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[IC Board] All the World's a Game - Season II

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    Yakumo Estate - Mayohiga - Gensokyo | Day

    Takoizu didn't have time for this. Instead, she decided to quickly get her introduction over and done with as soon as possible, so that Rumia would be up to speed with the current situation and help her fight Jack, so Takoizu turned her head over to Rumia and pulled off her helmet, revealing a face that was very similar to Yukari's, with the only difference being her unnaturally rich turquoise eyes.

    "No. He is here to kill me. My name is Takoizu Yakumo, and we're from the future.", Takoizu explained to Rumia in a matter-of-fact tone.
    Last edited by S121; 12-26-2013, 02:21 AM.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Yakumo Estate

      "And she is to be stopped! She is going to create a time paradox!" Jack said.

      "This is how it has to be! You can't change the future! Just accept it! My father is powerful not only for his abilities but because he could accept it!"


        Yakumo Estate - Mayohiga - Gensokyo | Day

        Takoizu shot a glare at Jack that would make a normal human cower in fear and spoke.

        "Perhaps you don't understand that the world is dying. Everything is dead. Even your father thought that my idea was better than his, or even yours. There are some things that are simply unacceptable, and letting the entire planet die is giving up, not showing strength.", Takoizu coldly said to Jack.

        "Do you even realize how long I have been planning this? How many possibilities I've calculated and how many scenarios I've planned for? Do you honestly think that I don't know what I'm doing?", Takoizu asked him.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Yakumo Estate

          "Same here. I know what I'm doing. I'm sure you do. But what you're doing is wrong. And how dare you speak as if you knew my father."

          He took out his machete.

          "Do you know what this is?"


            Yakumo Estate - Mayohiga - Gensokyo | Day

            Instead of listening to Jack, Takoizu interrupted him and spoke exactly what was on her mind. She was angered by his self-righteous attitude. He was challenging what she felt was right, and as such, she would challenge what he believed to be right.

            "No. How dare you? How dare you assume that I didn't meet him? I'll have you know that I met him before coming here. I was going to retrieve some files, but after I was caught, he spoke to me, and after he told me about creating you, I told him my plan to fix everything. For once in a long time, he was happy. He gave me the files and I came here. How dare you be so self-righteous and assume that everyone else is in the wrong? Who are you to decide what is right and wrong? Your mother held the right to judge our morals, but that does not mean you do. You're warped and blind to our situation. Your fanatical adherence to your inflexible morals and personal laws leave you uncaring for our planet's demise, along with every living being on it. You're lawful stupid.", Takoizu coldly said to Jack.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Yakumo Estate

              But out of all that, he only heard one thing.

              For once in a long time, he was happy.

              For once in a long time, he was happy.

              For once in a long time, he was happy.

              You didn't make him happy. I did. You failed at your cause. You failed to uphold your existance.

              "... I see. Well then... something has come up. I'll have to finish you another time."

              He NT'd through the roof and used the technology he used to go back in time to relocate himself outside the dark field.

              He ran fast.

              fter a while, after losing sight of the already elusive estate, he stood by a tree.

              "... so... you made him happy... and you didn't..."

              In a flare of anger, he cut down a tree. It was a clean cut. He continued forward.

              "... what the hell happened... what did she tell you, father?"
              Last edited by wonderweiss; 12-27-2013, 02:26 PM.


                Yakumo Estate - Mayohiga - Gensokyo | Day

                After Jack disappeared, Takoizu lowered her burned M6D and put it away. She meant for her words to be sharp and biting, but she didn't expect for them to have that effect. What did she say to him that caused him to simply leave? It seemed to Takoizu that she said something that struck a chord with Jack. Was it her criticizing him being self-righteous? Was it about his father? Takoizu was glad that the problem was resolved without too much conflict, but she couldn't help but feel a small tinge of remorse for hurting someone on such a deep level that they would simply lose the will to fight and leave. Despite her feelings, Takoizu pushed it all into the back of her mind and remembered that Rumia was still here. Takoizu revealed herself to Rumia, and there was no doubt that she would be confused, or at least surprised.

                With those thoughts in mind, Takoizu turned her head over to Rumia to see her reaction to the entire situation.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  ACO Helicopter - Russia | Day
                  The opposite of what Cole had requested the ACO members to do had just happened. Cole wanted them to be silent and not worsen the situation with Flandre but they did it anyway. They continued to tell Flandre that she could not see her sister. Cole could easily tell that Remilia meant a lot to Flandre. And he made a promise to Flandre to find her sister. Cole could see it now. Flandre was going to freak out and go into that crazy state again. From what he saw Flandre do to those creatures back in the castle, she could easily kill everyone on this helicopter. She just needed sufficient motivation. Cole needed to calm her down and quick.
                  "Waitwaitwait. Flandre? What did you like to do with your sister, Remi? What did she always do to calm you down?" Cole asked the girl. If Flandre couldn't see her sister again, the best Cole could do is at least use some of the sister's techniques.

