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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Rio De Jainero, Brazil

    The mechanic sighed. Her brief delightful lunch time was interrupted by an old Brazilian man wishing to fix his bicycle. Then came a European lady with a broken headset. Then a Chinese gentleman with his golden watch that wouldn't show the correct time. Then some kids with their toys. Over and over and over again. The mechanic hated Rio for this: she hated how she had hardly any break time. But then, she also liked Rio for its bustling streets. The festivals. The warm sands, clear water, and mostly, people. Back in her mountainous hometown, the mechanic couldn't approach humans without a proper preparation of her hearts. Ironically, the people eased her shyness.

    "I would like this watch fixed." A man in Dolce & Gabbana suits came to the mechanic's garage. Another person who must've dropped his wristwatch while touring, the mechanic thought, and got to work immediately. The man stared at the mechanic for some time, and asked.

    "I think I've seen you." The man proclaimed. "Are you a Character?"

    Uh oh, the mechanic twitched inside. I was hoping nobody would notice me. Time to play dumb.

    "No idea." The mechanic laughed, and handed the wristwatch to the man in tuxedos. That's 120 R$. (Side note: R$ is Brazilian currency with 2.05:1 ratio with American dollar. Average cost is $200.)

    "That was fast." The man whistled in delight. "You must be an expert."
    "I get that a lot." The mechanic clumsily smiled as she received the money. "Thank you and have a nice day!"

    Toshima District, Tokyo, Japan

    So the soldier's name is John. Yuuka thought. For such an extraordinary man, his name is so bland.
    "What about you, Renamon?" John asked the vixen. And her name is Renamon.

    As Renamon explained her side of the story, Yuuka prepared for her inevitable introduction. The fact that she came from Gensokyo was already out, so she couldn't conceal that. However, she can pretend that she is just a sorceress. Knowing that there are Youkai existing in the outside world would crumble the very existance of Gensokyo. Time to play smart, Yuuka thought.

    (Time for me to take a break too. See y'all tomorrow. I'm going to stick around for a bit more. I can probably rp some more starting at around 10:00 AM.)


      Road to Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

      After listening to Renamon's story, and looking at her Wiki page on his HUD (he was always looking on the internet for "Characters'" info, as it was part of his job to always be cautious),
      he turned to Yuuka.

      Not wanting to leave his newfound companion feeling left out, he asked, "So, what's your story?"
      He switched to Yuuka's page and got ready to listen...
      Last edited by S121; 04-26-2013, 01:44 AM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Toshima District - Kita District, Tokyo, Japan

        "So, what's your story?"
        Here it comes, Yuuka thought, I can fake being a sorceress of the otherworld. But that helmet probably has access to the "Internet" as Nitori called it... that might become a problem.

        No problem, a voice inside her head spoke. It was Yukari, speaking through a gap in her mind.
        Can you do something about that helmet computer? Yuuka asked Yukari inside her head. If he figures out that I am a Youkai, the entire Gensokyo will fall...
        Gone and done it. Your wiki page says you are a sorceress now.
        Owe you one.
        But of course.
        Yukari's voice was no longer heard.

        I am, uh, a sorceress from a mythic land called Gensokyo... where arcane powers and mysticism still exist as daily basis. Most of the residents there are humans like those in the outside world, here, but there are some... fortunate ones being able to practice certain types of magic, such as darkness or other elements, as well as manipulation of characteristics of the world. I am, of course, the sorceress of flowers, and I'm a high-ranking sorceress, so to speak.

        I was dragged here while I was walking through a land called Muenzuka. I frequent there because the purple sakura trees there are beautiful... but a large hole opened up from the sky and I was sucked in. And then the next thing I realized was that I was in the midst of this city, and then came the three men in suits.



          (That's all for tonight. I'll try to be up at ten. On a side note, This is what happens when I have all the time in the world to write.)

          Road to Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

          He switched to Yuuka's page and got ready to listen...

          John looked at the page and skimmed the side panel.

          風見 幽香 (かざみ ゆうか)
          Yuuka Kazami



          AKA: Yuuka Kazami
          Species: You-

          The HUD started to flicker and distort the rest of the page. His helmet's on board speaker system started screeching and buzzing.
          At the same time, his mic system started relaying the screeches for everyone to hear. He tapped his helmet, and as suddenly as the malfunction happened, it stopped.

