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[IC Board] All the World's a Game - Season II

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    Yakumo Estate - Mayohiga - Gensokyo | Day

    As Takoizu looked around the backyard and was amazed by how beautiful the grass looked. It all reminded her of when she used to play around in the cool grass as a child. As her mind began to wander, she was suddenly taken out of her trance by Eirin standing a few feet away with her eyes closed, seemingly enjoying the atmosphere. Perhaps Eirin would know where everyone else was.

    "Hello Eirin. Do you know where Ran and Chen are?", Takoizu asked Eirin as she approached.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Yakumo Estate - Gensokyo

      "Hmm?" Eirin looked behind her to find a blonde woman who looked like Yukari in a black armor similar to John's. "My apologies. I did not see you there. I'm currently waiting for them myself too."

      "May I ask... How do you know my name?"


        Yakumo Estate - Mayohiga - Gensokyo | Day

        Takoizu didn't really think it was too important to hide her identity now, especially considering that she would have to reveal herself sooner or later, so she decided to tell Eirin the truth.

        "Well, you see... I know you because I grew up around you, or at least in my timeline. I'm Takoizu Yakumo, John and Yukari's daughter.", Takoizu explained to Eirin.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Yakumo Estate - Gensokyo

          "Takoizu... Huh?" Eirin shrugged as if the revelation did not shock her. "I'll make sure that the future me doesn't forget it."

          A small breeze blew from the West side as a small dust cloud travelled towards Takoizu and Eirin.

          "Hmm? What could that be...?" Eirin fixed her glasses, trying to identify the object causing the dust cloud to form.

          It was Cirno and Rumia.

          Cirno was a fairy of ice that liked to pick fights and goof around everyday. Her blue dress was always dirty, and her caretaker, Daiyousei has been sick recently, so Rumia, a blonde-haired girl with cute red ribbon, took the job. Unfortunately, Rumia is, regrettably, a little dim-witted herself. Behind Cirno and Rumia chased an angry swarm of wasps.

          "Heeeeelp!" Cirno shouted.

          "Wa-ha~" Rumia laughed in a singsong voice.


            Yakumo Estate - Mayohiga - Gensokyo | Day

            Takoizu saw the swarm of wasps and quickly put her helmet on so that she wouldn't get stung. After that, Takoizu opened up a gap in front of the wasps and a surge of water gushed out, slamming into the wasps and stopping the chase.

            "Are you guys okay?", Takoizu asked Cirno and Rumia.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Yakumo Estate - Gensokyo

              "Thanks!" Cirno gasped for air while Rumia airheadedly flew around, shouting 'Wa-Ha~.'

              "We were messing around when we accidentally angered Wriggle..." Cirno said. "Wriggle's boring now... All she does is listen to "Dup Step" and sit around reading books she borrow from that book lady in Scarlet Mansion..."

              "Ah, that reminds me." Eirin said as she offered the medicine packet to Takoizu. "I need to visit Wriggle Nightbug for business. Takoizu, was it? If you're going to stay here and meet the Yakumos, can you give this to Ran?"


                Yakumo Estate - Mayohiga - Gensokyo | Day

                "Your welcome.", Takoizu said to Cirno, then listened to what Eirin had to say.

                Takoizu was surprised by Eirin taking her revelation so easily, as if it was nothing, but she accepted the medicine given to her.

                "What is the medicine for?", Takoizu asked Eirin in a curious tone.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Yakumo Estate - Gensokyo

                  "It's for Ran. She said she couldn't sleep at night." Eirin concisely said as she began to take off. "Perhaps you little ones would like to come too and apologize to Wriggle?"

                  "...alright." Cirno sighed and followed Eirin, chased by the airheaded Rumia.


                    Yakumo Estate - Mayohiga - Gensokyo | Day

                    Takoizu stared at the medicine and looked back at Eirin. She came here to look for Yukari, Ran, and Chen, but it seemed that she was given a task instead. Takoizu had no idea how long it would be until Ran came home, but it wouldn't be too long, would it? With the medicine in hand, Takoizu walked back into the house.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Banished Library

                      HP shrugged and teleported down the hole.

                      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                        Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

                        Shulk couldn't get a word edgewise in during everything that happened. He just was dumbfounded. "What..."

                        The hooded man was on edge as he stayed hidden. "Bloody witchcraft..."


                          There she is, Jack thought. His first approach shall be assassination. No need to cause a big ruckus just so soon. It took him a split second to figure out the next course of action.

                          He swiftly ran to one of the side windows. He set up an arrow trap with a motion sensor on it. He didn't activate it yet. Then, he swiftly broke a window panel. He quickly NT'd to the motion sensor and activated it, then NT'd to the corner of the house, waiting.


                            Yakumo Estate - Mayohiga - Gensokyo | Day

                            As Takoizu walked into the house, she removed her helmet and stuck it to her magnetic holster. With the medicine in hand, Takoizu began to walk through the house, but just as she made her way to Ran's room, Takoizu heard the sound of a window shattering and glass being sprayed across the floor. Takoizu shot her gaze in the direction of the sudden noise and ran over to investigate. When Takoizu got there, all she saw was glass all over the floor and a broken window.

                            (What could have caused that?), Takoizu thought as she looked out the window, not knowing that if she moved her head further down by just a millimeter, her head would have been pierced by an arrow.

                            After failing to find the source of the broken window, Takoizu moved her head out of the way of the arrow trap and decided to search the floor, just in case there was a rock, or some kind of object that could have been thrown through the window.
                            Last edited by S121; 12-25-2013, 04:05 PM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Yakumo Estate - Gensokyo


                              Behind Takoizu, Rumia aimlessly flew about. Seems like whatever Cirno and Eirin was doing bored her out.

                              "Wa-Ha~" Rumia repeated as she waved at Takoizu, not noticing that she just triggered the motion sensor.


                                Yakumo Estate - Mayohiga - Gensokyo | Day


                                As soon as Takoizu heard that, she quickly slammed her helmet over her face, rolled away from the window, and aimed her burned M6D Magnum Pistol at the intruder, only to see Rumia at the window.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