                  Flandre was in complete tears. She couldn't see her sister again. What was she going to do? Even though Cole promised to her, these people had told her otherwise. Who could she trust? At that moment, she heard Cole's question and it made her think for a moment. Was he honestly curious about her and her sister? Did he actually care? Flandre cleared away some of the tears that had formed in her eyes and turned to look at the man in question.
                  "Well... R-Remi would always play with me and tell me stories of her adventures in Gensokyo. She's done a lot. I've heard that she even took out the princess of the moon. And-and she fought numerous meanies. Including that nasty shrine maiden." Flandre spoke up. Her confidence increasing as she spoke. It hadn't completely cheered her up but it stopped her crying.

                  Cole gave a sigh of relief. He had just prevented Flandre from losing it and Cole sure as heck would not have wanted that.
                  But Cole wasn't in any condition to be playing with Flandre. If he knew anything, playing with her would mean a brutal fight against her. The least Cole could do is tell her some of the things that he got up to in Empire City. It may not have been as wild as beating up a lunar princess but it would be interesting to her nonetheless.
                  "Stories, huh? I think I got a few. Since we're not in a rush or anything, I think I got some time to tell you some adventures of my own." Cole cleared his throat and proceeded to tell Flandre of some of the things that he had done in Empire City. From setting up a battery recharge stand with his friend, Zeke, to how he fought against Alden of the Dustmen on the bridge between the Warrens and the Historic District. During his retelling of his adventures, Cole had left out several details including how he lost his girlfriend and about his fight against the leader of The First Sons. Cole didn't want to go through retelling those moments; especially to a child like Flandre.

                  CosmoNOTs' Hideout - Seoul | Day
                  Lester re-entered the hideout and saw the two female members of the group talking to each other. The two of them were gathered at a table in the far end of the garage discussing over how to deal with the mischievous demolitionist from earlier.
                  "Plasma weapons? My word, Mint. I should have come along with you. You of all people should know that I am the only one who knows how to deal with thermoplasmic radiation. You could have gotten yourself badly injured." Nadia spoke in a half-emotionless, half-concerned voice towards the young magician.
                  "I know, Nadie. But what else was I supposed to do? Bull got himself blown up and Lester is struggling for his life out there." Mint said, annoyed and desperate.
                  "Correction, girl. I was." Lester spoke in an exhausted and frustrated voice. The two females turned to look at the swordsman. From what they could see, Lester had been injured by the gunfire. Nadia rushed over to Lester's side and tried to speak up. But Lester said all the words for her.
                  "I'm fine, Nadia. Cops came and chased away that crazy b*tch. Heck, I haven't been this badly beaten since that Terry-drongo tried to stop us from gathering the cells." Lester took a deep breath before continuing with what he had to say. As much as Lester said that he was fine, it was obvious to Nadia that he was not.
                  "As for Bull... He decided to go fer a walk. The fight and the arguing musta gotten to him..." Lester let out as he fell to the floor. Nadia tried to lift him back up but her weak physique was not enough to lift the swordsman back up. In that moment, Nadia thought as to where Bull had gone and as to what he was doing.

                  Rundown Streets - Seoul | Day
                  Bull had been wandering down these ruined and wrecked streets for a while now. In that time, he had been given some time to ponder over how the CosmoNOTs had been faring and what had become of them. Where had they gone so wrong? Why were they no longer rich, powerful and feared? Back when they were hunting for the cells, they had a whole army of soldiers and technicians at their command in a base known as Fort Eagle. The base was well protected and was secluded in a forest in the middle of nowhere. No-one lived nearby except for an old man and his granddaughter. But then that Terry kid had to come along and not only take out all of their defenses but also beat up Lester and destroy their precious work. Even though their base was gone, they still kept trying. They even raided ancient tombs, built a mechanical dragon and even became a pop band with Mint going by the stage name of Mute. Bull loved being in that band. He got to play bass guitar where his monkey played the drums, Lester was on lead guitar, Nadia was on the keyboard, and Mint was on vocals. Somewhere in that garage of theirs, they still kept their old instruments. Bull just didn't know where exactly.

                  As Bull was reminiscing the old days, an yellow-orange glimmer caught Bull's eyes. In a small children's playground near Bull lay a strange yellow gem. Bull was surprised as to how the gem had not been recovered by anyone else. The CosmoNOTs weren't the only group of thieves in this part of the city. Several times they had dealt with rival gangs attempting to raid their hideout but they were no match for the CosmoNOTs' abilities and tactics. If anyone were to have noticed the gem, they would have taken it in an instant and sold it off to dealers and collectors. ("Maybe this gem just dropped here recently. Oh well. It's mine, now.") Bull slyly thought to himself as he rushed to the playground to claim what is his. As people always say, finders keepers.
                  Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                  My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                  My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                  My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                    Rundown Streets - Playgreound - South Korea - Seoul | Day

                    As Bull headed towards the playground to claim the gem what appeared to be an incredibly faint tremor right under Bull's feet could be felt. Unknown to Bull, Knuckles was underground digging tunnels as he continued to search for gems, metal deposits, anything that could be of value at a pawn shop. After all not only is treasure hunting his hobby, but it's also his current profession.. at least until he finds Angel Island again.