          Yuuka gave him a strange look as his helmet finished screeching. "Are you okay?", Yuuka said with slight confusion on her face and in her voice.
          "Yea, just a malfunction. Please continue."
          "I am, uh, a sorceress from a mythic land called Gensokyo...."

          His HUD began to display the page normally, only something seemed a little off. The page had different info on it. The species portion said Sorceress.

          (Am I losing my mind? I could have sworn this page had different info on it. It said You...You-something...)

          He knew something was up, he just knew it. How could it be that the page would have a malfunction, right as he was looking at it? How could it be that the info changed?
          Heck, the only time his helmet had technical difficulties was when Cortana was with the Gravemind and started to lose her sanity.
          Someone or something was inside his helmet! Was it her?
          This new page said nothing about having technopathic abilities, but then again, this whole page was most likely false, if not just the species tab.

          (What does she not want me to know?... Whatever, it's not like she's attacked us or anything of the sort. I'll just have to be ready for anything she might try to do...)

          Despite alarms going off in his head, telling him that something didn't add up, he listened to her story, albeit with suspicion.
          Last edited by S121; 04-26-2013, 03:44 AM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Above the buildings - Tokyo - Japan

            Aqua knew she would need to know what was going on. Something or someone had been crashing down from the sky. The people from the other worlds had already disappeared and she had no idea on how to find anyone of them again.
            ("No place is better to look for someone or something than the sky.")
            She pressed the pauldron on her left shoulder and in a flash of light she was wearing her Keyblade armor. She transformed her Keyblade into a Keyblade glider and stepped onto it.
            ("And if anything else gets ready to crash into the street I'll stop before it does any damage.")
            And then she was off.

            Flying the Keyblade Glider again felt great. Even tough she was not on one of the Lanes Between, she felt as she finally was doing something.
            After flying over the city a few times she spotted them. ("They really stand out in that street, why is it that it is so much harder to fit in in this world?")
            She turned her Keyblade Glider and flew towards them.
            Born in the light.
            Molded in the dark

            Never Forget,
            Keep Fighting.
            –Don't Forget.
            Always, somewhere,
            someone is fighting for you.
            –As long as you remember her,
            you are not alone.


              Mima's Antique Shop - Tokyo, Japan - ((@Mima))

              "4000 Yen?" Leon scoffed and rubbed the back of his head as he looked down at the small, lucky cat. "...If I'm right, that's 40 dollars in America... Quite a lot for something so small..."

              The man sighed. Here he was whining over the price of a small, meaningless object when he bought useless stuff himself at high prices. Tight-fitting shirts, taxi rides, hair products for men, and leather jackets with lots of pockets. He had no place to grumble or complain, and he figured he was stressed for time already. He eyed the shop keeper with a bit of suspicion, but he ultimately reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out four crisp 1000 yen notes and handed them over to the witch.

              "I suppose it will do. I could use some good luck."

              His attention once again drifted to the doors. He could have sworn he heard sirens, or someone or something approaching.

              Downtown Tokyo

              Meanwhile, a few vehicles belonging to SCAE rolled out downtown where there had been some commotion. Armed men came out of the armored vehicles and began to secure the area, focused on finding the character or characters responsible for disrupting the peace.


                Rio De Jainero, Brazil

                "Coffee?" A friendly-looking young Brazilian man offered some coffee to the mechanic.
                "And I was just about to get some." The mechanic giggled and caught the canned coffee. "Thanks, Rody."

                Rodrigo Torentez, or Rody as the people on the streets called him, was a passoionate "white-hacker" living near the mechanic. For repairing any malfunctioning devices, Rody supplies the mechanic with necessities, such as groceries. The mechanic always had her hands full with broken gadgets, so Rody, who had a lot of time in his disposal, shopped for the mechanic.

                "When you're done with that TV set, come outside. I'll treat you to dinner."

                "For what?" The mechanic asked. "Is it your birthday?"

                "No," Rody laughed. "Don't you know? There's going to be a party at the Alley. Let's go."


                  In Recette's Armory in Chinatown, Manhattan

                  The front door opened and a tall, muscular man entered. He apppeared to be wearing a nondescript pair of baggy jeans and a black windbreaker. As he unzipped his windbreaker upon entering the shop, revealing two guns and a knife that were holstered on his sides. The man walked inside with a sense of urgency, revealing the fact that he knew exactly what the shop was meant for.

