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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Medic Camp - Gensokyo

    Robin nodded again and sat down in the transport, remembering conversations with his daughter, Morgan.


    "Oh, Father! Over here! Come with me a minute!" Morgan ran up to him smiling.
    "What is it, Morgan?"
    "Oh, nothing. It's just... C'mon! I need to talk to you about something."
    Robin sighed. "Well, I'm afraid I'm a bit busy at the moment. Can we talk here?"
    "H-here? Er, that's not really..." She shuffled slightly. "I can just wait, thanks."
    "Are you sure it's nothing urgent?" He raised an eyebrow.
    "Um, no, it's... Ha ha! ...I'll be right back." She ran off and went behind a corner. "...... Okay, all set! Now to lure Father into this pitfall trap..." She then ran back to Robin's study. "Phew, I'm back! Hey, let's take a walk, shall we? Right this way, Father!"
    "You're acting very strange, Morgan." Robin said with with a suspicious look on his face.
    Morgan rolled her eyes and focused on the trap ahead. "Allllmost... Just a couple more steps..."
    Robin took another partial step and the pitfall's cover fell. "...Huh? A pitfall? Now that's a classic!"
    "Dang! How did you know?! I was super careful in disguising it. It didn't look suspicious at all!"
    "True, your work on the pit is first class. But your odd behavior made it obvious. Subterfuge and misdirection are half of any good trap, Morgan."
    Morgan snapped her fingers. "Dang. I'll get you next time! By the way, as long as you're here, mind helping me fill this hole in? If someone fell in by accident, they could really hurt themselves."
    "Wait, how deep did you make it?!"


      Medic Camp - Gensokyo

      "Okay.", Isaac said as he patiently waited for Eirin.

      Daniel saw that he might have interrupted Eirin and Isaac's conversation, so he waited until they were done talking. Once he saw the conversation end, Daniel quickly gave Eirin the news.

      "Ma'am, the PHOENIX Cellular Grafters arrived. Do you want me to place them in any particular location?", Daniel asked Eirin.

      Gensokyo Skies

      After a moment, the Falcons lifted off of the ground and soared into the air. While the Falcons flew towards Grima, Six was preparing his LAEVATEINN for another round of fighting.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Medic Tent

        "Do make sure to have them away from the center at least." Eirin ordered. "We will be holding an honorary burial soon."

        After a few minutes, Eirin came back to Isaac with a pink-haired girl similar to Koishi. "This is Satori, Koishi's older sister. If you take her to Koishi, she should be able to diagnose what is wrong."

        "You might have to stay for a bit longer, however." Satori added. "We will be burying Gensokyo's dead here with a ceremony, and it is customary for all available Youkai to gather."


          Medic Tent

          "Understood.", Daniel said to Eirin as he left to report back to the tachnicians and tell them to deploy the PHOENIX machines on the outskirts of the camp.

          "We still have time before the ceremony, right?", Isaac asked Satori.

          (If we hurry, we should be able to get Koishi help and make it to the ceremony.)

          Gensokyo Skies

          Soon, the Falcons had reached their destination. Grima flew down below, towards Suwa Lake. While they hovered up above, many of the other ships fired on Grima, dealing out unfathomable amounts of firepower. as they neared Grima's back, Six spoke.

          "You ready?", Six shouted over the sounds of gunfire and explosions.
          Last edited by S121; 10-17-2013, 08:07 AM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            "... How... dare you speak of my father that way... you truly are a monster... Judgement shall befall upon you."

            "Heheh, it's no use, green man. He can't see any of his friends or family. They all take on that which he fears most. But I'm surprised. You actually did try to kill his father. Quite a coincidence. But in any case, he can't hear you. And don't worry about his body. He will live... for as long as his spirit does. I'm sustaining his spirit like shackles. Plus... oh, why must we speak like this? Let's meet, face to face."

            Suddenly, Lucifer formed beside HM. "Hello. I am here to serve you... master."

            "... no... your orders are to keep anyone and everyone from interfering. Do not interfere in any way. In any case, what shall I call you? Lucifer seems to merciless."

            "Call me... Sebastian, for media reference's sake."

            "... honestly. You're much older than many beings, yet you are more childish than me. Sebastian... that'll have to do. Bring this ship to earth. I need to go somewhere afetr John's judgement."

            "As you wish."

            Lucif- Sebastian grew his wings and flew outside. Then, a heavy thud could be heard from outside, and all of a sudden, the ship was heading towards Earth at an accelerated rate.

            "Feel me wrath. Your time ends now. Your time of killing... has come to an end."


              Consumer Escape Pod

              John didn't want to attack his friend, but it seemed that John had little choice.

