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[IC Board] All the World's a Game - Season II

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    Hollywood Apartment - California | Night

    Model F beeped as it began floating again. "Well from what I got from his scans... is that he is a Reploid. A type of machine from my world. However I haven't seen one quite like him. He's an older model from what I scanned. Either way don't assume that we come from the same place! Yes we come from the same world, but he can be from an entirely different location or time! Anyways that's all I can really say. Can't do anything else until he wakes up... which could be weeks, maybe even months if we happen to be freaking unlucky."


      Yakumo Estate - Gensokyo - Mayohiga | Day

      "Oh well, Ran'll clean it up when she gets here... Oh, here she comes now.", Rumia said as Ran enterd the house.

      Takoizu was panicking on the inside, but she didn't let it show. Thinking quickly, Takoizu faced Rumia and altered the boundary of blue and purple, changing her eye color to match Yukari's. Once that was finished, Takoizu quickly composed herself and prepared to try and trick Ran into believing she was Yukari. She hadn't seen her mother in a very long time, but she hoped that her appearance and mannerisms would be just enough. She was wearing black MJOLNIR armor, but she could easily explain that away. She just had to play her cards right.

      "Oh? Hello Ran.", Takoizu said to Ran as she turned around to greet her.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Hakurei Shrine - Gensokyo

        "Oh it's just you." Reimu sighed, and then saw the donation in the box. "I just love the smell of fresh coins inside the donation box in the morning."

        "Weird... no, nothing has happened. Gensokyo became some sort of tourist attraction, and outside-world humans are starting to traffic here more often, but that was to be expected... why?" Reimu continued.

        Yakumo Estate - Gensokyo

        "Oh? Miss Rumia?" Ran noted. "You seem to be... naked again."

        "Huh? Oh yeah. I just don't mind anymore." Rumia shrugged.

        "Please do find some composure when visiting people's households." Ran sighed as she placed the toy down.

        Rumia shrugged again as the dark aura around her began to surround her. A few seconds later, a revealing lowcut dress covered her pale body.

        "Also, welcome to the Yakumo Estate, stranger." Ran address Takoizu, seemingly unhindered by her disguise. "Please do come in. Let me fix up some tea for you."


          Outside Rena's Apartment - Santa Cruz - California | Night

          Ara and Rena looked at each other then back to Isaac. "I hope everyone is okay over there..." Ara said as Rena sighed. "Yeah... I'll get my bow. Isaac I'm coming with you. Whatever is happening can't be good, and you might need backup." Rena said as she ran back into the Apartment Complex to get her bow. Ara watched quietly as Rena ran back inside. "..."


            Yakumo Estate - Gensokyo - Mayohiga | Day

            Takoizu appeared to be surprised and confused by Ran automatically knowing that Takoizu was not Yukari. Did they have some kind of supernatural connection? Either way, it didn't seem like Ran cared about the house being partially destroyed. In the meantime, she would keep the eye color and change it while everyone wasn't paying attention to her.

            "Is it normal for the house to be attacked and damaged?", Takoizu asked Ran in a curious tone.

            Outside Rena's Apartment - Santa Cruz - California | Night

            While Rena was grabbing her bow, Isaac pulled out the Plasma Cutter he was hiding and loaded a clip into the tool-turned-weapon. After loading the Plasma Cutter, Isaac then activated both of his modules and left them on standby mode. If they were needed, they would be ready for action. As Isaac finished preparing, he looked over to Ara and felt slightly curious about her. Earlier, her hair turned white and she grew what appeared to be nine fox tails.

            "So, how did you do that thing earlier?", Isaac asked Ara, referencing her transformation.
            Last edited by S121; 12-29-2013, 04:42 PM.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Hakurei Shrine

              Otori responded. ''It's nothing, really. But word is that someone mysteriously appeared. I dunno, must be... from the future. Or at least, that's what my group analyzed the technology in which said person used to come here with is. I thought you would have heard.''

              He made most of it up. But he needed a lead.

              ''Know where one would find said mysterious happenings? Possibly in the forest?''


              Ocelot thought for a second.

              ''An older model, huh? Looks like we're gonna have to draw this maker out. Can you detect any professors, reploids, or other biometals?''
              Last edited by wonderweiss; 12-29-2013, 06:38 PM.