                  "The first customer of the day," Recette happily thought.

                  "May I help you?" Recette chimed.

                  "Actually..." the man said slowly, "I was wondering if you had any information on Characters being hunted down by some unnamed organized crime syndicate. Other than that, I was wondering if you knew of anything on that unnamed organization as well."

                  "Oh! You must have been one of the people they were targeting. I believe the organization that was targeting you and other Characters is the same one that came to my shop last week. They were in need of supplies for approximately 30 people. One man seemed to be looking through a stack of papers which looked like a portfolio of various Characters."

                  Recette flipped on a switch from underneath the counter and turned around. The wall behind her lowered and various large monitors can be seen. Recette pulled out a keyboard and started typing.

                  "Those customers were a bit boring to deal with," Recette said. "All they did was grunt at me and nod whenever I tried to talk with them. I hope you aren't the same."

                  A video appears on the main center monitor. On the side monitors, various documents are shown. Recette quickly looks through all of them and then closes them. She takes out a small flashdrive and moves the video and all the documents onto it.

                  "The organization that was after you is loosely affiliated with the Neo-Yakuza in Japan. From that, we can assume that you were suppose to be eliminated since you are a possible threat, or that you were going to be captured. On this flashdrive, I have various documents about this organization and a video from the surveillance cameras when they came to this shop. The total cost of these will be $1,250. Would you like any other supplies or equipment with that?" Recette politely asks the customer.


                    In Recette's Armory in Chinatown, Manhattan

                    One-thousand-two-hundred-fifty dollars was the young girl's asking price. Though Snake knew the price was absolutely ridiculous, he needed the information. Quickly going through his assets in his mind, Snake knew that if he were to purchase it, he would only have about $1,000 left. He wondered how badly the financials would affect him. Pushing those matters aside, Snake knew that he had to do it.

                    *** "Alright. I'll take it. Do you also happen to have any rooms in the back I might be able to temporarily rent while I get things sorted out? Also, I think I might want to stock up on a few supplies." Snake mentioned as he turned around and walked over to a shelf. He picked up a box of cigarettes and two, yellow, circular boxes of rations. "It's been a while since I've had a chance to smoke or eat these."

                    Snake brought the box to the counter and set it down, waiting for Recette's answer.


                      Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

                      R. Terezina. One of those quiet streets where many aspiring young people from all over the world gathers to express their art and technological prowess. During the daytime, the streets are quiet, except for few kids playing soccer. During the nighttime, however, the street turns from a tranquil area into a festival ground, with music, dancing, eating and drinking. Nothing was too weird during that time, and Rody knew it. He loved partying, it was one of his virtues: Que Sera Sera. Whatever will be, will be, so live your life.

                      The mechanic, however, was new to Rio and did not know the nightlife of the city. So when she heard loud music and rowdy dancing, she felt out of place.

                      "Don't be too nervous." Rody assured the mechanic as two large, bulky men approached them. "These folks look mean, but they're all softies."
                      "Ei, Rody, Quanto Tempo!" One of the man, a Brazilian man with traditional, over-the-top afro, greeted Rody with a big laugh. "How you been man?"
                      "Long time no see indeed." The other man, a Caucasian with blond mohawk and sunglasses snickered. "Who's the chick?"

                      "Quanto Tempo, Lucas, Jordan, this is the mechanic I was talking about." Rody greeted the two men with wince as the Caucasian man, Jordan, punched Rody's stomach lightly.
                      "Uh... hi. I'm a friend of Rody." The mechanic spoke shyly.
                      "Prazer em conhecê lo." The Brazilian man, Lucas, smiled. "What's your name?"
                      "My name is Nitori. Kawashiro Nitori. Nice to meet you too." Feeling ease, the mechanic, Nitori, smiled too.



                        Road to Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

                        Renamon analyzed both characters situations carefully, in one hand was John, an experienced soldier from a war between the humans and space creatures, that war took many lives he cared for explaining the soldier´s almost monotone speaking, yet he had something very few sodiers have. A soul.

                        In the other hand was the florist called Yuuka and as her story and the soldier´s information, was a kind of sorceres who lived in a land were magic was the main source of strenght and the green-haired explained she had a high ranking level of magic . Yet the strange flicker in the soldier´s mind and the sorceress little reaction to his question made the vixen wonder about her.