                    Once Knuckles got right below Bull, Knuckles stopped as he felt a familiar power... however Knuckles being the knucklehead he is he kept digging around... causing a few minor tremors and shakes right under Bull's feet.


                      Playground, Rundown Streets - Seoul | Day

                      Bull was almost there. The gem was in his sights. Bull didn't know how much it would sell for but at least he could it use it to prove to Lester that he wasn't so useless. As he arrived at the gem, Bull felt slight tremors below his feet. ("What the heck? I don't remember anyone doing roadwork here.") Bull thought to himself as the tremors got larger and larger. Maybe that crazy demolitionist was blowing some stuff up in the distance. But if that were the case, surely Bull would hear explosions. Bull shrugged off the tremors as either being roadwork or some idiot messing around in another part of the city.
                      Ignoring what was happening, Bull then reached down to claim the gem. All that Bull wanted right now was to get that gem and show it off in front of the others. ("Oh man. Wait until Lester gets a load of this.") Bull thought as he took the gem from its resting spot and grasped it firmly in his hand. This day wasn't looking so bad after all.
                      Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                      My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                      My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                      My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                        Playground, Rundown Streets - Seoul | Day

                        Knuckles continued to dig around under Bull, all the while that familiar power he felt now stronger. It was like a beacon of energy only visible to Knuckles had formed. He then sat down in his tunnel as he decided to rest. As he did he looked up at the ceiling of the tunnel as he finally realized what that power he was sensing was. "Wait a second..." He said to himself as he focused a bit. "That's a Chaos Emerald I sense!" He exclaimed as he quickly began digging upward, unknown to him he was digging right beneath Bull.



                          The Neo-Yakuza group finally made it to Hawaii without a sinch. They got off, dressed as normal civilian tourists.

                          "Alright, men," the head of the group said. "We're gonna do things and we're gonna do them right. How far is the location?"

                          One of the 'tourists' took out a map with a circle.

                          "It's a good two miles from here."

                          "The hell? What about the other one? It's barely a mile. You sure about it?"

                          "The other one was cleaneod up, not to be used again. We're moving away from the original location and changing the theme and name for security purposes."

                          "I see. Well, I guess that about does for covert ops. Let's move out."

                          The group headed out while many trucks loaded with the supplies necessary preparation supplies leaded them.


                            Banished Library - Gensokyo

                            Nera started scanning the whole area in case of another guardian was around and indeed there was a powerful soul around "We got a problem, I can sense someone with a strong soul so he or she might be another guardian lurking around" she warned everyone

                            Sakuyamon looked at Patchouli "I know we must be all gathered, but we must keep moving to rescue Yuuka" she said and looked up searching for John´s soul and noticed yet another soul of a human with good abilities

                            Using her digivice, the priestess contacted the spartan "John, we will move soon and there is someone close to you, I suggest you to go back to the group, we are already at high risk together and it goes worse if we are alone"

                            Hyrule - Lake Hylia

                            Midna looked at the hylian and then focused on her magic "Ok then, just hang on since we are fast traveling" she said forming a portal mark on a nearby stone.

                            After engraving the twili symbol, the orange haired woman created a portal directly to the ranch "We must go now, I don´t want to find another anomaly taking people again" she said walking through the portal
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              Banished Library - Gensokyo

                              "Strong..." The mousefolks murmured as a loud PLOP was heard. When the sound echoed into the tunnels, the mousefolks panicked, fluttering their fur wildly as some ran around, some fainted, and some shivered.

                              Phio was scared too, but he got his acts together and shouted, "We need to get into the village now!"

                              "What's going on?" Annie asked Phio.

                              "There's a monster that far exceeds any in this floor. It was created by the rampant magic flowing from Draxa, City of Magic, above this sewer." Phio said. "For long we mousefolks tried to fight it, but one by one we were slain..."

                              "But with the Creator's daughter, we may live to tell the tales of its' defeat!" The priestess smiled and bowed, and the mousefolks followed, flustering Patchouli yet again.

                              "If t... this monster is powerful indeed, he will just absorb my magic and grow stronger. We will need physical attacks: like bullets and grenades." Patchouli blushed. "John will be our main assailant... But where is he?"

                              Yakumo Estate - Gensokyo

                              "Uh..." Ex-Rumia scratched her head. "Nice little drama... But you guys really tore up this place huh?"

                              Rumia said the truth. The house was a mess. There were litters everywhere: windows broken, furnitures trashed beyond repair, walls with holes in them. Yukari would have their heads.
                              Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 12-29-2013, 03:40 AM.


                                Banished Library - Gensokyo

                                Nera stretched her arms "If magic won´t work, then brute force may be beter this time" she said preparing for a possible battle

                                "John, your physical abilities will be needed soon, Nera is getting ready just in case, but you will be more fitted for this battle" Sakuyamon spoke through her digivice
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