                Outside Rena's Apartment - Santa Cruz - California | Night

                Ara looked at Isaac. "You mean my transformation?" She replied as an almost nervous, and hesitant look came over her face. "It's... it's... because of..." She muttered as she removed her hairpin from her hair. "It's because of this..." She said as she showed Isaac. The hairpin looked white, and ornate. With what looked like a symbol of a white fox on one end of it.


                  Outside Rena's Apartment - Santa Cruz - California | Night

                  Isaac looked at the ornate hairpin and saw the fox on it. It was an odd little accessory. Based on the designs on it, the hairpin looked to be some kind of relic. As Isaac looked from the hairpin to Ara, he could see that she seemed to be nervous, perhaps even shy, so he simply gave a light chuckle.

                  "You know, you don't really need to be shy around me. I won't bite.", Isaac said to Ara.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Outside Rena's Apartment - Santa Cruz - California | Night

                    After Isaac got done looking at it Ara neatly put it back in her hair. "I'm not shy around you... I just don't really like talking about it... I got my powers on the day my brother was turned into a demon..." She said as she sat down on a nearby bench. "It was a really hard day for me... my entire family... and my entire village... wiped out save for me and my brother..." Ara said as she looked up at the barely visible moon in the sky."My brother was a strong warrior who drew his powers from the moon's energy... One day though a group of demons attacked my village. The energy of the moon became corrupted by darkness, and my brother ended up being corrupted by it and was turned into a demon. I tried to stop my brother... but he was just too strong... I would have died... if it wasn't for Eun..."


                      Outside Rena's Apartment - Santa Cruz - California | Night

                      Isaac felt sympathy for Ara and for the things she had to go through. He lost people he cared about too, more than once even. Her story was enough to get his attention, so he decided to listen.

                      "Eun?", Isaac asked in a curious tone as he sat down on the other side of the bench.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Outside Rena's Apartment - Santa Cruz - California | Night

                        "Eun... my hairpin... or what resides in it..." She said as she turned to Isaac. "My hairpin is an ancient family heirloom within my family. When my brother was about to kill me I instinctively protected myself with the hairpin. The pin unleashed a powerful light... and I passed out. I then woke up... alone... in the center of my village... turned out there was an ancient nine tailed fox spirit named Eun residing in my hairpin. It offered me the power to fight back against demons, as long as I help it find the power of El..."


                          Outside Rena's Apartment - Santa Cruz - California | Night

                          The story of the hairpin was somewhat strange, but Isaac wasn't too surprised. After all, Ara was from a video game. It was sad that Ara had to fight her own brother. In fact, it reminded Isaac of the time he had to fight a corrupted version of his dead girlfriend, Nicole. Perhaps that was why Isaac seemed more absorbed in her story than a normal person would.

                          "What's the power of El?", Isaac asked.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Forest of Magic

                            Jack had calmed down from his rampage... Until...

                            "Oh, dammit!!! I let my emotions conflict with the mission! How could I have been so foolish?!"

                            He immediately ran back.

                            Yakumo Estate

                            Jack was outside the manor. He NT'd to a tall tree and began watching for the hindrance trap.

                            The thing with these mines are not only that they absorb thermal signals and use those as their own, nor that they are solely chemically and pressure based, but also that they were rigged to set off smoke clouds. The smoke is so condensed that it would be hard to see even with night vision, and thermal vision wouldn't help either. He would swoop in and take Takoizu's life. All there is to do is wait.


                              banished Library

                              Thinking about time traveling, Sakuyamon suddenly got the idea and spoke to everyone "If what John said about that woman, then there must be something really dangerous about to occuer in a close future" she said already making the mental paths on her mind

                              "Our time is getting smaller with each second, so we must give all our will to get that book, no matter what" the priestess said knowing that in their route for their goal some would stay fighting the oncoming guards
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Hakurei Shrine - Gensokyo

                                "Future... Maybe you should try going over to Youkai Mountain. They have all sort of weird futuristic stuff." Reimu suggested. "Or maybe Yukari's house by Mayohiga. She has all the outside world gadgets... Then again, so does Wriggle Nightbug..."

                                Yakumo Estate - Gensokyo

                                "It's quite common." Ran chuckled. She placed the groceries on the table, undid her necktie, (she was wearing a black western suit) and began cleaning. "Let me just get the living room cleaned up, and serve you something. Would you like some Oolong tea?"