                        There was indeed something else hiding on the flower controller, something bigger, that aura of power could be compared to atleast higher than the Devas from the Digital World. ("She must have her reasons for not telling us, but its allright"). The fox thought. Also something else came to her mind. The gap user.

                        Remembering that Yuuka knew about the blonde magician, renamon tried to ask "I remember you were in good terms with that gap controller, may I ask who she is?" Renamon asked as they were getting closer to the antique shop.

                        (Hi there people, unfortunately I´ll be off in posibly be off in one or 2 hours and will get back by other 2-3 hours, so.. please don´t leave me behind and don´t kill me >_>)
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Kita District - Kawaguchi District, Tokyo, Japan
                          Time: 2:50 PM

                          "The gap controller... you mean Yukari?" Yuuka said. "She is amongst the highest-ranking sorceress of Gensokyo. There's only few that can match her when it comes to raw power. The only reason that she is not ruling Gensokyo is because of the unspoken treaty that prevents one sorceress to reign over the world."
                          "And her power allows her to teleport anywhere she desires?" Renamon uttered. It seemed that the vixen did not understand how power of teleportation alone can grant Yukari enough power to reach the top percent of Gensokyo's most powerful being.
                          "Here we are," John announced, "Old Ghost's Antique Store."

                          The store was just as you would expect from any Antique Store: old, wooden building with closely packed items along the aisles viewed through a single window. Not hesitating, John entered the store, folowed by Yuuka and Renamon in the rear.

                          "Anybody here?" John cautiously called out, ready for anything.


                            Beside the Antique Store - Tokyo - Japan

                            Aqua knew where the others were. Now she had take a quick look at the city again. She flew around the city a few times looking for anything suspicious.
                            It was everywhere, but not the kind she was expecting. The streets was completely empty, not a single person could be seen ("I guess news spread fast in this world")

                            When she reached another part of the town she finally saw something else. There was lots of people in uniform going around the area. There was also a few vehicles around the area.
                            ("What could they possibly want"). She turned around and flew towards where she had been before searching the town for anything suspicious.

                            She saw the other by an old story and decided it would be a good decision to land and hear what was going on.
                            When she had landed The Keyblade Glider returned to just being a Keyblade and she touched her left pauldron to take of the armor.
                            Born in the light.
                            Molded in the dark

                            Never Forget,
                            Keep Fighting.
                            –Don't Forget.
                            Always, somewhere,
                            someone is fighting for you.
                            –As long as you remember her,
                            you are not alone.


                              Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

                              The explanation of the gap controller made the fox think even more about them, ("Space and nature´s control.. they are far stronger than what they lool") she thought when they reached the antique shop, it looked really normal for what the vixen could see, there were classic old objects and other far more older treasures, the smell of them also was really noticing to the fox´s senses.

                              "Anybody here?, John asked to the air

                              This place feels odd.. like if there is a sense of calmness but yet it also gives a feeling ofnothingness too" Renamon said looking at one of the antiques, it looked like a digivice, but she then shook that idea off realizing it was only a replica.

                              (Sadly this is my lst post until I get back from work, so cya in the afternoon-night >_<)
                              Last edited by Kristia; 04-26-2013, 03:45 PM.
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Mima's Antique Shop-Japan

                                Mima took the notes the crisp notes from him, eyeing them before putting them in the worn and torn register with a ding.

                                "It's magically enchanted with a luck spell, it's going to give you some good luck at some point or another, guaranteed." Mima replied. "Have a nice day, sir."

                                "And yes, there are people here, to answer your question." Mima replied.

                                The Inventory-Somewhere in New York City

                                A figure in a black and white hood went down an old alleyway, a sign poking out reading "The Inventory". The figure stuck a hand out, pressing a button, summoning a golden lift behind it. The figure stepped inside, the elevator heading down, opening into a large room filled with several tables of different games.

                                Blackjack, Roulette, Slots, Poker, it was all there, a gambler's dream come true. Characters and people played against each other, all going for the same thing. Money. A short, stout man wearing a sailors cap and a red robe came up to the figure.

                                "You are the fifth player, I presume?" the man asked.

                                The figure took off the hood, revealing it to be Marisa Kirisame.

                                "Ze, that would be me." Marisa replied.
                                Last edited by Koishi; 04-26-2013, 04:44 PM.

                                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.

