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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Well she does sound like a rockin person! *crickets sound* At least I have a crowd...

    Anyways, who here knows Peripheral Illusion? Well, I decided that after I'm done with that, I'm going to start an rp on it. I wanna see everyone else's intake on the six month incident.


      Shoveling lava, huh?

      I've read it.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        BTW the pain in Axl's head I have an explanation for.

        You see in the ending for X8 after X, Zero, and Axl had defeated Lumine, Axl walked over to a seemingly dead Lumine when suddenly Lumine's chest burst open and a tentacle came out of Lumine's torso and struck Axl in the crystal on his forehead shattering the crystal. Axl was rendered unconscious and a shard of Lumine's body was planted inside Axl's head.

        The reason for the pain Axl is feeling is the shard also has a bit of Lumine's data, and as such Lumine's "ghost" is trying to take over Axl (which will be a slow process.) Axl will start being a bit more ruthless in combat as the independant arc for Axl goes on. Eventually Axl will end up figuring out the cause (and since the shard can't be removed without permanent damage to Axl's memories, and electronic brain) he will have to try and win his own body back. The result:

        White Axl: (An official form from Mega Man X8 that is unlocked by beating Lumine as Axl) though it isn't exactly canon as it has no effect on the plot and is not referenced in Command Mission. In this RP it will be part of Axl's story.

        Once Axl regains complete control over his body from Lumine Axl's body becomes a permanent white, similar to Lumine's body colors.

        With this new permanent form Axl gains:

        The ability to stay transformed indefinitely, as well as a more "perfect" transformation (he will be able to copy the abilities of who he is transformed into even better than he can currently, though not completely.)

        and flight.

        One thing... who is going to help Axl regain control over his body after Lumine takes over?


          Hmm... I wonder who... Who am I kidding it's going to be... X!!!





          {It will be me!!!}

          Oh... Yea, that can work out too.



            I edited my post. It now has John in it.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              ok, just brb, eating atm
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                No problem.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Just noticed how uber epic Loose Rain is. Dai-chan ><


                    Hold up guys. Lunch.


                      ok, im back
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        As am I.




                          Timezone: GMT

                          NPC Character of Choice: Spyro

                          Game of Origin: Spyro the Dragon

                          Power: Can fly quickly for very short periods of time or hover for a longer period due to his youth,Strong in combat although slow.

                          Weapons: Claws, Spiked tail and breathes short burst of flame as he is still young he also charges with his horns.

                          Weaknesses: Slow in combat and also has a soft underbelly.

                          Appearance: A purple young looking dragon with yellow spikes and wings.Greyish under belly and mettalic looking claws.Purple eyes which become darker when as he gets angrier.

                          Personality: Very excitable and arrogant however remains particully thoughtful with a obsession for gems.

                          Morality: Very lawful with a stong sense of protection of his kind and friends aswell as a very strong sense of heroism.

                          Biography: some details of Spyro's past are known. Sparx used to crawl around Spyro's egg when he was a larvae. There was peace in the Dragon Realms during this time.
                          However, unknown to the Dragons, three thieves were running off with two eggs. One was a dragon egg while the other was a dragonfly egg.
                          Suddenly, the Dragons discovered the thieves who ran off and they dropped the eggs. The red dragon egg became hot, as if something was on fire from the inside. Spyro hatched from the red egg and Sparx hatched from the yellow egg.
                          Spyro is in fact an Artisan Dragon and may have been born in Stone Hill, as the opening and ending cutscenes are both set in Stone Hill.

                          Traumas: In Spyro the Dragon, Gnasty Gnorc attacked the Dragon Realms, freezing all the Dragons in crystal statues after being mocked and insulted by Lindar.
                          Young Spyro and Sparx were the only ones that Gnasty's magic spell failed to affect, due to Spyro being smaller than the other dragons.

                          Notes: As i am in education i can only talk at around 4:30pm till around 11 or 12pm.


                            hi there luke, welcome to the RP
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              Legendaryluke10... Do you happen to know about the Talewoods trial?


                                What's John supposed to do to the rock?
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

