Consulting the anime? Ooooh... It's both a bad and a good idea. When I watched the anime, I got very different opinions compared to the games. Sure, Cynthia was a badass and was completely awesome in both. But in the anime, she seemed to used more for puns (a la indecisive Cynthia) rather than for plot. Her voice came off as bland and boring rather than strong-willed or badass. That's why I think of Cynthia from the games mixed in with my own headcanons rather than thinking of the anime.
I could be wrong about anime Cynthia because I have not watched any episodes outside of Diamond and Pearl where she stars in. And I know she was in the later Black and White episodes. I just didn't watch much of those because getting rid of Brock and having Iris as fem-trainer instead of Helga or Rosa was a bad idea. Not because I favour fem-trainer over other females in the series. But because Iris' personality is SO AWFUL! On the other hand, I should try to get into the X and Y anime because I want to see my new fem-trainer waifu Serena and I honestly think that Clemont might be a good character, if done right (although that breaks canon because he is a gym leader. Maybe Pokémon Z might have a different Luminose gym leader?).
Consulting the anime? Ooooh... It's both a bad and a good idea. When I watched the anime, I got very different opinions compared to the games. Sure, Cynthia was a badass and was completely awesome in both. But in the anime, she seemed to used more for puns (a la indecisive Cynthia) rather than for plot. Her voice came off as bland and boring rather than strong-willed or badass. That's why I think of Cynthia from the games mixed in with my own headcanons rather than thinking of the anime.
I could be wrong about anime Cynthia because I have not watched any episodes outside of Diamond and Pearl where she stars in. And I know she was in the later Black and White episodes. I just didn't watch much of those because getting rid of Brock and having Iris as fem-trainer instead of Helga or Rosa was a bad idea. Not because I favour fem-trainer over other females in the series. But because Iris' personality is SO AWFUL! On the other hand, I should try to get into the X and Y anime because I want to see my new fem-trainer waifu Serena and I honestly think that Clemont might be a good character, if done right (although that breaks canon because he is a gym leader. Maybe Pokémon Z might have a different Luminose gym leader?).