              "HM, forgive me for this, but you need to be stopped before you kill us all.", John said in a calm tone as he got into a fighting stance and readied himself for HM to attack.

              As John got into position, his hands ignited with Light in his left and Darkness in his right.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                "Forgive you? for what? Your villainy? Do you carry around that light with pride? One would assume it would be used to end conflict. Truly a shame. Don't worry. Maybe you'll be forgiven by someone. But you have earned no sympathy from me. Let me demonstrate the power that is beyond the war-ender's capabilities and quite possibly your own. May you hopefully be remembered for the good things you did... Over your treachery. Die."

                I fired several laser beams, but even though they had almost no charge, they had the power of a fully charged beam.


                  Consumer Escape Pod

                  In a split second, John created a Hard Lightshield with his left hand and blocked all of the incoming lasers. In the other hand, he created a Darkness Plasma Grenade and tossed it at HM. When HM would try to dodge it, John would quickly follow up with a laser of his own.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    I dodged it. I stood in place.

                    "Come now. That isn't your best. Are you going to try?"

                    It was unnoticeable, but I threw something in the air.


                      Consumer Escape Pod

                      Just as soon as HM spoke, John fired a giant bluish-white beam of light energy, covering most of the interior of the escape pod. John knew that he would not be able to use some of his more advanced tactics in such close quarters, but he did know that HM would also have a hard time dodging John's larger scale attacks.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Gensokyo Skies

                        "Yes. Let's end this...before any more lives are lost." Robin raised his hand and little arcs of Mjolnir energy were emitted.


                        I'd draw your forces out to this line, then strike with an ambush team from the woods.

                        Then I would Now you find yourself trapped in a pincer movement.

                        Crud. You win again.

                        At least it was just pieces on a board. In real life, that would've cost lives. A tactician is responsible for their army's survival, and a single mistake can be fatal. But you cannot allow the pressure of that responsibility to stymie you. Running scenarios like this will help prepare you for anything.

                        Thank, Father. I'll give some of your strategy texts another read-through. But know this--one of these days, I WILL outmaneuver you!

                        Okay, we'll see about that, kiddo. But you're welcome to try me anytime. I'm always happy to accept a challenge. All right then, we're done for today.

                        Okay! See you tomorrow!

                        ...Phew, that was a close one. I was one step shy of getting completely wiped out. I'd hoped that to be an unattainable goal for a little longer so she would push herself. In actuality, I'M the one who needs a push. Better dust off a few of these books myself.


                          After the beam, there was nothing but a hole in the ground. All of a sudden, a hand came through the the for and dragged John by the foot to the level below.

                          "I'm impressed. I thought you were going to charge at me. You've changed since your crossing......... What is it, Sebastian?... 3 minutes? I see. Hurry with it, though. This suit is too weak to contain my power. Ahem. Where was I? Ah yes. Judgment."

                          I got ready to set off a sound wave attack.


                            Gensokyo Skies

                            Six looked to Grima's back, then to Robin.

                            "I have an idea. I'll jump down and trigger Grima's spike attack. Thanks to my THOR module, I'll be safe and it will allow you to get on his back without worrying about them. Sound like a plan?", Six asked Robin over the ships' gunfire.

                            Consumer Escape Pod

                            Right as HM was preparing for another attack, John pulled out his "Punt Gun" and fired the 2-gauge shotgun at HM, hoping to interrupt the attack.
                            Last edited by S121; 10-17-2013, 11:08 PM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Gensokyo Skies

                              "If he chose to activate it for one man. He would wait. He will wait." Robin's expression was grave, this time he knew Grima's opening move and knew he wouldn't use it until it could cause maximum damage.
                              "If we get close enough to the...other me...then we would be better off."
                              As Robin said this Grima sent Falcon Knights, Griffon Riders, Wyveryn Lords, and Dark Fliers to intercept the fleet.


                                Gensokyo Skies

                                Little did Grima's forces know that the ships they were trying to intercept had M638 Autocannons that could fire 20mm explosive rounds and M247H Heavy Machine Guns on it's flanks. As the enemy air support approached, torrents of heavy machinegun fire and explosive rounds littered the sky and ripped towards Grima's forces.

                                "Ok. We'll get as close to his avatar as possible.", Six shouted over the machineguns.

                                Six then activated his communicator and called for backup.

                                "This is Spartan-B312. We need air support near the left flank of the dragon's back. We have numerous enemy forces inbound to our location.", Six announced to the ships attacking Grima.

                                As soon as the order was given, a large group of Pelicans, Broadswords, and Hornets sprang into action and began to fire guided missiles and heavy machinegun rounds at the enemy forces.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

