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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Ahri looked around in confusion. This MC... Who is it? Ah, right. His name is John-117, my newest partner for this roleplaying thing. Wriggle asked me to participate in it.

    He looks like a ditz.

    "Well, I work as a champion for summoners who need an AP carry, but when I'm not in a battle, I run a little food-stand in Ionia."


      sadly I will only post one last time and then fall asleep, school be damned that makes me wake up at 4-5 am >_<
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        *John furrows his brow and frowns inside of his helmet*

        (I can already tell that we're not gonna get along very well...)

        How has life been for you ever since coming to the real world? Was there anything that was especially hard to adapt to?


        Nighty night.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Ahri contemplated. This bright stage... It was like Draven's talk show, except less about the MC, and more about the guests... How interesting...

          Let's try and charm this John fella.

          "Well, the tails definitely were a problem early, but I adapted quickly, thanks to other Champions who were brought here. You know, Katarina, Talon, Fiora. I have a knack for cooking, so I applied for a hotel cook position in Dubai. Now I'm head chef."

          All the while, Ahri crossed her legs seductively. Let's play a little game.



            well then, have a goodnight ^^
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              *John doesn't seem to pay attention. Instead, he simply focuses on listening to the exchange in front of him.*

              So, you live next to the Persian Gulf.

              Now, I don't know if you've heard of them, but there's this organization called the Neo-Yakuza. Have they given you any problems, and if so, what steps have you taken to stop them?


              Nighty night.
              Last edited by S121; 08-22-2013, 02:23 AM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Hmm, this man isn't falling over. Let's try something different then...

                "Well some of their agents came over to me and Abel. Abel's from Street Fighter and he works as a bellboy in the same hotel..."

                If legs wouldn't do, then cleavage should. No man can resist my temptation. You're mine.


                "Abel knocked people down, and I did my share. Fortunate for the agents that died to me, none of them died a virgin."

                (Yeah there's a LOT of borderline (pg-13 to R) Ahri fan art. They only seemed appropriate for this occasion. My apologies.)
                Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 08-22-2013, 02:57 AM.


                  *John quickly looked at Ahri when she said, "Abel knocked people down, and I did my share. Fortunate for the agents that died to me, none of them died a virgin.", but then lightly shook his head and returned to listening to the conversation, not even aknowleding her attempts to charm him.*

                  Hahaha! Okay. At least they died happy. Anyways, like you said before, you live in Dubai. The only problem is that everyone else is in Japan. How do you plan on.. introducing yourself into the plot?

                  (Hey, you're in character, that's what matters.)
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Ah, he's slowly coming. Let's step it up a notch.

                    "It's not how I'm going to introduce myself into the plot that matters, for that's Wriggle's job." Ahri tempted John, creeping closer to him until her face was centimeters away from his helmet. "What matters is how you are going to introduce yourself in me."


                      *John's eyes widened slightly in his helmet, but he showed no outward appearance of being phased. Of course, he did think over her choice of words, especially her last few words.*

                      (Maybe that was just a slip of the tongue...)

                      "You know, I like my personal space... Seeing as how we're already here, I'd might as well introduce myself. I am Master Chief Petty Officer Spartan John-117.", John said in a calm, formal tone, ignoring Ahri's attempts to seduce him.

                      Anyways, my research tells me that you aren't a Kitsune, but that you are related to them. You are a Kumiho, the ancient Korean equivalent to the Kitsune, correct?
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Getting there. Soon, he will find himself begging for mercy.

                        "Yes I am a Kumiho." Ahri smiled as she relentlessly crept towards John. "Legends call us the seducers of men... You too... Want to feel good tonight...?"

                        Suddenly, a loud boom and a shout.

                        "THAT'S IT, YOU FOXY BITCH. YOU CROSSED THE LINE!"

                        (Who could this be? Find out tomorrow! I'm too tired and I suck at impersonating a temptress!)



                          HAHAHA!!! XD Okay, nighty night.

                          I'm going to post the next bit, so thaat I don't have to do it tomorrow.

                          (Wait, WHAT!? W-what did she just say!? She's trying to seduce me, isn't she? There's no doubt about it. Well that was straight-forward. I may be dense, but even I can tell... You know what? I'd might as well end this now. I'm going to tell her that it's not going to work, not at all. I'd might as well tell her that my sex-drive is suppressed because of my Thyroid Implant. I only hope that Yuuka doesn't hear about this, I can already imagine the jokes she would say at my expense...)

                          "That's not gonna-"

                          All of a sudden, a loud booming noise echoed through the room.

                          "THAT'S IT, YOU FOXY BITCH. YOU CROSSED THE LINE!"

                          John quickly looked over to the person at the doorway.

                          (I'm having too much fun with this! I just love writing and reacting to situations like these! XD)
                          Last edited by S121; 08-22-2013, 03:41 AM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            OMG I AM SO SORRY I'M LATE! I had to stay over night at the hospital. Was just visiting a friend who recently got in a car accident. He's doing okay for the most part. Only a broken arm and a leg. Nothing else too major as of yet.

                            Well anyways what did I miss? Please oh PLEASE tell me that I didn't miss anything of high importance!? I want a full recap of anything I missed if that's okay...


                              Not really. And if it's for a friend, then hey, it's alright. I just updated on the mansion arc.

                              Btw, Wriggle, HM found a nucleoid unit space ship. He told everyone to search it for anything useful in it while he tries to work the system.



                                Nothing much happened.

                                John got an idea and walked over to Yukari to help Yuuka, but then an angel popped up out of nowhere.

                                Nera is challenging The Devourer in hand-to-hand combat.

                                Oh yea, and in the OOC, we get a first look at Ahri.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

