Sector 2-Prometheus Labs

                  The Spartan-III squad leader tried to dodge the bullet, but still hit its mark.
                  The only thing the Spartan did was keep the bullet from going through his heart.

                  He crashed to the ground as he clutched his chest, trying to fight the pain of having a collapsed lung.
                  Despite his injury, the Spartan-III slowly got on his hands and knees. He then pulled out his Combat Knife and stumble-charged towards Wesker.

                  The Spartan-III knew that the situation was hopeless, but he was determined to protect the lab to his last breath.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Sector 2-Prometheus Labs

                    Wesker watched on as the soldier stumbled towards him. As the man approached Wesker he simply grabbed the man by his arm.
                    "Pathetic... Allow me to show some mercy by ending your pain right here." Said Wesker as he snaps the man's arm right at the shoulder. He then tosses the man onto the ground and smiles. He takes his gun and aims it at the soldiers skull. He the pulls the trigger, killing the brave soldier.


                      Sector 2-Prometheus Labs

                      The room was now silent, save for the hissing of the Lickers.

                      The way to the third Sector was clear, but the sign above the entrance warned that the next battle would not be easy.

                      SECTOR 3 - VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGIES
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Ancient City

                        Koishi merrily skipped through the Ancient City, ignoring the many dead bodies of not only the forces from Mental's army, but many dead Oni as well as she bought a cinnamon snowcone, and headed towards Cheriden.

                        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                          Outside Kappa Village

                          Zero was still outside the Kappa Village when he heard the sound of someone or something laughing maniacally. The laughter echoed throughout the night sky. This had intrigued Zero as he picks up his helmet and puts it back on. Before leaving though he stops to look at the Kappa Village. He then takes off dashing towards the source of the noise.


                            I ran through the woods aimlessly. I stopped for a minute. I tried to regain control... but... I can't...



                              Foot of Youkai Mountain

                              "Here goes-"
                              Duncan's greatsword, that of black blade, pierced through HM's stomach. But no blood came out, only red spirits.
                              "Okay that worked." Duncan sighed in relief. "I just dispelled any chaotic thoughts in your mind. Try to speak."


                                Eirin's Medical Tents

                                Now that the poison was gone, John's Biofoam could heal his wound without being impeded.
                                Thanks to Eirin's modifications to his Biofoam, it also began to close the hole in his armor, restoring it back to pristine condition.

                                John quickly drank the water Eirin gave him and sat up. He was still anemic from the bloodloss, but somehow managed to stay upright.

                                "Is there anything you need me to do?", John asked Yuuka as he slowly stood back up.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

